Commonwealth Coat of Arms of Australia

National Residue Survey (Cattle Export) Levy Act 1995

No. 76 of 1995


An Act to impose National Residue Survey Levy in respect of the export of cattle from Australia

[Assented to 30 June 1995]

The Parliament of Australia enacts:

Short title

1. This Act may be cited as the National Residue Survey (Cattle Export) Levy Act 1995.


2. This Act commences, or is taken to have commenced, on 1 July 1995.


3. In this Act:

"cattle" has the same meaning as in the Cattle Export Charge Act 1990;

"chargeable bobby calf" has the same meaning as in the Cattle Export Charge Act 1990.

Act binds Crown

4. This Act binds the Crown in right of each of the States, the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory and Norfolk Island.

Imposition of levy

5. National Residue Survey Levy, within the meaning of the National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992, to the extent that it is payable in respect of the export of cattle from Australia, whether the export occurred before, or occurs after, the commencement of this Act, is imposed by this Act.

Rates of levy

6.(1) The rate of National Residue Survey Levy imposed by this Act in respect of the export of each head of cattle (other than a chargeable bobby calf) is:

(a) if the export occurred before 1 July 1994—18 cents; or

(b) if the export occurred on or after 1 July 1994 and before 1 July 1995—26 cents; or

(c) if the export occurs on or after 1 July 1995—28 cents or, if another amount (not exceeding 35 cents) is prescribed by the regulations, the other amount.

(2) The rate of National Residue Survey Levy imposed by this Act in respect of the export of each head of cattle that is a chargeable bobby calf is:

(a) if the export occurred before 1 July 1994—18 cents; or

(b) if the export occurred on or after 1 July 1994 and before 1 July 1995—26 cents; or

(c) if the export occurs on or after 1 July 1995—26 cents or, if another amount (not exceeding 35 cents) is prescribed by the regulations, the other amount.


7. The Governor-General may make regulations prescribing an amount for the purposes of paragraph 6(1)(c) or 6(2)(c).

[Minister's second reading speech made in—

House of Representatives on 7 June 1995

Senate on 20 June 1995]