Migration Agents Registration Renewal Charge Act 1997


No. 204, 1997












Migration Agents Registration Renewal Charge Act 1997


No. 204, 1997





An Act to impose charge on renewals of individuals’ registration as migration agents





1 Short title..................................1

2 Commencement..............................1

3 Definitions.................................2

4 Imposition of charge............................2

5 Who must pay charge?..........................2

6 Amount of charge.............................2

7 What is the charge limit?.........................2

8 Regulations.................................4

Migration Agents Registration Renewal Charge Act 1997

No. 204, 1997




An Act to impose charge on renewals of individuals’ registration as migration agents

[Assented to 17 December 1997]

The Parliament of Australia enacts:

1  Short title

  This Act may be cited as the Migration Agents Registration Renewal Charge Act 1997.

2  Commencement

  This Act commences on 21 March 1998.

3  Definitions

  In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears:

charge limit for a renewal of registration in a financial year has the meaning given by section 7.

registered agent has the same meaning as in Part 3 of the Migration Act 1958.

4  Imposition of charge

  Charge is imposed on the renewal on or after 21 March 1998 of an individual’s registration as a registered agent.

5  Who must pay charge?

  Charge is payable by the individual whose registration is renewed.

6  Amount of charge

 (1) The amount of charge payable on the renewal of an individual’s registration is the amount prescribed by the regulations for an individual of that kind.

 (2) The regulations may prescribe different amounts (including nil amounts) for different kinds of individuals whose registration is renewed.

 (3) The regulations must not prescribe an amount more than the charge limit for the renewal.

7  What is the charge limit?

 (1) The charge limit for a renewal of registration in the financial year ending at the end of 30 June 1998 is $1,100.

 (2) Work out the charge limit for a renewal of registration in a later financial year by:

 (a) multiplying the charge limit for the immediately preceding financial year by the greater of:

 (i) the indexation factor worked out using the formula in subsection (3); and

 (ii) 1.0; and

 (b) rounding the product to the nearest multiple of $5 (rounding an odd multiple of $2.50 to the next higher multiple of $5).

 (3) The formula for the indexation factor is:


CPI quarter means a period of 3 months ending on 31 March, 30 June, 30 September or 31 December.

index number means the All Groups Consumer Price Index number (being the weighted average of the 8 capital cities) published by the Australian Statistician.

 (4) The indexation factor is to be calculated to 3 decimal places, but increased by .001 if the 4th decimal place is more than 4.

 (5) When working out the indexation factor:

 (a) use only the index numbers published in terms of the most recently published reference base for the Consumer Price Index; and

 (b) disregard index numbers published in substitution for previously published index numbers (except where the substituted numbers are published to take account of changes in the reference base).

8  Regulations

  The GovernorGeneral may make regulations for the purposes of section 6.





[Minister's second reading speech made in the

House of Representatives on 1 October 1997

Senate on 11 November 1997]














