Human Services Legislation Amendment Act 2005


No. 111, 2005






An Act to amend legislation relating to the delivery of Commonwealth services, and for related purposes




1 Short title

2 Commencement

3 Schedule(s)

Schedule 1—Amendments relating to the Commonwealth Services Delivery Agency

Part 1—Amendment of the Commonwealth Services Delivery Agency Act 1997

Commonwealth Services Delivery Agency Act 1997

Part 2—Consequential amendments

Health Insurance Act 1973

Part 3—Transitional provisions

Schedule 2—Amendments relating to the Health Insurance Commission

Part 1—Amendment of the Health Insurance Commission Act 1973

Health Insurance Commission Act 1973

Part 2—Consequential amendments

Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977

Aged Care Act 1997

Age Discrimination Act 2004

A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999

Freedom of Information Act 1982

Health and Other Services (Compensation) Act 1995

Health and Other Services (Compensation) Care Charges Act 1995

Health Insurance Act 1973

Hearing Services Administration Act 1997

Income Tax Assessment Act 1936

Medical Indemnity Act 2002

Medical Indemnity (Prudential Supervision and Product Standards) Act 2003

National Health Act 1953

Occupational Health and Safety (Commonwealth Employment) Act 1991

Private Health Insurance Incentives Act 1998

Remuneration and Allowances Act 1990

Social Security Act 1991

Part 3—Transitional provisions



Human Services Legislation Amendment Act 2005

No. 111, 2005




An Act to amend legislation relating to the delivery of Commonwealth services, and for related purposes

[Assented to 6 September 2005]

The Parliament of Australia enacts:

1  Short title

  This Act may be cited as the Human Services Legislation Amendment Act 2005.

2  Commencement

 (1) Each provision of this Act specified in column 1 of the table commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has effect according to its terms.


Commencement information

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3




1.  Sections 1 to 3 and anything in this Act not elsewhere covered by this table

The day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent.

6 September 2005

2.  Schedule 1

A single day to be fixed by Proclamation.

However, if any of the provision(s) do not commence within the period of 6 months beginning on the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent, they commence on the first day after the end of that period.

1 October 2005

(see F2005L02671)

3.  Schedule 2, items 1 and 2

A single day to be fixed by Proclamation.

However, if any of the provision(s) do not commence within the period of 6 months beginning on the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent, they commence on the first day after the end of that period.

1 October 2005

(see F2005L02671)

4.  Schedule 2, item 3

Immediately after the commencement of the provision(s) covered by table item 3.

1 October 2005

5.  Schedule 2, items 4 to 29

At the same time as the provision(s) covered by table item 3.

1 October 2005

6.  Schedule 2, item 30

Immediately after the commencement of the provision(s) covered by table item 7.

1 October 2005

7.  Schedule 2, items 31 to 731

At the same time as the provision(s) covered by table item 3.

1 October 2005

Note: This table relates only to the provisions of this Act as originally passed by the Parliament and assented to. It will not be expanded to deal with provisions inserted in this Act after assent.

 (2) Column 3 of the table contains additional information that is not part of this Act. Information in this column may be added to or edited in any published version of this Act.

3  Schedule(s)

  Each Act that is specified in a Schedule to this Act is amended or repealed as set out in the applicable items in the Schedule concerned, and any other item in a Schedule to this Act has effect according to its terms.

Schedule 1Amendments relating to the Commonwealth Services Delivery Agency

Part 1Amendment of the Commonwealth Services Delivery Agency Act 1997

Commonwealth Services Delivery Agency Act 1997

1  Section 3 (definition of Agency)

Omit “body called the”.

2  Section 3 (definition of appointed member)

Repeal the definition.

3  Section 3 (definition of Board)

Repeal the definition.

4  Section 3 (definition of Chairman)

Repeal the definition.

5  Section 3


Chief Executive Officer means the Chief Executive Officer appointed under section 29.

6  Section 3 (definition of member)

Repeal the definition.

7  Part 2 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

Part 2Establishment of Agency

8  Subsection 6(1)

Omit “A body called the”, substitute “The”.

9  Paragraph 6(2)(a)

Repeal the paragraph.

10  At the end of section 6


 (3) The Agency may also be known as Centrelink.

11  After section 6


6A  Function of Agency

  The function of the Agency is to assist the Chief Executive Officer in the performance of the Chief Executive Officer’s functions.

12  Before section 7


Part 3The Chief Executive Officer

Division 1Powers and functions of Chief Executive Officer

13  Subsection 7(1)

After “may”, insert “, with the written approval of the Minister,”.

14  Subsection 7(2)

Omit all the words after “provision of the services”.

15  At the end of section 7


 (3) Without limiting subsection (1) or (2), arrangements for the provision of Commonwealth services may include arrangements for:

 (a) making the Chief Executive Officer or specified employees, or employees in specified classes of employees, available to exercise powers or perform functions in connection with the provision of the services (including powers and functions delegated to the Chief Executive Officer or employees under other laws); or

 (b) determining a person’s eligibility for, or entitlement to receive or have access to, the services; or

 (c) maintaining records related to the provision of the services; or

 (d) providing Commonwealth authorities and other persons with information related to the provision of the services; or

 (e) undertaking education, compliance, investigation and enforcement activities related to the provision of the services; or

 (f) recovering overpayments and other amounts due to the Commonwealth in connection with the provision of the services; or

 (g) conducting litigation or proceedings related to the provision of the services.

 (4) Arrangements for the provision of Commonwealth services may also include agreements covered by section 8A.

 (5) An approval given by the Minister under this section is not a legislative instrument.

16  Subsection 8(1)

Omit “Agency” (first occurring), substitute “Chief Executive Officer”.

Note: The heading to section 8 is replaced by the heading “Functions of Chief Executive Officer”.

17  Paragraph 8(1)(b)

Omit “Agency”, substitute “Chief Executive Officer”.

18  Paragraph 8(1)(c)

Omit “written notice given to the Chairman, directs the Agency”, substitute “writing, directs the Chief Executive Officer”.

19  Paragraph 8(1)(d)

Omit “its”, substitute “his or her”.

20  Subsection 8(2)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

 (2) A direction made under paragraph (1)(c) is a legislative instrument, but neither section 42 nor Part 6 of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003 applies to the direction.

21  After section 8


8A  Agreements about exercise and performance of Chief Executive Officer’s powers and functions

  The Chief Executive Officer may enter into a written agreement with the principal officer of a Commonwealth authority about the exercise or performance of the Chief Executive Officer’s powers or functions.

22  Subsection 9(1)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

 (1) The Minister may, by writing, give directions to the Chief Executive Officer about the exercise or performance of the Chief Executive Officer’s powers or functions.

Note: The heading to section 9 is altered by omitting “the performance of the Agency’s functions” and substituting “exercise and performance of Chief Executive Officer’s powers and functions”.

23  After subsection 9(1)


 (1A) Without limiting subsection (1), directions under this section may include directions about the following:

 (a) the objectives, strategies, policies or priorities of the Chief Executive Officer or the Agency;

 (b) the manner in which the Chief Executive Officer exercises or performs his or her powers or functions;

 (c) the manner in which the Agency performs its function.

 (1B) The Minister must not give a direction under this section about the exercise or performance of powers or functions in relation to a particular individual or company.

Note: See also section 19 of the Public Service Act 1999 which provides that an Agency Head is not subject to direction by any Minister in relation to the exercise of powers by the Agency Head under Division 1 or 2 of Part 4 of that Act in relation to particular individuals.

24  Subsection 9(2)

Omit “annual report for the Agency”, substitute “Chief Executive Officer’s annual report”.

25  Subsection 9(3)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

 (3) The Chief Executive Officer must comply with a direction given under this section.

 (4) A direction given under this section is not a legislative instrument.

26  Section 10

Repeal the section, substitute:

10  Minister may request information

 (1) The Minister may, by writing, request the Chief Executive Officer to give the Minister information about:

 (a) the exercise or performance of the Chief Executive Officer’s powers or functions; or

 (b) the operation of the Agency.

 (2) The Chief Executive Officer must, within a reasonable time, comply with a request under this section.

 (3) A request made under this section is not a legislative instrument.

11  Management of Agency

  The Chief Executive Officer is, under the Minister, responsible for:

 (a) deciding the objectives, strategies, policies and priorities of the Agency; and

 (b) managing the Agency; and

 (c) ensuring that the Agency performs its function in a proper, efficient and effective manner.

12  Delegation

 (1) The Chief Executive Officer may, by writing, delegate to an employee all or any of the powers or functions of the Chief Executive Officer under this Act or any other Act.

 (2) However, the Chief Executive Officer must not delegate powers or functions conferred on him or her under another Act if the delegation is inconsistent with the express provisions of that Act.

 (3) The Chief Executive Officer may, by writing, delegate to an employee all or any of the powers or functions delegated to the Chief Executive Officer under another Act.

 (4) However, the Chief Executive Officer must not delegate powers or functions delegated to him or her under another Act if the delegation by the Chief Executive Officer would be inconsistent with the express provisions of that Act.

27  Part 3

Repeal the Part.

28  Part 4 (heading)

Repeal the heading.

29  Division 1 of Part 4 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

Division 2Appointment etc. of Chief Executive Officer

30  Subsection 29(2)

Omit “by the Board in writing after consultation between the Chairman and”, substitute “in writing by”.

31  At the end of section 29


 (4) The Chief Executive Officer holds office for the period specified in the instrument of appointment. The period must not exceed 5 years.

32  Section 30

Repeal the section, substitute:

30  Remuneration

 (1) The Chief Executive Officer is to be paid the remuneration that is determined by the Remuneration Tribunal. If no determination of that remuneration by the Tribunal is in operation, the Chief Executive Officer is to be paid the remuneration that is prescribed.

 (2) The Chief Executive Officer is to be paid the allowances that are prescribed.

 (3) This section has effect subject to the Remuneration Tribunal Act 1973.

30A  Leave of absence

 (1) The Chief Executive Officer has the recreation leave entitlements that are determined by the Remuneration Tribunal.

 (2) The Minister may grant the Chief Executive Officer leave of absence, other than recreation leave, on the terms and conditions as to remuneration or otherwise that the Minister determines.

30B  Other terms and conditions

  The Chief Executive Officer holds office on the terms and conditions (if any) in relation to matters not covered by this Act that are determined by the Minister in writing.

30C  Termination of appointment

 (1) The Minister may terminate the appointment of the Chief Executive Officer for misbehaviour or physical or mental incapacity.

 (2) The Minister may terminate the appointment of the Chief Executive Officer if:

 (a) the Chief Executive Officer:

 (i) becomes bankrupt; or

 (ii) applies to take the benefit of any law for the relief of bankrupt or insolvent debtors; or

 (iii) compounds with his or her creditors; or

 (iv) makes an assignment of his or her remuneration for the benefit of his or her creditors; or

 (b) the Chief Executive Officer is absent, except on leave of absence, for 14 consecutive days or for 28 days in any 12 months; or

 (c) the Chief Executive Officer engages, except with the Minister’s approval, in paid employment outside the duties of his or her office.

 (3) The Minister must terminate the appointment of the Chief Executive Officer if, in the Minister’s opinion, the performance of the Chief Executive Officer has been unsatisfactory for a significant period of time.

33  Subsection 31(1)

Omit “Board”, substitute “Minister”.

34  Subsection 31(2)

After “by”, insert “or in relation to”.

35  Paragraph 31(2)(b)

Omit “in or”.

36  Sections 32 and 33

Repeal the sections.

37   Section 34

Omit “Chairman”, substitute “Minister”.

38  Division 2 of Part 4 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

Part 4Staff of the Agency

39  Subsection 35(1)

Omit “Division”, substitute “Part”.

40  Section 36

Repeal the section.

41  Subsection 38(1)

Omit “Chairman’s”, substitute “Chief Executive Officer’s”.

42  Section 39

Repeal the section, substitute:

39  Chief Executive Officer may charge for services

  The Chief Executive Officer may charge fees for services he or she provides in connection with the performance of his or her functions.

43  Subsection 40(1)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

 (1) The Chief Executive Officer must, as soon as practicable after the end of each financial year, prepare and give the Minister a report on:

 (a) the exercise and performance of the powers and functions of the Chief Executive Officer during that year; and

 (b) the operations of the Agency during that year.

Note: The heading to section 40 is replaced by the heading “Chief Executive Officer’s annual report”.

Part 2Consequential amendments

Health Insurance Act 1973

44  Subsection 3(1)


Centrelink CEO means the Chief Executive Officer of Centrelink.

45  Subsection 3(1) (definition of CEO)

Repeal the definition.

46  Subsection 3(1) (definition of employee)

Repeal the definition.

47  Subsection 3(1)


employee of Centrelink means an employee within the meaning of the Commonwealth Services Delivery Agency Act 1997.

48  Subsection 3(1) (definition of Services Delivery Agency)

Repeal the definition.

49  Paragraph 130(6)(ca)

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

 (ca) the Centrelink CEO or an employee of Centrelink; or

50  Paragraph 130(7)(e)

Omit “CEO or an employee of the Services Delivery Agency”, substitute “Centrelink CEO or an employee of Centrelink”.

51  Paragraph 130(9)(aa)

Omit “CEO or an employee of the Services Delivery Agency”, substitute “Centrelink CEO or an employee of Centrelink”.

52  Subsection 130G(1)

Omit “CEO”, substitute “Centrelink CEO”.

53  Subsection 130G(1)

Omit “the Services Delivery Agency”, substitute “Centrelink”.

54  Subsection 131A(1)

Omit “CEO or an employee of the Services Delivery Agency”, substitute “Centrelink CEO or an employee of Centrelink”.

55  Subsection 131A(1)

Omit “to the Services Delivery Agency”, substitute “to Centrelink”.

56  Subsection 131A(2)

Omit “the Services Delivery Agency”, substitute “Centrelink”.

57  Subsection 131A(3)

Omit “the Services Delivery Agency”, substitute “Centrelink”.

58  Paragraph 131A(4)(a)

Omit “CEO or an employee of the Services Delivery Agency”, substitute “Centrelink CEO or an employee of Centrelink”.

59  Paragraph 131A(4)(c)

Omit “CEO”, substitute “Centrelink CEO”.

60  Paragraph 131A(4)(d)

Omit “the Services Delivery Agency”, substitute “Centrelink”.

61  Paragraph 131A(4)(e)

Omit “the Services Delivery Agency”, substitute “Centrelink”.

Part 3Transitional provisions

62  Definitions

(1) In this Part:

amend includes repeal and remake.

Board means the Board within the meaning of the old law.

Centrelink means the Commonwealth Services Delivery Agency.

CEO means the Chief Executive Officer of Centrelink.

Chairman means the Chairman of the Board.

commencement time means the time when this Part commences.


 (a) includes:

 (i) a contract, deed, undertaking or agreement; and

 (ii) a notice, authority, order or instruction; and

 (iii) an instrument made under an Act or regulations; but

 (b) does not include an Act or regulations.

new law means the Commonwealth Services Delivery Agency Act 1997 as in force after the commencement time.

old law means the Commonwealth Services Delivery Agency Act 1997 as in force before the commencement time.

(2) In this Part, unless a contrary intention is expressed, a reference to a law (however described) is a reference to a law of the Commonwealth.

63  CEO to continue

The person who was the CEO immediately before the commencement time continues to be the CEO immediately after the commencement time and holds office as if:

 (a) his or her appointment by the Board under section 29 of the old law (the first appointment) were terminated immediately before the commencement time; and

 (b) he or she were appointed for the remainder of the term of his or her first appointment by the Minister under Division 2 of Part 3 of the new law immediately after the commencement time.

64  Operation of laws—things done by, or in relation to, Centrelink

(1) If, before the commencement time, a thing was done by, or in relation to, Centrelink, the Board or the Chairman, then, for the purposes of the operation of any law after the commencement time, the thing is taken to have been done by, or in relation to, the CEO.

(2) For the purposes of subitem (1), a thing done before the commencement time under a provision amended by this Schedule has effect from that time as if it were done under that provision as amended. However, this is not taken to change the time at which the thing was actually done.

(3) The Minister may, by writing, determine that subitem (1):

 (a) does not apply in relation to a specified thing done by, or in relation to, Centrelink, the Board or the Chairman; or

 (b) applies as if the reference in that subitem to the CEO were a reference to the Commonwealth or to Centrelink.

A determination under this subitem has effect accordingly.

(4) The regulations may provide for a thing specified in a determination under paragraph (3)(a) to be taken to have been done by, or in relation to, a person or body other than the CEO, the Commonwealth or Centrelink.

(5) To avoid doubt, for the purposes of this item, doing a thing includes making an instrument.

(6) A determination made under subitem (3) is not a legislative instrument.

65  References in instruments

(1) If:

 (a) an instrument is in force immediately before the commencement time; and

 (b) the instrument contains a reference to Centrelink (however described), the Board or the Chairman;

the instrument has effect from the commencement time as if the reference to Centrelink, the Board or the Chairman were a reference to the CEO.

(2) The Minister may, by writing, determine that subitem (1):

 (a) does not apply in relation to a specified reference; or

 (b) applies as if the reference in that subitem to the CEO were a reference to the Commonwealth or to Centrelink.

A determination under this subitem has effect accordingly.

(3) The regulations may provide that an instrument containing a reference specified in a determination under paragraph (2)(a) has effect from the commencement time as if the reference were a reference to a person or body other than the CEO, the Commonwealth or Centrelink.

(4) A determination made under subitem (2) is not a legislative instrument.

66  Transfer of records

At the commencement time, the records and documents of Centrelink become the records and documents of the CEO.

67  Financial statements and other reporting requirements

Financial statements

(1) If:

 (a) immediately before the commencement time, a law required Centrelink, the Board or the Chairman to provide financial statements for a period; and

 (b) the period ends after the commencement time;

the CEO must, within 3 months after the commencement time, provide the statements for so much of the period as occurs before the commencement time.

Other reporting requirements

(2) If:

 (a) immediately before the commencement time, a law required Centrelink, the Board or the Chairman to provide a report (other than financial statements) for a period; and

 (b) the period ends after the commencement time;

the CEO must provide the report, as required, for so much of the period as occurs before the commencement time.

(3) If:

 (a) under subitem (2), the CEO is required to provide a report for a part of a period; and

 (b) the CEO is also required to provide a similar report for the remainder of the period;

the CEO may meet the requirements in a single report for the period.

Outstanding reporting requirements

(4) If:

 (a) a law required Centrelink, the Board or the Chairman to provide a report (whether financial statements or otherwise) for a period that ended before the commencement time; and

 (b) the report has not been provided by the commencement time;

the CEO must provide the report as required.

68  Substitution of parties to proceedings

If, immediately before the commencement time, any proceedings to which Centrelink, the Board or the Chairman was a party were pending in any court or tribunal, then, from the commencement time, the CEO is substituted for Centrelink, the Board or the Chairman as a party to the proceedings.

69  Constitutional safety net—acquisition of property

(1) If:

 (a) a provision of this Schedule would result in an acquisition of property; and

 (b) the provision would not be valid, apart from this item, because a particular person has not been compensated;

the Commonwealth must pay that person:

 (c) a reasonable amount of compensation agreed on between the person and the Commonwealth; or

 (d) failing agreement—a reasonable amount of compensation determined by a court of competent jurisdiction.

(2) Any damages or compensation recovered, or other remedy given, in a proceeding begun otherwise than under this item must be taken into account in assessing compensation payable in a proceeding begun under this item and arising out of the same event or transaction.

(3) In this item:

acquisition of property has the same meaning as in paragraph 51(xxxi) of the Constitution.

70  Delegation by Minister

(1) The Minister may, by writing, delegate all or any of his or her powers and functions under this Part to:

 (a) the Secretary of the Department; or

 (b) an SES employee, or acting SES employee, in the Department; or

 (c) the CEO.

(2) In exercising or performing powers or functions under a delegation, the delegate must comply with any directions of the Minister.

(3) A power delegated to the CEO under subitem (1) must not be subdelegated under subsection 12(3) of the new law.

71  Regulations

(1) The GovernorGeneral may make regulations prescribing matters:

 (a) required or permitted by this Schedule to be prescribed; or

 (b) necessary or convenient to be prescribed for carrying out or giving effect to this Schedule.

(2) In particular, regulations may be made prescribing matters of a transitional nature (including prescribing any saving or application provisions) relating to the amendments or repeals made by this Schedule.

Schedule 2Amendments relating to the Health Insurance Commission

Part 1Amendment of the Health Insurance Commission Act 1973

Health Insurance Commission Act 1973

1  Title

Repeal the title, substitute:

An Act to establish Medicare Australia, and for related purposes

2  Section 1

Omit “Health Insurance Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia”.

Note: This item amends the short title of the Act. If another amendment of the Act is described by reference to the Act’s previous short title, that other amendment has effect after the commencement of this item as an amendment of the Act under its amended short title (see section 10 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901).

3  Subsection 3(1)

Omit “(1)”.

4  Subsection 3(1) (definition of Australian Public Service)

Repeal the definition.

5  Subsection 3(1) (definition of authorised officer)

Omit “Managing Director or an officer of the Commission who is appointed by the Managing Director”, substitute “Chief Executive Officer or an employee who is appointed by the Chief Executive Officer”.

6  Subsection 3(1)


benefit includes:

 (a) a pension, allowance, concession or payment; and

 (b) a card entitling its holder to a concession or a payment of any kind.

7  Subsection 3(1) (definition of Chairperson)

Repeal the definition.

8  Subsection 3(1)


Chief Executive Officer means the Chief Executive Officer appointed under section 8AG.

9  Subsection 3(1) (definition of Commission)

Repeal the definition.

10  Subsection 3(1)


Commonwealth authority means:

 (a) a Department of State; or

 (b) a body, other than Medicare Australia, established for a public purpose by or under a law of the Commonwealth.

11  Subsection 3(1)


Commonwealth service means a service, benefit, program or facility for some or all members of the public that is provided for by the Commonwealth, whether under a law of the Commonwealth or otherwise.

12  Subsection 3(1)


employee means a member of the staff of Medicare Australia referred to in subsection 20(1).

13  Subsection 3(1) (definition of Finance Minister)

Repeal the definition.

14  Subsection 3(1) (definition of Managing Director)

Repeal the definition.

15  Subsection 3(1) (definition of medicare functions)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Chief Executive Officer”.

16  Subsection 3(1) (definition of officer)

Repeal the definition.

17  Subsection 3(1) (definition of officer assisting)

After “Division 4”, insert “of Part IID”.

18  Subsection 3(1) (paragraph (a) of the definition of officer assisting)

Omit “officer of the Commission”, substitute “employee”.

19  Subsection 3(1) (paragraph (b) of the definition of officer assisting)

Omit “officer of the Commission”, substitute “employee”.

20  Subsection 3(1) (definition of parttime Commissioner)

Repeal the definition.

21  Subsection 3(1)


principal officer means:

 (a) in relation to a Department of State—the Secretary of the Department; or

 (b) in relation to any other Commonwealth authority—the person identified by the regulations as the principal officer of the authority.

22  Subsection 3(1)


service arrangements means arrangements entered into under subsection 7(2).

23  Subsection 3(1) (definition of service delivery functions)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Chief Executive Officer”.

24  Subsection 3(1) (definition of spare capacity functions)

Repeal the definition.

25  Subsection 3(1) (definition of warrant premises)

After “Division 4”, insert “of Part IID”.

26  Subsection 3(2)

Repeal the subsection.

27  Part II (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

Part IIEstablishment of Medicare Australia

28  Section 4

Repeal the section, substitute:

4  Establishment of Medicare Australia

 (1) Medicare Australia is established by this section.

 (2) Medicare Australia comprises:

 (a) the Chief Executive Officer; and

 (b) the employees.

4A  Function of Medicare Australia

  The function of Medicare Australia is to assist the Chief Executive Officer in the performance of the Chief Executive Officer’s functions.

29  Before section 5


Part IIAThe Chief Executive Officer

Division 1Powers and functions of Chief Executive Officer

30  Section 5

Before “The”, insert “(1)”.

31  Section 5

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Chief Executive Officer”.

Note: The heading to section 5 is altered by omitting “the Commission” and substituting “Chief Executive Officer”.

32  Paragraphs 5(c), (d) and (e)

Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:

 (c) any functions conferred on the Chief Executive Officer under any other Act;

 (d) any functions that the Minister, by writing, directs the Chief Executive Officer to perform;

 (e) any functions that are prescribed by the regulations;

 (f) to do anything incidental to or conducive to the performance of any of the above functions.

33  At the end of section 5


 (2) A direction made under paragraph (1)(d) is a legislative instrument, but neither section 42 nor Part 6 of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003 applies to the direction.

34  Section 6

Repeal the section, substitute:

6  Chief Executive Officer’s medicare functions

  The Chief Executive Officer’s medicare functions are the functions conferred on the Chief Executive Officer by or under the Health Insurance Act 1973.

35  Subsection 7(1)

Omit “Commission’s”, substitute “Chief Executive Officer’s”.

Note: The heading to section 7 is altered by omitting “Commission’s” and substituting “Chief Executive Officer’s”.

36  Subsection 7(2)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Chief Executive Officer”.

37  Subsection 7(3)

Omit all the words after “provision of the services”.

38  Subsections 7(4) and (5)

Repeal the subsections, substitute:

 (4) Without limiting subsection (2) or (3), arrangements for the provision of Commonwealth services may include arrangements for:

 (a) making the Chief Executive Officer or specified employees, or employees in specified classes of employees, available to exercise powers or perform functions in connection with the provision of the services (including powers and functions delegated to the Chief Executive Officer or employees under other laws); or

 (b) determining a person’s eligibility for, or entitlement to receive or have access to, the services; or

 (c) maintaining records related to the provision of the services; or

 (d) providing Commonwealth authorities and other persons with information related to the provision of the services; or

 (e) undertaking education, compliance, investigation and enforcement activities related to the provision of the services; or

 (f) recovering overpayments and other amounts due to the Commonwealth in connection with the provision of the services; or

 (g) conducting litigation or proceedings related to the provision of the services.

 (5) Arrangements for the provision of Commonwealth services may also include agreements covered by section 7A.

 (6) An approval given by the Minister under this section is not a legislative instrument.

39  Sections 8 to 8AB

Repeal the sections, substitute:

7A  Agreements about exercise and performance of Chief Executive Officer’s powers and functions

  The Chief Executive Officer may enter into a written agreement with a Minister or the principal officer of a Commonwealth authority about the exercise or performance of the Chief Executive Officer’s powers or functions.

8  Ministerial directions about exercise and performance of Chief Executive Officer’s powers and functions

 (1) The Minister may, by writing, give directions to the Chief Executive Officer about the exercise or performance of the Chief Executive Officer’s powers or functions.

 (2) Without limiting subsection (1), directions under this section may include directions about the following:

 (a) the objectives, strategies, policies or priorities of the Chief Executive Officer or Medicare Australia;

 (b) the manner in which the Chief Executive Officer exercises or performs his or her powers or functions;

 (c) the manner in which Medicare Australia performs its function.

 (3) The Minister must not give a direction under this section about the exercise or performance of powers or functions in relation to a particular individual or company.

Note: See also section 19 of the Public Service Act 1999 which provides that an Agency Head is not subject to direction by any Minister in relation to the exercise of powers by the Agency Head under Division 1 or 2 of Part 4 of that Act in relation to particular individuals.

 (4) Particulars of any directions given by the Minister under this section in a financial year must be included in the Chief Executive Officer’s annual report for that year.

 (5) The Chief Executive Officer must ensure that a direction given under this section is complied with.

 (6) A direction given under this section is not a legislative instrument.

8AA  Minister may request information

 (1) The Minister may, by writing, request the Chief Executive Officer to give the Minister information about:

 (a) the exercise or performance of the Chief Executive Officer’s powers or functions; or

 (b) the operation of Medicare Australia.

 (2) The Chief Executive Officer must, within a reasonable time, comply with a request under this section.

 (3) A request made under this section is not a legislative instrument.

8AB  Management of Medicare Australia

  The Chief Executive Officer is, under the Minister, responsible for:

 (a) deciding the objectives, strategies, policies and priorities of Medicare Australia; and

 (b) managing Medicare Australia; and

 (c) ensuring that Medicare Australia performs its function in a proper, efficient and effective manner.

8AC  Delegation

 (1) The Chief Executive Officer may, by writing, delegate to an employee all or any of the powers or functions of the Chief Executive Officer under this Act or any other Act.

 (2) However, the Chief Executive Officer must not delegate powers or functions conferred on him or her under another Act if the delegation is inconsistent with the express provisions of that Act.

 (3) The Chief Executive Officer may, by writing, delegate to an employee all or any of the powers or functions delegated to the Chief Executive Officer under another Act.

 (4) However, the Chief Executive Officer must not delegate powers or functions delegated to him or her under another Act if the delegation by the Chief Executive Officer would be inconsistent with the express provisions of that Act.

8AD  Commonwealth consent to conferral of powers etc. on Chief Executive Officer by State and Territory laws

 (1) A law of a State or Territory may confer powers or functions, or impose duties, on the Chief Executive Officer.

Note: Section 8AF sets out when such a law imposes a duty on the Chief Executive Officer.

 (2) Subsection (1) does not authorise the conferral of a power or function, or the imposition of a duty, by a law of a State or Territory to the extent to which:

 (a) the conferral or imposition, or the authorisation, would contravene any constitutional doctrines restricting the duties that may be imposed on the Chief Executive Officer; or

 (b) the authorisation would otherwise exceed the legislative power of the Commonwealth.

 (3) The Chief Executive Officer cannot exercise a power, or perform a duty or function, under a law of a State or Territory without the written approval of the Minister.

8AE  How duty is imposed on Chief Executive Officer by State and Territory laws


 (1) This section applies if a law of a State or Territory purports to impose a duty on the Chief Executive Officer.

Note: Section 8AF sets out when such a law imposes a duty on the Chief Executive Officer.

State or Territory legislative power sufficient to support duty

 (2) The duty is taken not to be imposed by this Act (or any other law of the Commonwealth) to the extent to which:

 (a) imposing the duty is within the legislative powers of the State or Territory concerned; and

 (b) imposing the duty by the law of the State or Territory is consistent with the constitutional doctrines restricting the duties that may be imposed on the Chief Executive Officer.

Note: If this subsection applies, the duty will be taken to be imposed by force of the law of the State or Territory (the Commonwealth having consented under section 8AD to the imposition of the duty by that law).

Commonwealth legislative power sufficient to support duty but State or Territory legislative powers are not

 (3) If, to ensure the validity of the purported imposition of the duty, it is necessary that the duty be imposed by a law of the Commonwealth (rather than by the law of the State or Territory), the duty is taken to be imposed by this Act to the extent necessary to ensure that validity.

 (4) If, because of subsection (3), this Act is taken to impose the duty, it is the intention of the Parliament to rely on all powers available to it under the Constitution to support the imposition of the duty by this Act.

 (5) The duty is taken to be imposed by this Act in accordance with subsection (3) only to the extent to which imposing the duty:

 (a) is within the legislative powers of the Commonwealth; and

 (b) is consistent with the constitutional doctrines restricting the duties that may be imposed on the Chief Executive Officer.

 (6) Subsections (1) to (5) do not limit section 8AD.

8AF  When State and Territory laws impose a duty on Chief Executive Officer

  For the purposes of sections 8AD and 8AE, a law of a State or Territory imposes a duty on the Chief Executive Officer if:

 (a) the law confers a power or function on the Chief Executive Officer; and

 (b) the circumstances in which the power or function is conferred give rise to an obligation on the Chief Executive Officer to exercise the power or to perform the function.

Division 2Appointment etc. of Chief Executive Officer

8AG  Appointment

 (1) There is to be a Chief Executive Officer of Medicare Australia.

 (2) The Chief Executive Officer is to be appointed in writing by the Minister.

 (3) The Chief Executive Officer holds office for the period specified in the instrument of appointment. The period must not exceed 5 years.

 (4) The Chief Executive Officer is to be appointed on a fulltime basis.

8AH  Remuneration

 (1) The Chief Executive Officer is to be paid the remuneration that is determined by the Remuneration Tribunal. If no determination of that remuneration by the Tribunal is in operation, the Chief Executive Officer is to be paid the remuneration that is prescribed.

 (2) The Chief Executive Officer is to be paid the allowances that are prescribed.

 (3) This section has effect subject to the Remuneration Tribunal Act 1973.

8AI  Leave of absence

 (1) The Chief Executive Officer has the recreation leave entitlements that are determined by the Remuneration Tribunal.

 (2) The Minister may grant the Chief Executive Officer leave of absence, other than recreation leave, on the terms and conditions as to remuneration or otherwise that the Minister determines.

8AJ  Other terms and conditions

  The Chief Executive Officer holds office on the terms and conditions (if any) in relation to matters not covered by this Act that are determined by the Minister in writing.

8AK  Termination of appointment

 (1) The Minister may terminate the appointment of the Chief Executive Officer for misbehaviour or physical or mental incapacity.

 (2) The Minister may terminate the appointment of the Chief Executive Officer if:

 (a) the Chief Executive Officer:

 (i) becomes bankrupt; or

 (ii) applies to take the benefit of any law for the relief of bankrupt or insolvent debtors; or

 (iii) compounds with his or her creditors; or

 (iv) makes an assignment of his or her remuneration for the benefit of his or her creditors; or

 (b) the Chief Executive Officer is absent, except on leave of absence, for 14 consecutive days or for 28 days in any 12 months; or

 (c) the Chief Executive Officer engages, except with the Minister’s approval, in paid employment outside the duties of his or her office.

 (3) The Minister must terminate the appointment of the Chief Executive Officer if, in the Minister’s opinion, the performance of the Chief Executive Officer has been unsatisfactory for a significant period of time.

8AL  Acting Chief Executive Officer

 (1) The Minister may appoint a person to act as the Chief Executive Officer:

 (a) during a vacancy in the office of Chief Executive Officer, whether or not an appointment has previously been made to the office; or

 (b) during any period, or during all periods, when the Chief Executive Officer is absent from duty or from Australia, or is, for any other reason, unable to perform the functions of the office.

 (2) Anything done by or in relation to a person purporting to act under an appointment under this section is not invalid merely because:

 (a) the occasion for the appointment had not arisen; or

 (b) there was a defect or irregularity in connection with the appointment; or

 (c) the appointment had stopped having effect; or

 (d) the occasion for the person to act had not arisen or had stopped.

8AM  Resignation

  The Chief Executive Officer may resign by giving the Minister a written resignation.

40  Part IIC

Repeal the Part.

41  Part IID (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

Part IIDInvestigative powers of Chief Executive Officer

42  Subsection 8L(1)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Chief Executive Officer”.

43  Subsection 8L(1)

Omit “Commission is conducting in the performance of its functions”, substitute “Chief Executive Officer is conducting in the performance of his or her functions”.

44  Section 8M

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Chief Executive Officer”.

45  Section 8M

Omit “officer of the Commission”, substitute “employee”.

46  Subsection 8N(1)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Chief Executive Officer”.

47  Paragraph 8N(2)(a)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Chief Executive Officer”.

48  Subsection 8N(3)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Chief Executive Officer”.

49  Subsection 8P(1)

Omit “The Managing Director or an”, substitute “An”.

Note: The heading to section 8P is altered by omitting “Managing Director” and substituting “Chief Executive Officer”.

50  Subsection 8P(1)

Omit “Commission if the Managing Director or”, substitute “Chief Executive Officer if the”.

51  Paragraph 8Q(1)(b)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Chief Executive Officer”.

52  Paragraph 8Q(1)(c)

Omit “officer of the Commission”, substitute “employee”.

53  Subsection 8Q(3)

Omit “officer of the Commission”, substitute “employee”.

54  Subsection 8Q(4)

Omit “officer”, substitute “employee”.

55  Subsection 8S(2)

Omit “section 137.2”, substitute “section 137.1 or 137.2”.

56  Subsection 8U(6)

Omit “Managing Director’s instrument in writing referred to in”, substitute “relevant instrument made by the Chief Executive Officer under”.

57  Paragraph 8Y(2)(b)

Omit “Managing Director’s instrument in writing referred to in”, substitute “relevant instrument made by the Chief Executive Officer under”.

58  Subsection 8ZM(1)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Chief Executive Officer”.

59  Subsection 8ZM(2)

Omit “Commission” (wherever occurring), substitute “Chief Executive Officer”.

60  Subsection 8ZN(1)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Chief Executive Officer”.

61  Paragraph 8ZN(2)(b)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Chief Executive Officer”.

62  Subsection 8ZQ(1)

Omit “Commission’s”, substitute “Chief Executive Officer’s”.

63  Subsection 8ZQ(2)

Omit “Commission’s”, substitute “Chief Executive Officer’s”.

64  Parts III, IV and V

Repeal the Parts, substitute:

Part IIIStaff of Medicare Australia

20  Staff

 (1) Subject to this Part, the staff of Medicare Australia are to be persons engaged under the Public Service Act 1999.

 (2) For the purposes of the Public Service Act 1999:

 (a) the Chief Executive Officer and the APS employees assisting the Chief Executive Officer together constitute a Statutory Agency; and

 (b) the Chief Executive Officer is the Head of that Statutory Agency.

21  Consultants

 (1) The Chief Executive Officer may engage as consultants persons having suitable qualifications and experience.

 (2) The terms and conditions of engagement are to be determined by the Chief Executive Officer.

65  Section 41A

Repeal the section.

66  Paragraph 41C(1)(a)

Omit “the name ‘medicare’, or”, substitute “the name ‘medicare’ or ‘Medicare Australia’, or”.

Note: The heading to section 41C is replaced by the heading “Protection of names and symbols”.

67  Paragraphs 41C(1)(b) to (d)

Omit “the name ‘medicare’ or”, substitute “the name ‘medicare’ or ‘Medicare Australia’ or”.

68  Subsection 41C(2)

Omit “the name ‘medicare’ or”, substitute “the name ‘medicare’ or ‘Medicare Australia’ or”.

69  Paragraph 41C(2)(c)

Omit “or the Commission”, substitute “, the Chief Executive Officer or Medicare Australia”.

70  Paragraphs 41C(5)(a) to (c)

Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:

 (a) a reference to the name “medicare” or “Medicare Australia” is to be read as including a reference to a name or expression that so nearly resembles the name as to be capable of being mistaken for the name; and

 (b) a reference to an official “medicare” or “Medicare Australia” symbol is to be read as a reference to a symbol declared by the regulations to be an official “medicare” or “Medicare Australia” symbol; and

 (c) a reference to a prescribed symbol is to be read as a reference to an emblem, brand, design, symbol, logo or mark that:

 (i) is identical with an official “medicare” or “Medicare Australia” symbol; or

 (ii) so nearly resembles an official “medicare” or “Medicare Australia” symbol as to be capable of being mistaken for an official “medicare” or “Medicare Australia” symbol; and

71  At the end of paragraph 41C(5)(d)

Add “and”.

72  Subsection 41C(9)

Omit “or the Commission” (wherever occurring).

73  Subsection 41C(9)

Omit “name ‘medicare’ or of an official ‘medicare’ symbol”, substitute “name ‘medicare’ or ‘Medicare Australia’ or of an official ‘medicare’ or ‘Medicare Australia’ symbol”.

74  Section 41E

Omit “or the Commission”.

75  Section 41E

Omit “or of the Commission”.

76  After section 41E


41F  Chief Executive Officer may charge for services

  The Chief Executive Officer may charge fees for services he or she provides in connection with the performance of his or her functions.

77  Before subsection 42(1)


 (1A) The Chief Executive Officer must, as soon as practicable after the end of each financial year, prepare and give the Minister a report on:

 (a) the exercise and performance of the powers and functions of the Chief Executive Officer during that year; and

 (b) the operations of Medicare Australia during that year.

Note: The heading to section 42 is replaced by the heading “Chief Executive Officer’s annual report”.

78  Subsection 42(1)

Omit “on the Commission under section 9 of the Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997 must also include”, substitute “must include”.

79  At the end of section 42


 (3) The Minister must cause a copy of each report under this section to be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the day on which the Minister receives the report.

Part 2Consequential amendments

Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977

80  Paragraph (k) of Schedule 2

Omit “Health Insurance Commission”.

Aged Care Act 1997

81  Paragraph 863(c)

Omit “Health Insurance Commission”, substitute “Chief Executive Officer of Medicare Australia”.

Age Discrimination Act 2004

82  Subparagraph 42(5)(a)(i)

Omit “Health Insurance Commission”, substitute “Chief Executive Officer of Medicare Australia”.

83  Paragraph 42(5)(b)

Omit “Health Insurance Commission”, substitute “Chief Executive Officer of Medicare Australia”.

A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999

84  Subsection 3(1) (paragraph (d) of the definition of agency)

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

 (d) Medicare Australia.

85  Subsection 3(1) (paragraph (d) of the definition of head)

Omit “the Health Insurance Commission—the Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia—the Chief Executive Officer of Medicare Australia”.

86  Subsection 3(1) (paragraph (b) of the definition of protected information)

Omit “the Health Insurance Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia”.

87  Subsection 3(1) (after paragraph (b) of the definition of protected information)


 (ba) information about a person obtained by an officer under the family assistance law that was held in the records of the Health Insurance Commission; or

88  Paragraph 118(1)(e)

Omit “the Health Insurance Commission—the Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia—the Chief Executive Officer of Medicare Australia”.

89  Subsection 234(3)

Omit “Managing Director of the Health Insurance Commission”, substitute “Chief Executive Officer of Medicare Australia”.

Freedom of Information Act 1982

90  Division 1 of Part II of Schedule 2

Omit “Health Insurance Commission, in relation to documents in respect of its commercial activities”.

91  Division 1 of Part II of Schedule 2 (after item dealing with Indigenous Business Australia)



Medicare Australia, in relation to documents in respect of its commercial activities

Health and Other Services (Compensation) Act 1995

92  Subsection 3(1) (definition of Commission)

Repeal the definition.

93  Subsection 3(1)


employee of Medicare Australia means an employee within the meaning of the Medicare Australia Act 1973.

94  Subsection 3(1) (definition of Managing Director)

Repeal the definition.

95  Subsection 3(1)


Medicare Australia CEO means the Chief Executive Officer of Medicare Australia.

96  Subsection 3(1) (definition of officer of the Commission)

Repeal the definition.

97  Paragraph 8(6)(a)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

98  Paragraph 10(6)(a)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

99  Section 13

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

100  Subsections 14(1) and (3)

Omit “Managing Director” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

101  Subsection 17(1)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

102  Subsection 17(1)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

103  Paragraph 17(3)(a)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

104  Subsection 17(4)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

105  Subsection 17(5)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

106  Subsections 17(5A) and (6)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

107  Subsection 18(1)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

108  Subsection 18(3)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

109  Paragraph 18(4)(b)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

110  Subsection 18(5)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

111  Subsection 18(6)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

112  Subsection 18(7)

Omit “Managing Director” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

113  Paragraph 18(7)(c)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

114  Subparagraph 18(7)(c)(ii)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

115  Paragraph 18(8)(c)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

116  Subsection 18(10)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

117  Subsection 19(1)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

 (1) If the claimant is dissatisfied with the Medicare Australia CEO’s decision about extension of the period, the claimant may apply in writing to the Medicare Australia CEO for the decision to be reconsidered.

118  Subsection 19(3)

Omit “Managing Director” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

119  Paragraph 19(3)(d)

Omit “Managing Director’s”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO’s”.

120  Subsection 19(4)

Omit “Managing Director’s”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO’s”.

121  Paragraph 21(1)(a)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

122  Subsection 21(1)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

123  Subsection 21(3)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

124  Subsections 21(3) and (5)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

125  Subsection 21(8)

Omit “Managing Director” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

126  Paragraph 21(8)(a)

Omit “Managing Director” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

127  Subsections 21(9) and (10)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

128  Subsection 21(11)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

129  Subsection 21(12)

Omit “Managing Director” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

130  Paragraph 21(12)(b)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

131  Paragraph 21(13)(a)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

132  Paragraph 22(1)(b)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

133  Subsections 23(1), (3), (3A), (4), (5) and (5A)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

134  Paragraph 23A(1)(b)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

135  Paragraph 23A(1)(c)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

136  Subparagraphs 23A(1)(d)(i) and (ii)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

137  Subsection 23A(2)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

138  Subsection 23A(2) (note)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

139  Subsection 23A(3)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

140  Subsection 23B(1)

Omit “Managing Director” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

141  Subsection 23B(1)

Omit “Commission” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

142  Subsection 23B(1)

Omit “Managing Director” (second occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

143  Paragraph 23B(1)(c)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

144  Paragraph 23B(2)(a)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

145  Paragraph 23B(2)(b)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

146  Subsection 23B(3)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

147  Subsection 23B(4)

Omit “Managing Director” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

148  Paragraph 23B(4)(f)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

149  Subsection 23C(1)

Omit “Managing Director” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

150  Subsection 23C(2)

Omit “Commission” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

151  Subsection 23C(2)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

152  Subsection 23C(2)

Omit “Commission” (second occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

153  Subsection 23D(1)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

154  Subsection 24(1)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

155  Subsection 24(1)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

156  Subsection 24(4)

Omit “Managing Director” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

157  Paragraph 24(4)(a)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

158  Paragraphs 24(4)(a) and (b)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

159  Subsections 24(5) and (6)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

160  Subsection 25(1)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

161  Subsections 25(1) and (4)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

162  Subsection 25(4)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

163  Subsection 25(5)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

164  Paragraphs 25(5)(a) and (b)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

165  Subsections 25(6) and (7)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

166  Subsection 25(8)

Omit “Managing Director” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

167  Paragraph 25(8)(a)

Omit “Managing Director” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

168  Subsections 26(1) and (3)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

169  Paragraph 26(6)(a)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

170  Subsections 28(1) and (2)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

171  Subsection 32(1)

Omit “Managing Director” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

172  Paragraphs 32(1)(a) and (b)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

173  Subsection 33C(1)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

174  Paragraph 33D(1)(a)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

175  Subsection 33D(2)

Omit “Managing Director” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

176  Paragraphs 33D(2)(b) and (3)(a)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

177  Subsection 33H(2)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

178  Subsection 33K(1)

Omit “Commission” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

179  Subsection 34(1)

Omit “Commission” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

180  Subparagraph 34(1)(b)(i)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

181  Subparagraph 34(1)(b)(i)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

182  Subsection 34(2)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

183  Paragraphs 35(1)(a) and 36(1)(a)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

184  Section 39

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

185  Subsection 40(1)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

 (1) In addition to the functions of the Medicare Australia CEO under the Medicare Australia Act 1973, the Medicare Australia CEO has such additional functions as are conferred on the Medicare Australia CEO under this Act.

Note: The heading to section 40 is altered by omitting “Commission” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

186  Subsection 40(2)

Omit “Commission” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

187  Subsection 40(2)

Omit “its”, substitute “his or her”.

188  Subsection 40(2)

Omit “Health Insurance Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia”.

189  Subsection 41(1)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

190  Paragraph 41(1)(a)

Omit “officer of the Commission”, substitute “employee of Medicare Australia”.

191  Subsection 41(2)

Omit “Commission” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

192  Subsection 41(2)

Omit “Health Insurance Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia”.

193  Paragraph 41(3)(b)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

194  Paragraph 41(3)(c)

Omit “officer of the Commission”, substitute “employee of Medicare Australia”.

195  Subsection 42(1)

Omit “Managing Director” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 42 is altered by omitting “Managing Director” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

196  Subsection 42(3) (paragraph (a) of the definition of authorised officer)

Omit “Health Insurance Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia”.

197  Subsection 42(3) (paragraph (b) of the definition of authorised officer)

Omit “officer of the Commission”, substitute “employee of Medicare Australia”.

198  Subsection 42(3) (paragraph (b) of the definition of authorised officer)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

199  Paragraph 43(1)(c)

Omit “officer of the Commission”, substitute “employee of Medicare Australia”.

200  Subsections 43(3) and (5)

Omit “officer of the Commission”, substitute “employee of Medicare Australia”.

201  Subsection 43(5)

Omit “Commission” (second occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

202  Section 46

Omit “Commission” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

203  Paragraph 46(b)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Health and Other Services (Compensation) Care Charges Act 1995

204  Paragraph 6(6)(a)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

205  Paragraph 8(6)(a)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Health Insurance Act 1973

206  Subsection 3(1) (definition of Commission)

Repeal the definition.

207  Subsection 3(1)


employee of Medicare Australia means an employee within the meaning of the Medicare Australia Act 1973.

208  Subsection 3(1)


Medicare Australia CEO means the Chief Executive Officer of Medicare Australia.

209  Subsection 3(1) (definition of officer)

Repeal the definition.

210  Subsections 3D(1) and (3)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

211  Paragraph 3DA(3)(a)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

212  Subsection 3EA(1)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

213  Subsection 3EA(2)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

214  Subsection 3EA(2)

Omit “Managing Director” (second occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

215  Paragraphs 3EA(3)(a) and (b)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

216  Subsection 3EA(4)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

217  Subsection 3EA(5)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

218  Subsection 3EA(6)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

219  Subsection 3EA(7) (definition of authorised officer)

Omit “a Commission staff member authorised by the Managing Director”, substitute “an employee of Medicare Australia authorised by the Medicare Australia CEO”.

220   Subsection 3EA(7) (definition of Commission staff member)

Repeal the definition.

221  Subsection 3EB(1)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

222  Paragraphs 3EB(1)(a) and (b)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

223  Subsection 3EB(2)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

224  Subsections 3F(2) and (4)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

225  Subsection 3F(6)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

226  Subsection 3F(6)

Omit “Managing Director” (second occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

227  Paragraphs 3F(6A)(a) and (b)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

228  Subsection 3F(7)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

229  Subsection 3F(8)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

230  Subsection 3F(9)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

231  Subsection 3F(10) (definition of authorised officer)

Omit “a Commission staff member authorised by the Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “an employee of Medicare Australia authorised by the Medicare Australia CEO”.

232  Subsection 3F(10) (definition of Commission staff member)

Repeal the definition.

233  Subsection 3G(1)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

234  Paragraphs 3G(1)(a) and (b)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

235  Subsection 3G(2)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

236  Subsections 3GA(2) and (4)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

237  Paragraph 3GA(5)(a)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

238  Subsection 3GA(5)

Omit “Managing Director” (second occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

239  Paragraph 3GA(6)(a)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

240  Subparagraphs 3GA(6)(a)(i) and (ii)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

241  Paragraph 3GA(6)(b)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

242  Subsection 3GA(7)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

243  Subsection 3GA(8)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

244  Subsection 3GB(1)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

245  Paragraphs 3GB(1)(a) and (b)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

246  Subsection 3GB(2)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

247  Subsection 8(1A) (definition of General Manager)

Repeal the definition.

248  Subsection 10AA(2)

Omit “Commission” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

249  Subsection 10AA(2)

Omit “General Manager”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

250  Subsection 10AA(2)

Omit “Commission” (second occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

251  Subsection 10AA(4)

Omit “Commission” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

252  Subsection 10AA(4)

Omit “General Manager”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

253  Subsection 10AA(4)

Omit “Commission” (second occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

254  Subsection 10AA(5)

Omit “Commission” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

255  Subsection 10AA(5)

Omit “General Manager”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

256  Subsection 10AA(5)

Omit “Commission” (second occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

257  Paragraphs 10AC(2)(a), (b) and (c)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

258  Paragraphs 10AC(3)(a) and (b)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

259  Paragraph 10ACA(4)(d)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

260  Subsection 10ACA(5)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

261  Paragraphs 10ACA(6)(c) and (d)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

262  Paragraphs 10AD(3)(a), (b) and (c)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

263  Paragraph 10ADA(5)(d)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

264  Subsection 10ADA(6)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

265  Paragraphs 10ADA(7)(c) and (d)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

266  Subsection 10AE(1)

Omit “Commission” (first and second occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

267  Paragraph 10AE(1)(b)

Omit “Commission” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

268  Subparagraph 16B(7)(e)(i)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

269  Subparagraph 16B(11)(d)(i)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

270  Paragraph 19AB(6)(b)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

271  Subsection 19AB(6)

Omit “officer of the Commission”, substitute “employee of Medicare Australia”.

272  Subsection 19D(12)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

273  Subsection 20(1)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

274  Subsection 20(1A)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

275  Subsections 20(3) and (4)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

276  Subsection 20A(3A)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

277  Subsections 20AB(1), (3) and (4)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

278  Subsection 20AC(1)

Omit “Commission” (first and second occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

279  Paragraph 20AC(1)(a)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

280  Subsection 20AC(2)

Omit “Commission” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

281  Paragraph 20AC(2)(a)

Omit “Commission’s”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO’s”.

282  Paragraph 20AC(2)(b)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

283  Subsections 20AC(3), (4) and (5)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

284  Subsection 20AD(1)

Omit “Commission” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

285  Subsections 20AD(2), (3) and (4)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

286  Subsection 20AD(4)

Omit “Commission’s”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO’s”.

287  Subsection 20AD(5)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

288  Paragraph 20B(1)(a)

Omit “Commission” (first and second occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

289  Paragraph 20B(1)(a)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

290  Paragraph 20B(1)(b)

Omit “Commission” (first and second occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

291  Paragraph 20B(1)(b)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

292  Paragraph 20B(2)(b)

Omit “Commission” (first and second occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

293  Paragraph 20B(2)(b)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

294  Subsections 20B(2A) and (3)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

295  Paragraph 20BA(1)(e)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

296  Paragraph 20BA(1)(e)

Omit “officer of the Commission”, substitute “employee of Medicare Australia”.

297  Subsection 20BA(2)

Omit “Managing Director’s”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO’s”.

298  Subsection 20BA(3)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

299  Paragraph 20BA(3)(c)

Omit “officer of the Commission”, substitute “employee of Medicare Australia”.

300  Paragraph 20BA(3)(d)

Omit “Managing Director’s”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO’s”.

301  Subsection 20BA(4)

Omit “Managing Director’s”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO’s”.

302  Subsection 20BA(5)

Omit “officer of the Commission”, substitute “employee of Medicare Australia”.

303  Subsection 23DA(1) (definition of officer)

Omit “other than the Commission”.

304  Paragraph 23DK(1A)(c)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

305  Paragraph 23DK(2A)(c)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

306  Subsection 23DK(3)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

307  Subsection 23DK(3)

Omit “officer of the Commission”, substitute “employee of Medicare Australia”.

308  Subsection 23DK(3)

Omit “Managing Director” (second occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

309  Subsection 23DK(4)

Omit “officer” (first occurring), substitute “employee of Medicare Australia”.

310  Subsection 23DK(4)

Omit “officer” (second occurring), substitute “employee”.

311  Subsection 23DKA(4)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

312  Subsection 23DKA(4)

Omit “officer of the Commission”, substitute “employee of Medicare Australia”.

313  Subsection 23DKA(5)

Omit “officer of the Commission”, substitute “employee of Medicare Australia”.

314  Subsection 23DKA(5)

Omit “officer” (second occurring), substitute “employee”.

315  Paragraphs 23DKA(7)(a) and (b)

Omit “officer of the Commission”, substitute “employee of Medicare Australia”.

316  Subsection 23DR(2)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

317  Subsections 23DR(2) and (3)

Omit “officer of the Commission”, substitute “employee of Medicare Australia”.

318  Subsection 23DR(3)

Omit “officer” (second occurring), substitute “employee”.

319  Subsection 23DS(4)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

320  Subsections 23DS(4) and (5)

Omit “officer of the Commission”, substitute “employee of Medicare Australia”.

321  Subsection 23DS(5)

Omit “officer” (second occurring), substitute “employee”.

322  Paragraphs 23DS(7)(a) and (b)

Omit “officer of the Commission”, substitute “employee of Medicare Australia”.

323  Subsection 23DSC(2)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

324  Paragraph 23DSC(4)(c)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

325  Subsection 23DSC(4)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

326  Paragraph 23DSC(5)(b)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

327  Subsections 23DSC(6) and (7)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

328  Paragraphs 23DSD(1)(a), (b) and (c)

Omit “Commission” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

329  Subsection 23DSD(2)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

330  Subsection 23DSD(4)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

331  Section 46A (paragraph (b) of the definition of information relating to a child’s Australian immunisation encounter)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

332  Section 46A (definition of recognised immunisation provider)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

333  Section 46B

Omit “Commission’s”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO’s”.

Note: The heading to section 46B is altered by omitting “Commission’s” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO’s”.

334  Paragraph 46B(b)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

335  Subparagraph 46B(d)(iii)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

336  Paragraph 46B(d)

Omit “Commission” (second occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

337  Subsections 46C(1) and (2)

Omit “Commission” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

338  Subsection 46D(5)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

339  Subsection 46D(6)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

340  Subsection 46D(7)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

341  Subsection 46E(1)

Omit “Commission’s”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO’s”.

Note: The heading to section 46E is altered by omitting “Managing Director of the Commission” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

342  Subsection 46E(1)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

343  Paragraph 46E(1)(c)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

344  Subsection 46E(2)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

345  Subsection 80(3)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

346  Subsection 81(1) (paragraph (a) of the definition of review period)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

347  Division 3 of Part VAA (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

Division 3Medicare Australia CEO may request review

348  Subsection 86(1)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 86 is altered by omitting “Commission” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

349  Subsection 87(1)

Omit “Commission” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 87 is altered by omitting “Commission” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

350  Subsection 88(1)

Omit “Commission” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

351  Subsection 88(1) (note)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

352  Subsection 88(3)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

353  Subsection 88(3)

Omit “it”, substitute “he or she”.

354  Subsection 88A(1)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

355  Paragraph 88A(4)(b)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

356  Subsection 88A(8)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

357  Paragraphs 89(a) and (b)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

358  Subsection 89A(1)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 89A is altered by omitting “Commission” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

359  Subsection 91(2)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

360  Paragraph 92(4)(c)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

361  Subsection 93(7)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

362  Paragraphs 105(1)(b) and (2)(b)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

363  Paragraph 106G(6)(b)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

364  Subsection 106J(2)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

365  Paragraphs 106J(3)(a), (b), (c) and (d)

Omit “Commission” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

366  Subsection 106KB(2)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

367  Subsections 106KC(1) and (2)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

368  Subparagraph 106KE(1)(b)(iii)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

369  Subparagraph 106L(5)(a)(iii)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

370  Subsection 106N(1)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 106N is altered by omitting “Commission” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

371  Subsections 106W(1) and (2)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

372  Subsection 106ZPM(3)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

373  Paragraph 124EC(b)

Omit “officer of the Commission”, substitute “employee of Medicare Australia”.

374  Section 124EC

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

375  Subsection 129AAC(1)

Omit “officer of the Commission”, substitute “employee of Medicare Australia”.

376  Paragraph 129AC(2)(b)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

377  Subparagraph 129AC(2)(c)(i)

Omit “Managing Director” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

378  Subsection 129AC(4)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

379  Subsection 129AC(4)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

380  Section 129AF

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

381  Section 129AF

Omit “Managing Director” (second occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

382  Subsection 130(1)

Omit “Health Insurance Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia”.

383  Subsections 130(3) and (3A)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

384  Paragraph 130(3D)(a)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

385  Paragraph 130(4A)(a)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

386  Subsection 130(5)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

387  Subsection 130(5E)

Omit “Commission, or an officer of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO, or an employee of Medicare Australia”.

388  Subsection 130(6)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

389  Paragraph 130(6)(f)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

390  Subsection 130(7)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

391  Paragraph 130(7)(h)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

392  Subsection 130(25) (definition of officer)

Omit “Health Insurance Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia”.

393  Subsections 131(1), (2) and (3)

Omit “Managing Director of the Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

394  At the end of paragraphs 131(4)(a) and (aa)

Add “or”.

395  Paragraphs 131(4)(b) and (c)

Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:

 (b) the Medicare Australia CEO; or

 (c) an employee of Medicare Australia.

Hearing Services Administration Act 1997

396  Subsections 21(6) and (7) (notes)

Repeal the notes.

397  Subsection 21(10) (at the end of the definition of body)


 ; or (d) the Chief Executive Officer of Medicare Australia.

Income Tax Assessment Act 1936

398  Paragraphs 16(4)(fa) and (fb)

Omit “Health Insurance Commission”, substitute “Chief Executive Officer of Medicare Australia”.

Medical Indemnity Act 2002

399  Subsection 4(1) (definition of HIC)

Repeal the definition.

400  Subsection 4(1) (paragraph (c) of the definition of late payment penalty)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

401  Subsection 4(1) (definition of Managing Director)

Repeal the definition.

402  Subsection 4(1)


Medicare Australia CEO means the Chief Executive Officer of Medicare Australia.

403  Subsection 4(1) (definition of qualifying claim certificate)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

404  Subsection 10(2) (table item 9)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

405  Subsection 13(2)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

406  Subsection 13(3)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to subsection 13(3) is altered by omitting “HIC’s” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO’s”.

407  Paragraph 13(4)(b)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

408  Subsection 13(6)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

409  Paragraph 16(1)(f)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

410  Paragraph 17(1)(g)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

411  Paragraph 19(b)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

412  Subsection 23(2)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

413  Subsection 23(3)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to subsection 23(3) is altered by omitting “HIC’s” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO’s”.

414  Paragraph 23(4)(b)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

415  Subsection 23(6)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

416  Paragraph 24(1)(e)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

417  Paragraph 24(5)(a)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

418  Subsection 25(1)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 25 is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

419  Paragraph 25(2)(b)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

420  Subsection 26(1)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 26 is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

421  Subsections 27(3) and (4)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

422  Subsections 27B(1) and (3)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 27B is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

423  Paragraph 27B(4)(b)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

424  Subsection 28(2) (table item 7)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

425  Subsections 34AB(1) and (3)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 34AB is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

426  Paragraph 34AB(4)(b)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

427  Subsection 34A(3) (table item 12)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

428  Subsection 34E(1)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 34E is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

429  Subsections 34E(4) and (5)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to subsection 34E(5) is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

430  Subsection 34E(5)

Omit “its”, substitute “his or her”.

431  Paragraphs 34H(2)(a) and (b)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

432  Subsections 34I(1) and (2)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

433  Paragraph 34J(1)(b)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 34J is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

434  Subsection 34J(1)

Omit “HIC” (last occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

435  Paragraph 34J(2)(b)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

436  Subsection 34K(1)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

437  Subsection 34K(2)

Omit “it”, substitute “he or she”.

438  Subsections 34K(2) and (3)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

439  Paragraphs 34K(4)(a) and (5)(a)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

440  Subsections 34K(6) and (7)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to subsection 34K(7) is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

441  Subsection 34K(7)

Omit “its”, substitute “his or her”.

442  Subsection 34L(1)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

443  Subsection 34L(5)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

444  Subsection 34Q(2)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to subsection 34Q(2) is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

445  Paragraph 34Q(5)(a)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

446  Subsection 34Q(5)

Omit “HIC” (last occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

447  Paragraph 34Q(7)(a)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

448  Subsection 34T(3)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

449  Paragraph 34T(4)(a)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

450  Subsection 34U(1)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 34U is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

451  Paragraph 34U(2)(b)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

452  Subsection 34V(1)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 34V is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

453  Subsections 34W(3) and (4)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

454  Subsections 34Y(1) and (3)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 34Y is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

455  Paragraph 34Y(4)(b)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

456  Subsection 34ZA(3) (table items 7 and 13)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

457  Paragraphs 34ZB(4A)(b) and (4B)(c)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

458  Paragraph 34ZC(e)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

459  Subsection 34ZJ(3)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

460  Paragraph 34ZJ(4)(a)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

461  Subsection 34ZK(1)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 34ZK is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

462  Paragraph 34ZK(2)(b)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

463  Subsection 34ZL(1)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 34ZL is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

464  Subsections 34ZM(3) and (4)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

465  Subsections 34ZO(1) and (3)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 34ZO is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

466  Paragraph 34ZO(4)(b)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

467  Subsection 34ZT(1)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

468  Paragraph 34ZT(2)(b)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

469  Subsection 34ZU(1)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 34ZU is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

470  Paragraph 34ZU(2)(c)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

471  Subsection 35(2) (table item 3)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

472  Paragraphs 36(1)(a) and (b)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

473  Subsection 37(1)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

474  Paragraphs 37(2)(b) and (c)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

475  Subsection 37(2)

Omit “HIC” (third and fourth occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

476  Paragraphs 37A(2)(a) and (b)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

477  Subsections 37A(5) and (6)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

478  Subsections 37B(1), (2), (3) and (4)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

479  Subsections 38(1), (3) and (3A)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 38 is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

480  Paragraph 38(4)(b)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

481  Paragraphs 39(1)(d) and (1A)(b)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

482  Subsection 39(3)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

483  Paragraph 40(1)(e)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

484  Subsection 40(3)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

485  Paragraph 41(4)(a)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

486  Subsection 42(1)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 42 is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

487  Subsection 42(2)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to subsection 42(2) is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

488  Paragraph 42(3)(a)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

489  Subsections 42(9) and (10)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

490  Subsection 44(1)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 44 is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

491  Paragraph 44(2)(b)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

492  Section 44A

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 44A is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

493  Section 44B

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 44B is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

494  Subsections 46(1) and (2)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

495  Subsection 50(3) (table item 13)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

496  Paragraph 52(2)(f)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

497  Subsection 53(1)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

498  Subsection 53(2)

Omit “HIC” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

499  Subparagraph 53(2)(c)(i)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

500  Paragraph 53(2)(e)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

501  Subsections 56(2) and (3)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to subsection 56(3) is altered by omitting “HIC’s” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO’s”.

502  Paragraph 56(5)(b)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

503  Subsection 56(6)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

504  Subsection 57(3) (table item 10)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

505  Subsection 60(2) (table item 7)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

506  Subsection 62(1)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

507  Subsection 62(3)

Omit “HIC” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

508  Paragraph 62(3)(a)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

509  Paragraph 62(3)(b)

Omit “HIC” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

510  Subparagraphs 62(3)(b)(i) and (ii)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

511  Subsections 62(4), (5) and (6)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

512  Subsections 65(4) and (5)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

513  Paragraph 66(1)(b)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

514  Subsection 66(3)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

515  Paragraphs 66A(1)(b) and (c)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

516  Subsection 66A(2)

Omit “HIC” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to subsection 66A(2) is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

517  Paragraph 66A(2)(d)

Omit “HIC” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

518  Subparagraph 66A(2)(d)(i)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

519  Subparagraph 66A(2)(d)(ii)

Omit “HIC” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

520  Subparagraph 66A(2)(d)(ii)

Omit “it”, substitute “he or she”.

521  Subparagraph 66A(2)(d)(ii)

Omit “HIC” (second occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

522  Subsection 66A(3)

Omit “HIC” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

523  Paragraphs 66A(3)(a) and (b)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

524  Paragraphs 66A(4)(b), (c) and (d)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

525  Paragraph 66A(4)(d)

Omit “its”, substitute “his or her”.

526  Subsection 66A(5)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

527  Paragraph 66A(7)(a)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

528  Paragraphs 66B(1)(a) and (b)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

529  Subsections 66B(3) and (4)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

530  Paragraph 67(1)(c)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

531  Subsections 68(2) and (4)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

532  Subsection 69(1)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 69 is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

533  Subsection 69(2)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to subsection 69(2) is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

534  Paragraph 69(3)(a)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

535  Subsections 69(7), (9) and (10)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

536  Subsection 70(1)

Omit “HIC” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

537  Subparagraph 70(1)(a)(iv)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

538  Subsection 70(4)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

539  Subsection 71(1)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 71 is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

540  Paragraph 71(3)(b)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

541  Subsection 72(1)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 72 is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

542  Paragraphs 72(2)(b) and (c)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

543  Subsections 74(1) and (2)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

544  Section 75

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

545  Section 76

Omit “HIC” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 76 is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

546  Section 76

Omit “Health Insurance Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia”.

547  Section 76

Omit “HIC” (second and third occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

548  Subparagraph 77(2)(c)(iii)

Omit “Health Insurance Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia”.

549  Subsections 77(3) and (4)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Medical Indemnity (Prudential Supervision and Product Standards) Act 2003

550  Paragraph 26D(2)(b)

Omit “Health Insurance Commission”, substitute “Chief Executive Officer of Medicare Australia”.

National Health Act 1953

551  Subsection 4(1)


Medicare Australia CEO means the Chief Executive Officer of Medicare Australia.

552  Paragraph 82L(3)(c)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

553  Subsection 84(1) (definition of CTS claim)

Omit “Health Insurance Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

554  Subsection 84(1) (paragraph (a) of the definition of medicare card)

Omit “Health Insurance Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

555  Subsection 84(1) (paragraph (b) of the definition of medicare number)

Omit “Health Insurance Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

556  Subsection 84(10)

Omit “Health Insurance Commission” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

557  Paragraph 84(10)(a)

Omit “Health Insurance Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

558  Paragraph 86B(3)(c)

Omit “Health Insurance Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

559  Subsection 86C(5)

Omit “Health Insurance Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

560  Subsection 86C(7) (note 1)

Omit “Health Insurance Commission” (wherever occurring) , substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

561  Paragraphs 99(7)(c) and (d)

Omit “Health Insurance Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

562  Subsection 99(8)

Omit “Health Insurance Commission” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

563  Subsection 99ZH(1) (definition of Commission)

Repeal the definition.

564  Subsection 99ZH(1) (definition of Managing Director)

Repeal the definition.

565  Subsection 99ZH(1) (definition of PBS monitoring purposes)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

566  Subsection 99ZH(1) (paragraph (a) of the definition of PBS regulatory purposes)

Omit “Commission to perform its”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO to perform his or her”.

567  Subsection 99ZJ(1)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

568  Subparagraphs 99ZJ(6)(a)(ii) and (b)(ii)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

569  Subsection 99ZJ(8)

Omit “Commission” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

570  Subparagraphs 99ZJ(8)(d)(ii) and (e)(ii)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

571  Subsection 99ZK(1)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

572  Paragraph 99ZK(5)(b)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

573  Subparagraph 99ZK(5)(d)(ii)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

574  Subsection 99ZK(6)

Omit “Commission” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

575  Paragraph 99ZK(6)(e)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

576  Subparagraph 99ZK(6)(g)(ii)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

577  Subsection 99ZN(1)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

578  Paragraphs 99ZN(2)(b) and (c)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

579  Paragraph 99ZN(3)(a)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

580  Paragraph 99ZN(5)(c)

Omit “Commission” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

581  Subparagraphs 99ZN(5)(c)(i), (ii) and (iii)

Omit “Commission” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

582  Paragraphs 99ZN(5)(d) and (e)

Omit “Commission” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

583  Subsection 99ZO(1)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 99ZO is altered by omitting “Commission” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

584  Subsection 99ZO(1)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

585  Subsections 99ZO(2) and (3)

Omit “Commission” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

586  Subsection 99ZO(4)

Omit “Commission” (first and second occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

587  Paragraphs 99ZO(4)(b), (5)(a) and (7)(a)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

588  Subsection 99ZO(7)

Omit “Commission” (second occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

589  Paragraphs 99ZO(7)(c) and (d)

Omit “it decides that it”, substitute “the Medicare Australia CEO decides that he or she”.

590  Subsections 99ZO(8) and (10)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

591  Subsection 99ZR(1)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

 (1) Subject to subsection (2), neither the Commonwealth, the Medicare Australia CEO nor any person performing duty as a Customs officer or as a member of the staff of Medicare Australia is liable for any act done in good faith by such a Customs officer, by the Medicare Australia CEO, or by such a member of the staff of Medicare Australia in the performance of functions or duties, or the exercise of powers, under this Division.

592  Subsection 99ZR(2)

Omit “Commission” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

593  Paragraph 99ZS(1)(c)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

594  Subsection 99ZS(2)

Omit “Commission” (first and second occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

595  Subsection 99ZS(2)

Omit “, or of the staff of, the Commission”, substitute “the staff of Medicare Australia”.

596  Paragraph 99ZS(2)(a)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

597  Subsection 99ZS(3)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

598  Section 99ZT

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

599  Subsection 103(4AD)

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

600  Subsection 135A(1)

Omit “Health Insurance Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia”.

601  Paragraph 135AAA(2)(d)

Omit “Health Insurance Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia”.

602  Paragraph 135AAA(4)(d)

Omit “Health Insurance Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia”.

603  Subsection 135AA(5A)

Omit “Health Insurance Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

604  Paragraph (1)(o) of Schedule 1

Omit “Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

605  Subparagraphs 5(1)(cb)(iii) and (cc)(iii) of Schedule 2

Omit “Health Insurance Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Occupational Health and Safety (Commonwealth Employment) Act 1991

606  Schedule 1

Omit “Health Insurance Commission”.

Private Health Insurance Incentives Act 1998

607  Subsection 115(2) (note)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

608  Subsection 46(1)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

609  Paragraph 610(1)(a)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

610  Paragraph 610(1)(c)

Omit “, or a place approved by, the HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia, or a place approved by the Medicare Australia CEO”.

611  Subsection 610(2)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

612  Section 615

Omit “, or a place approved by, the HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia, or a place approved by the Medicare Australia CEO”.

613  Subsections 620(1), (2) and (3)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

614  Subsection 625(1)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

615  Paragraph 625(3)(b)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

616  Subsections 630(1) and (2)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 630 is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

617  Subsection 630(3)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

 (3) The Medicare Australia CEO must give to you a notice stating his or her decision on the reconsideration together with a statement of his or her reasons for the decision.

618  Section 635

Repeal the section, substitute:

635  Deadline for reconsiderations

 (1) The Medicare Australia CEO must make his or her decision on reconsideration of a decision within 28 days after the day on which he or she received an application for reconsideration.

 (2) The Medicare Australia CEO is taken, for the purposes of this Division, to have made a decision confirming the original decision if the Medicare Australia CEO has not told the applicant of the decision on the reconsideration before the end of the period of 28 days.

Note: A decision confirming the original decision is reviewable under section 1910.

619  Section 71

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

620  Subsection 85(1)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

621  Paragraph 85(2)(a)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

622  Subsections 115(1), (2), (3) and (4)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 115 is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

623  Subsection 1120(1)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 1120 is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

624  Subsections 1120(1), (2) and (3)

Omit “*Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

625  Subsection 1120(4)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

626  Subsection 1125(1)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

627  Subsection 1125(1)

Omit “it”, substitute “the Medicare Australia CEO”.

628  Subsection 1125(2)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

629  Section 1135

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

630  Section 1135

Omit “*Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

631  Subsections 1140(1) and (3)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

632  Subsections 1145(1) and (2)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

633  Subsection 1150(2)

Omit “*Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

634  Subsections 155(1) and (2)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

635  Subsection 1510(1)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

636  Subsection 1510(2)

Omit “*Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

637  Subsection 1510(2)

Omit “Managing Director determines”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO determines”.

638  Subsection 1510(4)

Omit “*Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

639  Subsection 1515(3)

Omit “*Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

640  Subsection 1520(1)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

 (1) If the Medicare Australia CEO considers that a claim is incorrect, the Medicare Australia CEO may either refuse the claim or pay only such part of the claim as he or she is satisfied is correct.

641  Subsection 1520(1A)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

642  Subsection 1520(3)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

 (3) The Medicare Australia CEO is taken, for the purposes of this Act, to have decided that a claim is correct if the Medicare Australia CEO does not give notice of his or her decision that the claim is incorrect on or before the day under subsection 1515(2) on or before which, if the claim were correct, it would have been required to have been paid.

643  Subsections 1521(2) and 1522(2)

Omit “*Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

644  Paragraph 1523(1)(e)

Omit “*Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

645  Subsection 1524(1)

Omit “*Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

646  Subsection 1524(1)

Omit “Managing Director is satisfied”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO is satisfied”.

647  Subsection 1524(2)

Omit “*Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

648  Subsection 1524(2)

Omit “Managing Director is satisfied”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO is satisfied”.

649  Subsection 1524(3)

Omit “*Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

650  Subsection 1524(3)

Omit “Managing Director’s”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO’s”.

651  Subsection 1524(5)

Omit “*Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

652  Subsection 1524(5)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

653  Subsection 1524(5)

Omit “by the Managing Director”, substitute “by the Medicare Australia CEO”.

654  Subsection 1524(6)

Omit “*Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

655  Subsection 1524(6)

Omit “fund, the Managing Director”, substitute “fund, the Medicare Australia CEO”.

656  Subsection 1525(1)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

657  Paragraph 1525(2)(c)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

658  Subsections 1525(3) and (4)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

659  Subsection 1525(6)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

 (6) The Medicare Australia CEO must notify the *health fund stating the Medicare Australia CEO’s decision on the reconsideration together with a statement of his or her reasons for the decision.

660  Subsection 1525(7)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

661  Subsection 1525(7)

Omit “its”, substitute “his or her”.

662  Subsection 165(1)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 165 is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

663  Paragraph 165(2)(c)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

664  Subsection 165(3)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

665  Subsection 165(3)

Omit “it”, substitute “he or she”.

666  Subsections 165(4), (6) and (7)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

667  Subsection 1610(1)

Omit “HIC” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 1610 is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

668  Paragraphs 1610(1)(a) and (b)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

669  Subsection 1610(3)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

670  Subparagraph 185(1)(d)(iii)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

671  Subsection 1810(1)

Omit “*Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

672  Paragraph 1810(1)(a)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

673  Subsection 1810(3)

Omit “*Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

674  Subsections 1815(1) and (1A)

Omit “*Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

675  Subsection 1815(1A)

Omit “Managing Director is”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO is”.

676  Subsection 1815(3)

Omit “*Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

677  Paragraph 1820(1)(a)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

Note: The heading to section 1820 is altered by omitting “HIC” and substituting “Medicare Australia CEO”.

678  Subsection 1820(1)

Omit “HIC” (second occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

679  Subsection 1820(2)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

680  Subsection 1820(2)

Omit “*Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

681  Subsection 1820(3)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

682  Paragraph 1820(3)(a)

Omit “it”, substitute “the Medicare Australia CEO”.

683  Subsection 1825(1)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

684  Paragraph 1825(3)(b)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

685  Subsections 1825(4) and (5)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

686  Subsections 1825(6), (7) and (8)

Repeal the subsections, substitute:

 (6) The Medicare Australia CEO must give you a notice stating his or her decision on the reconsideration together with a statement of his or her reasons for the decision.

 (7) The Medicare Australia CEO must make his or her decision on reconsideration of a decision within 28 days after the day on which he or she received an application for reconsideration.

 (8) The Medicare Australia CEO is taken, for the purposes of this Division, to have made a decision confirming the original decision if the Medicare Australia CEO has not told the applicant of his or her decision on the reconsideration before the end of the period of 28 days.

687  Subsection 191(1)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

688  Subsection 191(2)

Omit “HIC” (first occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

689  Paragraph 191(2)(k)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

690  Paragraph 191(2)(l)

Omit “*Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

691  Subsection 191(3)

Omit “*Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

692  Paragraph 191(5)(a)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

693  Subsections 192(1) and (2)

Omit “HIC” (wherever occurring), substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

694  Section 193

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

695  Section 193

Omit “it”, substitute “he or she”.

696  Paragraphs 1910(a), (b), (c) and (e)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

697  Paragraph 1910(f)

Omit “*Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

698  Paragraph 1910(g)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

699  Subsection 1915(1)

Omit “The HIC”, substitute “(1)  The Medicare Australia CEO”.

700  Paragraph 1915(1)(h)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

701  Subsection 1915(2)

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

702  Paragraph 1916(1)(b)

Omit “Managing Director”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

703  Paragraph 1916(1)(d)

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

 (d) an employee of Medicare Australia.

704  Subsections 1916(2) and (3)

Repeal the subsections, substitute:

 (2) The Medicare Australia CEO may, by writing, delegate all or any of his or her powers under this Act to an employee of Medicare Australia.

705  Section 1925

Omit “HIC”, substitute “Medicare Australia CEO”.

706  Section 205


employee of Medicare Australia means an employee within the meaning of the Medicare Australia Act 1973.

707  Section 205 (definition of HIC)

Repeal the definition.

708  Section 205 (definition of Managing Director)

Repeal the definition.

709  Section 205


Medicare Australia CEO means the Chief Executive Officer of Medicare Australia.

Remuneration and Allowances Act 1990

710  Clause 3 of Schedule 2 (Part 3 of the table, table item dealing with the General Manager, Health Insurance Commission)

Repeal the item.

Social Security Act 1991

711  Subsection 23(1) (paragraph (b) of the definition of protected information)

Omit “the Health Insurance Commission”, substitute “Medicare Australia”.

712  Subsection 23(1) (after paragraph (b) of the definition of protected information)


 (ba) information about a person obtained by an officer under the family assistance law that was held in the records of the Health Insurance Commission; or

713  Subsection 23(1) (subparagraph (c)(iv) of the definition of protected information)

Repeal the subparagraph, substitute:

 (iv) Medicare Australia.

Part 3Transitional provisions

714  Definitions

(1) In this Part:

amend includes repeal and remake.

asset means:

 (a) any legal or equitable estate or interest in real or personal property, whether actual, contingent or prospective; and

 (b) any right, power, privilege or immunity, whether actual, contingent or prospective;

but does not include a right, power, privilege or immunity conferred by an Act or by regulations or other subordinate legislation made under an Act.

CEO means the Chief Executive Officer of Medicare Australia.

commencement time means the time when this Part commences.

Commissioner means a Commissioner of HIC.

HeSA means Health eSignature Authority Pty Ltd (ACN 091 282 638).

HIC means the Health Insurance Commission established under the old law.


 (a) includes:

 (i) a contract, deed, undertaking or agreement; and

 (ii) a notice, authority, order or instruction; and

 (iii) an instrument made under an Act or regulations; but

 (b) does not include an Act or regulations.

liability means any liability, duty or obligation, whether actual, contingent or prospective, but does not include a liability, duty or obligation imposed by an Act or by regulations or other subordinate legislation made under an Act.

Managing Director means the Managing Director of HIC.

new law means the Medicare Australia Act 1973 as in force after the commencement time.

old law means the Health Insurance Commission Act 1973 as in force before the commencement time.

(2) In this Part, unless a contrary intention is expressed, a reference to a law (however described) is a reference to a law of the Commonwealth.

715  Managing Director to become CEO

The person who was the Managing Director immediately before the commencement time under the old law, becomes the CEO immediately after the commencement time and holds office as if he or she were appointed for the remainder of his or her term as Managing Director by the Minister under Division 2 of Part IIA of the new law immediately after the commencement time.

716  Operation of laws—things done by, or in relation to, HIC

(1) If, before the commencement time, a thing was done by, or in relation to, HIC, a Commissioner, the Managing Director or HeSA, then, for the purposes of the operation of any law after the commencement time, the thing is taken to have been done by, or in relation to, the CEO.

(2) For the purposes of subitem (1), a thing done before the commencement time under a provision amended by this Schedule has effect from that time as if it were done under that provision as amended. However, this is not taken to change the time at which the thing was actually done.

(3) The Minister may, by writing, determine that subitem (1):

 (a) does not apply in relation to a specified thing done by, or in relation to, HIC, a Commissioner, the Managing Director or HeSA; or

 (b) applies as if the reference in that subitem to the CEO were a reference to the Commonwealth or to Medicare Australia.

A determination under this subitem has effect accordingly.

(4) The regulations may provide for a thing specified in a determination under paragraph (3)(a) to be taken to have been done by, or in relation to, a person or body other than the CEO, the Commonwealth or Medicare Australia.

(5) To avoid doubt, for the purposes of this item, doing a thing includes making an instrument.

(6) A determination made under subitem (3) is not a legislative instrument.

717  References in instruments

(1) If:

 (a) an instrument is in force immediately before the commencement time; and

 (b) the instrument contains a reference to HIC (however described), a Commissioner, the Managing Director or HeSA;

the instrument has effect from the commencement time as if the reference to HIC, the Commissioner, the Managing Director or HeSA were a reference to the CEO.

(2) If:

 (a) an instrument is in force immediately before the commencement time; and

 (b) the instrument contains a reference to an officer of HIC (however described);

the instrument has effect from the commencement time as if the reference to the officer of HIC were a reference to an employee of Medicare Australia.

(3) The Minister may, by writing, determine that subitem (1) or (2):

 (a) does not apply in relation to a specified reference; or

 (b) applies as if:

 (i) in the case of subitem (1)—the reference in that subitem to the CEO were a reference to the Commonwealth or to Medicare Australia; or

 (ii) in the case of subitem (2)—the reference in that subitem to an employee of Medicare Australia were a reference to the CEO.

A determination under this subitem has effect accordingly.

(4) The regulations may provide that an instrument containing a reference specified in a determination under paragraph (3)(a) has effect from the commencement time as if:

 (a) in the case of an instrument covered by subitem (1)—the reference were a reference to a person or body other than the CEO, the Commonwealth or Medicare Australia; or

 (b) in the case of an instrument covered by subitem (2)—the reference were a reference to a person or body other than the CEO or an employee of Medicare Australia.

(5) This item has effect subject to subitem 718(3).

(6) A determination made under subitem (3) is not a legislative instrument.

718  Transfer of assets and liabilities to the Commonwealth

Transfer of assets and liabilities

(1) At the commencement time:

 (a) the assets and liabilities of HIC become assets and liabilities of the Commonwealth without any conveyance, transfer or assignment; and

 (b) the Commonwealth becomes HIC’s successor in law in relation to those assets and liabilities.

(2) At the commencement time:

 (a) the assets and liabilities of HeSA become assets and liabilities of the Commonwealth without any conveyance, transfer or assignment; and

 (b) the Commonwealth becomes HeSA’s successor in law in relation to those assets and liabilities.

Instruments relating to transferred assets and liabilities

(3) If:

 (a) an instrument is in force immediately before the commencement time; and

 (b) the instrument relates to assets or liabilities covered by subitem (1) or (2); and

 (c) the instrument refers to HIC (however described) or to HeSA;

the reference is to be read as a reference to the Commonwealth as necessary to give effect to subitems (1) and (2).

Proceedings relating to transferred assets and liabilities

(4) If, immediately before the commencement time, any proceedings:

 (a) that related to assets or liabilities covered by subitem (1) or (2); and

 (b) to which HIC or HeSA was a party;

were pending in any court or tribunal, then, from the commencement time, the Commonwealth is substituted for HIC or HeSA as a party to the proceedings.

719  Recording Commonwealth ownership of assets and liabilities

(1) This item applies if:

 (a) an asset or liability becomes an asset or liability of the Commonwealth under item 718; and

 (b) a law of the Commonwealth or a State or Territory provides for the registration or recording of interests, or the transfer of interests, in such an asset or liability.

(2) The Minister may give the person responsible for such registration or recording (the registration official) a certificate that:

 (a) is signed by the Minister; and

 (b) identifies the asset or liability; and

 (c) states that, under item 718, the asset or liability has become an asset or liability of the Commonwealth.

(3) The registration official may:

 (a) deal with, and give effect to, the certificate as if it were a proper and appropriate instrument for transactions in relation to assets or liabilities of that kind; and

 (b) make such entries in the register or record as are necessary having regard to the effect of this Part.

(4) A document that appears to be a certificate given in accordance with subitem (2):

 (a) is taken to be such a certificate; and

 (b) is taken to have been properly given;

unless the contrary is established.

720  Appropriations

Transfer of appropriations

(1) If:

 (a) a provision of an Act or regulations provides for, or relates to, the appropriation of money out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund; and

 (b) the provision refers to HIC (however described);

the reference to HIC is to be read from the commencement time as a reference to Medicare Australia.

(2) The Minister may, by writing, determine that a particular reference to HIC covered by subitem (1) is to be read as a reference to the CEO. A determination under this subitem has effect accordingly.

(3) A determination made under subitem (2) is not a legislative instrument.

Reappropriation of money

(4) If an amount of money (the original amount) becomes an asset of the Commonwealth under item 718, an amount equal to the original amount may be paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, which is appropriated accordingly, for the purposes of Medicare Australia.

721  Transfer of staff

Long service leave

(1) If:

 (a) a member of the staff of HIC transfers, or is transferred, to Medicare Australia; and

 (b) previous employment of the staff member could have been taken into account for the purposes of calculating the staff member’s entitlement to long service leave as a member of the staff of HIC;

the previous employment must be taken into account in a similar manner for the purposes of calculating the staff member’s entitlement to long service leave as an employee of Medicare Australia.

Other staffing matters

(2) The regulations may prescribe other matters of a transitional nature in relation to the transfer of staff from HIC to Medicare Australia.

(3) Without limiting subitem (2), regulations under that subitem may provide for:

 (a) some or all of the entitlements and obligations of the staff of HIC to be preserved; or

 (b) HIC staffing procedures to apply, or to continue to apply, in relation to:

 (i) processes begun before, but not completed by, the commencement time; or

 (ii) things done by, for or in relation to HIC or a staff member of HIC before the commencement time; or

 (c) Medicare Australia staffing procedures to apply in relation to:

 (i) processes begun before, but not completed by, the commencement time; or

 (ii) things done by, for or in relation to HIC or a staff member of HIC before the commencement time.

(4) Regulations made under this item have effect despite the Public Service Act 1999.

(5) In this item:

staffing procedures includes procedures and policies related to recruitment, promotion, performance management, inefficiency, misconduct, forfeiture of position, fitness for duty, loss of essential qualifications, disciplinary action, reviews of or appeals against staffing decisions, transfers, redundancy, resignations, termination of employment, grievance processes and leave.

722  Transfer of records

At the commencement time, the records and documents of HIC and HeSA become the records and documents of the CEO.

723  Access by Commissioners to records

For the purposes of the operation of subsection 27L(4) of the Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997 in relation to the books of HIC, the reference in that subsection to a Commonwealth authority is to be read, after the commencement time, as a reference to the CEO.

724  Financial statements and other reporting requirements

Financial statements

(1) If:

 (a) immediately before the commencement time, a law required HIC, a Commissioner or the Managing Director to provide financial statements for a period; and

 (b) the period ends after the commencement time;

the CEO must, within 3 months after the commencement time, provide the statements for so much of the period as occurs before the commencement time.

Other reporting requirements

(2) If:

 (a) immediately before the commencement time, a law required HIC, a Commissioner or the Managing Director to provide a report (other than financial statements) for a period; and

 (b) the period ends after the commencement time;

the CEO must provide the report, as required, for so much of the period as occurs before the commencement time.

(3) If:

 (a) under subitem (2), the CEO is required to provide a report for a part of a period; and

 (b) the CEO is also required to provide a similar report for the remainder of the period;

the CEO may meet the requirements in a single report for the period.

Outstanding reporting requirements

(4) If:

 (a) a law required HIC, a Commissioner or the Managing Director to provide a report (whether financial statements or otherwise) for a period that ended before the commencement time; and

 (b) the report has not been provided by the commencement time;

the CEO must provide the report as required.

725  Substitution of parties to proceedings

(1) If, immediately before the commencement time, any proceedings to which HIC, a Commissioner, the Managing Director or HeSA was a party were pending in any court or tribunal, then, from the commencement time, the CEO is substituted for HIC, the Commissioner, the Managing Director or HeSA as a party to the proceedings.

(2) This item has effect subject to subitem 718(4).

726  Exemption from stamp duty and other State or Territory taxes

No stamp duty or other tax is payable under a law of a State or Territory in respect of, or anything connected with:

 (a) the transfer of an asset or liability under this Part; or

 (b) the operation of this Part in any other respect.

727  Constitutional safety net—acquisition of property

(1) If:

 (a) a provision of this Schedule would result in an acquisition of property; and

 (b) the provision would not be valid, apart from this item, because a particular person has not been compensated;

the Commonwealth must pay that person:

 (c) a reasonable amount of compensation agreed on between the person and the Commonwealth; or

 (d) failing agreement—a reasonable amount of compensation determined by a court of competent jurisdiction.

(2) Any damages or compensation recovered, or other remedy given, in a proceeding begun otherwise than under this item must be taken into account in assessing compensation payable in a proceeding begun under this item and arising out of the same event or transaction.

(3) In this item:

acquisition of property has the same meaning as in paragraph 51(xxxi) of the Constitution.

728  Operation of the Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977

Despite the amendment made by item 80, the Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977 has effect in relation to decisions made before the commencement time as if that amendment had not been made.

729  Operation of the Freedom of Information Act 1982

The Freedom of Information Act 1982 has effect after the commencement time as if the reference to Medicare Australia in Division 1 of Part II of Schedule 2 to that Act included a reference to HIC.

730  Delegation by Minister

(1)The Minister may, by writing, delegate all or any of his or her powers and functions under this Part to:

 (a) the Secretary of the Department; or

 (b) an SES employee, or acting SES employee, in the Department; or

 (c) the CEO.

(2) In exercising or performing powers or functions under a delegation, the delegate must comply with any directions of the Minister.

(3) A power or function delegated to the CEO under subitem (1) must not be subdelegated under subsection 8AC(3) of the Medicare Australia Act 1973.

731  Regulations

(1) The GovernorGeneral may make regulations prescribing matters:

 (a) required or permitted by this Schedule to be prescribed; or

 (b) necessary or convenient to be prescribed for carrying out or giving effect to this Schedule.

(2) In particular, regulations may be made prescribing matters of a transitional nature (including prescribing any saving or application provisions) relating to the amendments or repeals made by this Schedule.

 [Minister’s second reading speech made in—

House of Representatives on 23 June 2005

Senate on 10 August 2005]
