Indirect Tax Laws Amendment (Assessment) Act 2012


No. 39, 2012






An Act to amend the law relating to indirect taxation, and for related purposes




1 Short title

2 Commencement

3 Schedule(s)

Schedule 1—Assessment of amounts under indirect tax laws

Part 1—Amendments commencing on 1 July 2012

Division 1—Main amendments

Taxation Administration Act 1953

Division 2—Definitions

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999

A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax) Act 1999

A New Tax System (Wine Equalisation Tax) Act 1999

Customs Act 1901

Fuel Tax Act 2006

Income Tax Assessment Act 1997

Taxation Administration Act 1953

Division 3—Other amendments

Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999

A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax) Act 1999

A New Tax System (Wine Equalisation Tax) Act 1999

Customs Act 1901

Fuel Tax Act 2006

Income Tax Assessment Act 1997

Product Grants and Benefits Administration Act 2000

Taxation Administration Act 1953

Division 4—Transitional amendments

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999

Fuel Tax Act 2006

Taxation Administration Act 1953

Division 5—Application of amendments and savings provision

Part 2—Amendments commencing on 1 January 2017

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Transition) Act 1999

Fuel Tax Act 2006

Income Tax Assessment Act 1997

Taxation Administration Act 1953

Part 3—Minerals Resource Rent Tax (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act 2012

Schedule 2—Correcting errors in working out amounts under indirect tax laws

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999

Fuel Tax Act 2006

Schedule 3—Net amounts

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999

A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax) Act 1999

A New Tax System (Wine Equalisation Tax) Act 1999

Schedule 4—Minor amendments

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999

Fuel Tax Act 2006

Income Tax Assessment Act 1997

Taxation Administration Act 1953



Indirect Tax Laws Amendment (Assessment) Act 2012

No. 39, 2012




An Act to amend the law relating to indirect taxation, and for related purposes

[Assented to 15 April 2012]

The Parliament of Australia enacts:

1  Short title

  This Act may be cited as the Indirect Tax Laws Amendment (Assessment) Act 2012.

2  Commencement

 (1) Each provision of this Act specified in column 1 of the table commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has effect according to its terms.


Commencement information

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3




1.  Sections 1 to 3 and anything in this Act not elsewhere covered by this table

The day this Act receives the Royal Assent.

15 April 2012

2.  Schedule 1, Part 1

1 July 2012.

1 July 2012

3.  Schedule 1, Part 2

1 January 2017.

1 January 2017

4.  Schedule 1, items 265 to 268

Immediately after the commencement of section 2 of the Minerals Resource Rent Tax (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act 2012.

29 March 2012

5.  Schedule 1, items 269 and 270

Immediately after the time specified in the Minerals Resource Rent Tax (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act 2012 for the commencement of Part 2 of Schedule 2 to that Act.

However, the provision(s) do not commence at all if this Act receives the Royal Assent before 1 July 2012.

Do not commence

6.  Schedule 1, item 271

Immediately after the commencement of section 2 of the Minerals Resource Rent Tax (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act 2012.

29 March 2012

7.  Schedules 2 and 3

1 July 2012.

1 July 2012

8.  Schedule 4

The earlier of:

(a) the day this Act received the Royal Assent; and

(b) 1 July 2012.

15 April 2012

Note:  This table relates only to the provisions of this Act as originally enacted. It will not be amended to deal with any later amendments of this Act.

 (2) Any information in column 3 of the table is not part of this Act. Information may be inserted in this column, or information in it may be edited, in any published version of this Act.

3  Schedule(s)

  Each Act that is specified in a Schedule to this Act is amended or repealed as set out in the applicable items in the Schedule concerned, and any other item in a Schedule to this Act has effect according to its terms.

Schedule 1Assessment of amounts under indirect tax laws

Part 1Amendments commencing on 1 July 2012

Division 1—Main amendments

Taxation Administration Act 1953

1  Before Part 415 in Schedule 1


Part 41Returns and assessments

Division 155Assessments

Table of Subdivisions

 Guide to Division 155

155A Making assessments

155B Amending assessments

155C Validity and review of assessments

155D Miscellaneous

Guide to Division 155

1551  What this Division is about

This Division contains rules relating to assessments.

The rules in this Division deal with the following:

 (a) how assessments are made or amended and their effect;

 (b) review of assessments.

Subdivision 155AMaking assessments

Table of sections

1555 Commissioner may make assessment

15510 Commissioner must give notice of assessment

15515 Selfassessment

15520 Assessment of indirect tax on importations and customs dealing

15525 Special assessment

15530 Delays in making assessments

1555  Commissioner may make assessment

 (1) The Commissioner may at any time make an assessment of an *assessable amount (including an assessment that the amount is nil).

Note 1: For amendment of assessments, see Subdivision 155B.

Note 2: An assessment can be reviewed: see Subdivision 155C.

 (2) Each of the following is an assessable amount:

 (a) a *net amount;

 (b) a *net fuel amount;

 (c) an amount of *indirect tax not included in an amount covered by another paragraph of this subsection;

 (d) a credit under an *indirect tax law not included in an amount covered by another paragraph of this subsection.

15510  Commissioner must give notice of assessment

 (1) The Commissioner must give you notice of an assessment of an *assessable amount of yours as soon as practicable after the assessment is made.

Note: This section also applies to an amended assessment: see section 15580.

 (2) The Commissioner may give you the notice electronically if you are required to lodge, or have lodged, the return (if any) that relates to the *assessable amount electronically.

15515  Selfassessment

 (1) The Commissioner is treated as having made an assessment under section 1555 of an *assessable amount mentioned in an item of the following table, if the document mentioned in the item is given to the recipient mentioned in the item:


Selfassessed amounts


Column 1

Assessable amount

Column 2


Column 3



your *net amount for a *tax period

the Commissioner

your *GST return for the tax period


your *net fuel amount for a *tax period

the Commissioner

your *fuel tax return for the tax period


the *GST payable by you on a *taxable importation


return given under paragraph 69(5)(c) or 70(7)(a) of the Customs Act 1901 in relation to the importation

 (2) The assessment is treated as having been made on the day the document is given to the recipient mentioned in column 2.

 (3) The amount assessed is:

 (a) if the document is required to state the *assessable amount—the amount (including a nil amount) stated; or

 (b) otherwise—the amount (including a nil amount) worked out in accordance with the information stated in the document.

 (4) The document is treated as being a notice of the assessment:

 (a) signed by the Commissioner; and

 (b) given to you under section 15510 on the day the document is given to the recipient.

 (5) This section does not apply to an *assessable amount if the Commissioner has already assessed the assessable amount on or before the day mentioned in paragraph (4)(b).

15520  Assessment of indirect tax on importations and customs dealing

 (1) The Commissioner is treated as having made an assessment under section 1555 of the *GST, *luxury car tax or *wine tax (whichever is applicable) payable by you on a *taxable importation, *taxable importation of a luxury car or *customs dealing, if:

 (a) the document mentioned in column 1 of an item of the following table is communicated to Customs in respect of the importation or dealing; and

 (b) Customs gives the document mentioned in column 2 of the item to an entity in respect of the importation or dealing.


Customs documents


Column 1

Document communicated to Customs

Column 2

Document given to an entity


an *import declaration

an *import declaration advice


a selfassessed clearance declaration (within the meaning of the Customs Act 1901)

a *selfassessed clearance declaration advice

 (2) The assessment is treated as having been made on the day Customs gives the document mentioned in paragraph (1)(b) to the entity.

 (3) The amount assessed is the amount (including a nil amount) worked out in accordance with the information stated in the 2 documents.

 (4) The 2 documents are treated as together being a notice of the assessment:

 (a) signed by the Commissioner; and

 (b) given to you under section 15510 on the day Customs gives the document mentioned in paragraph (1)(b) of this section to the entity.

 (5) This section does not apply if the Commissioner has already assessed the *GST, *luxury car tax or *wine tax on or before the day mentioned in paragraph (4)(b).

15525  Special assessment

  For the purposes of making, under section 1555, an assessment of an *assessable amount that relates to a period (e.g. a tax period), the Commissioner may treat part of the period as being the whole period.

15530  Delays in making assessments

 (1) You may give the Commissioner a written notice requiring the Commissioner to make an assessment of an *assessable amount of yours, if, 6 months after the day on which the relevant return (if any) for the assessable amount is given to the Commissioner, the Commissioner has not given to you notice of an assessment of the assessable amount under section 15510.

 (2) You may object, in the manner set out in Part IVC of this Act, against the Commissioner’s failure to make the assessment if the Commissioner does not make the assessment within 30 days after the day the notice is given under subsection (1).

Subdivision 155BAmending assessments

Table of sections

When Commissioner may amend assessments

15535 Amendment during period of review

15540 Amendment during period of review—certain applications taken to be notices

15545 Amendment on application

15550 Amendment to give effect to private ruling

15555 Amendment to give effect to certain antiavoidance declarations

15560 Amendment because of review, objection or fraud

Special rules about amending amended assessments

15565 Amending amended assessments

15570 Refreshed period of review

General rules

15575 Refunds of amounts overpaid

15580 Amended assessments are assessments

When Commissioner may amend assessments

15535  Amendment during period of review


 (1) The Commissioner may amend an assessment of an *assessable amount within the *period of review for the assessment.

Note 1: An amendment of an assessment can be reviewed: see Subdivision 155C.

Note 2: This section also applies to amended assessments: see section 15580. However, there are limits on how amended assessments can be amended: see sections 15565 and 15570.

Meaning of period of review

 (2) The period of review, for an assessment of an *assessable amount of yours, is:

 (a) the period:

 (i) starting on the day on which the Commissioner first gives notice of the assessment to you under section 15510; and

 (ii) ending on the last day of the period of 4 years starting the day after that day; or

 (b) if the period of review is extended under subsection (3) or (4) of this section—the period as so extended.


 (3) The Federal Court of Australia may order an extension of the *period of review for an assessment of an *assessable amount of yours for a specified period, if:

 (a) the Commissioner has started to examine your affairs in relation to the assessment; and

 (b) the Commissioner has not completed the examination within the period of review for the assessment; and

 (c) the Commissioner, during the period of review, applies to the Federal Court of Australia for an order extending the period; and

 (d) the Court is satisfied that it was not reasonably practicable, or it was inappropriate, for the Commissioner to complete the examination within the period of review, because of:

 (i) any action taken by you; or

 (ii) any failure by you to take action that it would have been reasonable for you to take.

 (4) You may, by written notice given to the Commissioner, consent to the extension of the *period of review for an assessment of an *assessable amount of yours for a specified period, if:

 (a) the Commissioner has started to examine your affairs in relation to the assessment; and

 (b) the Commissioner has not completed the examination within the period of review for the assessment; and

 (c) the Commissioner, during the period of review, requests you to consent to extending the period of review.

 (5) An order may be made under subsection (3), or consent given under subsection (4), in relation to an assessment of an *assessable amount more than once.

15540  Amendment during period of review—certain applications taken to be notices

 (1) An application made by you for an amendment of an assessment of an *assessable amount of yours is treated as being a notice of the amended assessment given to you by the Commissioner under section 15510, if:

 (a) the application is in the *approved form; and

 (b) the Commissioner makes the amendment:

 (i) to give effect to the decision on the application; and

 (ii) during the *period of review for the assessment; and

 (c) the amendment the Commissioner makes is the entire amendment for which you applied, and nothing else.

 (2) The notice is treated as having been given to you on whichever of the following is applicable:

 (a) the first day the Commissioner adjusts the balance of an *RBA of yours as a result of the amendment;

 (b) the day Customs gives an *import declaration advice, or a *selfassessed clearance declaration advice, to an entity in respect of the relevant *taxable importation, *taxable importation of a luxury car or *customs dealing as a result of the amendment.

15545  Amendment on application

  The Commissioner may amend an assessment of an *assessable amount of yours at any time, if you apply for an amendment in the *approved form during the *period of review for the assessment. The Commissioner may amend the assessment to give effect to his or her decision on the application.

Note: The Commissioner must give you notice of the amended assessment under section 15510: see section 15580.

15550  Amendment to give effect to private ruling

  The Commissioner may amend an assessment of an *assessable amount of yours at any time, if:

 (a) you apply for a *private ruling during the *period of review for the assessment; and

 (b) the Commissioner makes a private ruling because of the application.

The Commissioner may amend the assessment to give effect to the ruling.

15555  Amendment to give effect to certain antiavoidance declarations

  The Commissioner may amend an assessment of an *assessable amount at any time, if:

 (a) the Commissioner makes a declaration under subsection 16545(3) of the *GST Act (about compensating adjustments for antiavoidance declarations); or

 (b) the Commissioner makes a declaration under subsection 7545(3) of the Fuel Tax Act 2006 (about compensating adjustments for antiavoidance declarations).

The Commissioner may amend the assessment to give effect to the declaration.

15560  Amendment because of review, objection or fraud

  Despite anything in this Subdivision, the Commissioner may amend an assessment of an *assessable amount of yours at any time:

 (a) to give effect to a decision on a review or appeal; or

 (b) as a result of an objection made by you, or pending a review or appeal; or

 (c) if he or she is of the opinion there has been fraud or evasion.

Special rules about amending amended assessments

15565  Amending amended assessments

  The Commissioner cannot amend an amended assessment of an *assessable amount under section 15535 if the *period of review for the assessment has ended.

Note: The Commissioner can amend amended assessments at any time under sections 15545 to 15560.

15570  Refreshed period of review

 (1) This section applies if the Commissioner has made one or more amendments of an assessment of an *assessable amount of yours under section 15535 about a particular.

 (2) Despite section 15565, the Commissioner may amend (the later amendment) the amended assessment after the end of the *period of review for the assessment, if:

 (a) the Commissioner makes the later amendment before the end of the period of 4 years starting on the day after the day on which the Commissioner gave notice of the last of the amendments mentioned in subsection (1) to you under section 15510; and

 (b) the later amendment is about the particular mentioned in subsection (1) of this section; and

 (c) the Commissioner has not previously amended the assessment under this section about that particular.

General rules

15575  Refunds of amounts overpaid

 (1) This section applies if:

 (a) an assessment of an *assessable amount of yours is amended; and

 (b) as a result of the amendment, a *taxrelated liability (the earlier liability) of yours is reduced.

 (2) For the purposes of any *taxation law that applies the *general interest charge, the amount by which the *taxrelated liability is reduced is taken never to have been payable.

Note 1: The general interest charge is worked out under Part IIA of this Act.

Note 2: Subsection 8AAB(4) of this Act lists the provisions that apply the charge.

 (3) The Commissioner must apply the amount of any *taxrelated liability overpaid in accordance with Divisions 3 and 3A of Part IIB of this Act (about running balance accounts and the application of payments and credits).

 (4) However, if:

 (a) a later amendment of an assessment of an *assessable amount is made; and

 (b) all or some of your earlier liability in relation to a particular is reinstated;

this section is taken not to have applied to the extent that the earlier liability is reinstated.

15580  Amended assessments are assessments

  An amended assessment of an *assessable amount is an assessment for all purposes of any *taxation law.

Note: The Commissioner must give notice of the amended assessment under section 15510. Under section 15540, an application for an amendment is treated as being a notice of the amendment in certain circumstances.

Subdivision 155CValidity and review of assessments

Table of sections

15585 Validity of assessment

15590 Review of assessments

15585  Validity of assessment

  The validity of any assessment of an *assessable amount is not affected by noncompliance with the provisions of this Act or of any other *taxation law.

15590  Review of assessments

  You may object, in the manner set out in Part IVC of this Act, against an assessment of an *assessable amount of yours if you are dissatisfied with the assessment.

Subdivision 155DMiscellaneous

Table of sections

15595 Entities

15595  Entities

  This Division applies, in relation to an *assessable amount under a *taxation law, to an entity under that taxation law in the same way as the Division applies to an entity under the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.

2  At the end of Chapter 4 in Schedule 1


Part 490Evidence

Division 350Evidence

Table of Subdivisions

 Guide to Division 350

350A Evidence

Guide to Division 350

3501  What this Division is about

The rules in this Division deal with the evidentiary effect of official tax documents for the purposes of certain taxation laws.

Subdivision 350AEvidence

Table of sections

3505 Application of Subdivision

35010 Evidence

35015 Judicial notice of signature

3505  Application of Subdivision

  This Subdivision applies in relation to *taxation laws that are *indirect tax laws.

35010  Evidence

Conclusive evidence

 (1) The following table has effect:


Conclusive evidence


Column 1

The production of …

Column 2

is conclusive evidence that …


(a) a Gazette containing a notice purporting to be issued by the Commissioner for the purposes of a *taxation law; or

(b) a document that:

(i) is under the hand of the Commissioner, a *Second Commissioner, a *Deputy Commissioner or a delegate of the Commissioner; and

(ii) purports to be a copy of, or extract from, a document issued by the Commissioner, a Second Commissioner, a Deputy Commissioner or a delegate of the Commissioner for the purposes of a taxation law;

the notice or document was so issued.


(a) a notice of assessment of an *assessable amount; or

(b) a declaration under:

(i) subsection 16540(1) or 16545(3) of the *GST Act; or

(ii) subsection 7540(1) or 7545(3) of the Fuel Tax Act 2006;

(a) the assessment or declaration was properly made; and

(b) except in proceedings under Part IVC of this Act on a review or appeal relating to the assessment or declaration—the amounts and particulars of the assessment or declaration are correct.

 (2) Paragraph (b) of column 1 of item 2 of the table in subsection (1) applies to:

 (a) a declaration under subsection 16540(1) or 16545(3) of the *GST Act that states:

 (i) the amount that is (and has been at all times) a *net amount for a *tax period that started before 1 July 2012; or

 (ii) the amount that is (and has been at all times) the amount of *GST on a *taxable importation, if the GST was payable before 1 July 2012; or

 (b) a declaration under subsection 7540(1) or 7545(3) of the Fuel Tax Act 2006 that states the amount that is (and has been at all times) a *net fuel amount for a tax period, or *fuel tax return period, that started before 1 July 2012.

Note: Division 165 of the GST Act and Division 75 of the Fuel Tax Act 2006 are antiavoidance provisions.

Prima facie evidence

 (3) The production of a certificate that:

 (a) is signed by the Commissioner, a *Second Commissioner, a *Deputy Commissioner or a delegate of the Commissioner; and

 (b) states that, from the time specified in the certificate, an amount was payable under a *taxation law (whether to or by the Commissioner);

is prima facie evidence that:

 (c) the amount is payable from that time; and

 (d) the particulars stated in the certificate are correct.

Signed copies are evidence

 (4) The production of a document that:

 (a) appears to be a copy of, or extract from, any document (the original document) made or given by or to an entity for the purposes of a *taxation law; and

 (b) is signed by the Commissioner, a *Second Commissioner, a *Deputy Commissioner or a delegate of the Commissioner;

is evidence of the matters set out in the document to the same extent as the original document would have been evidence of those matters.

35015  Judicial notice of signature

  All courts, and all persons having by law or consent of parties authority to hear, receive and examine evidence, must take judicial notice of the signature of every person who is or has been:

 (a) the Commissioner; or

 (b) a *Second Commissioner; or

 (c) a *Deputy Commissioner; or

 (d) a delegate of the Commissioner;

if the signature is attached or appended to an official document for the purposes of a *taxation law.

Division 2—Definitions

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999

3  Section 1951


assessed GST, on:

 (a) a *taxable supply under section 7850 (settlements of insurance claim) or 1055 (supplies by creditors in satisfaction of debts); or

 (b) a *taxable importation;

means the GST *assessed on the taxable supply or taxable importation.

4  Section 1951


assessed net amount, for a *tax period, means the *net amount *assessed for the tax period.

5  Section 1951


assessment has the meaning given by the *ITAA 1997.

A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax) Act 1999

6  Section 271


assessed luxury car tax, on a *taxable importation of a luxury car, means the luxury car tax *assessed on the taxable importation.

7  Section 271


assessment has the meaning given by the *ITAA 1997.

A New Tax System (Wine Equalisation Tax) Act 1999

8  Section 331


assessed wine tax, on a *customs dealing, means the wine tax *assessed on the customs dealing.

9  Section 331


assessment has the meaning given by the *ITAA 1997.

Customs Act 1901

10  Subsection 4(1)


assessed GST has the meaning given by the GST Act.

11  Subsection 4(1)


assessed luxury car tax has the meaning given by the Luxury Car Tax Act.

12  Subsection 4(1)


assessed wine tax has the meaning given by the Wine Tax Act.

13  Subsection 4(1)


taxable dealing has the meaning given by the Wine Tax Act.

14  Subsection 4(1)


taxable importation has the meaning given by the GST Act.

15  Subsection 4(1)


taxable importation of a luxury car has the meaning given by the Luxury Car Tax Act.

Fuel Tax Act 2006

16  Section 1105


assessed net fuel amount, for a *tax period, or for a *fuel tax return period, means the *net fuel amount *assessed for the tax period or fuel tax return period.

17  Section 1105


assessment has the meaning given by the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.

Income Tax Assessment Act 1997

18  Subsection 9951(1)


assessable amount has the meaning given by subsection 1555(2) in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953.

19  Subsection 9951(1)


assessed GST has the meaning given by the *GST Act.

20  Subsection 9951(1)


assessed net amount has the meaning given by the *GST Act.

21  Subsection 9951(1)


assessed net fuel amount has the meaning given by the Fuel Tax Act 2006.

22  Subsection 9951(1) (definition of assessment)

Repeal the definition (not including the note), substitute:


 (a) of an *assessable amount, means an ascertainment of the assessable amount; and

 (b) in relation to a *taxrelated liability not covered by paragraph (a), has the meaning given by a *taxation law that provides for the assessment of the amount of the liability.

23  Subsection 9951(1)


customs dealing has the meaning given by the *Wine Tax Act.

24  Subsection 9951(1)


fuel tax return means a return under the Fuel Tax Act 2006.

25  Subsection 9951(1)


import declaration has the meaning given by the Customs Act 1901.

26  Subsection 9951(1)


import declaration advice has the meaning given by the Customs Act 1901.

27  Subsection 9951(1)


period of review, for an assessment of an *assessable amount, has the meaning given by section 15535 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953.

28  Subsection 9951(1)


selfassessed clearance declaration advice has the meaning given by the Customs Act 1901.

Taxation Administration Act 1953

29  Subsection 2(1)


objection decision has the meaning given by subsection 14ZY(2).

Division 3—Other amendments

Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977

30  Paragraph (e) of Schedule 1

Before “in Schedule 1 to that Act”, insert “or 41”.

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999

31  Section 230

Omit “Parts 310, 415 and 55 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 contain”, substitute “Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 contains”.

32  Section 715

Omit “*net amount”, substitute “amount *assessed as being the *net amount”.

33  Section 715 (before the leftaligned note)


Note 1: For assessment of net amounts, see Division 155 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953.

34  Section 715 (leftaligned note)

Omit “Note”, substitute “Note 2”.

35  Section 171

Repeal the section, substitute:

171  What this Division is about

A net amount is worked out for each tax period that applies to you.

Adjustments can be made to the net amount. Increasing adjustments increase your net amount, and decreasing adjustments decrease your net amount.

Note: GST on taxable importations is not included in the net amount. It is dealt with separately under section 3315.

36  After section 2315


2320  Not registered for 4 years

  Despite section 235, you are treated as not having been *required to be registered under this Act on a day if your *registration could not take effect from that day because of subsection 2510(1A).

Note: Subsection 2510(1A) provides that the date of effect of your registration must not be a day that occurred more than 4 years before the day of the Commissioner’s decision to register you, unless the Commissioner is of the opinion there has been fraud or evasion.

37  After subsection 2510(1)


 (1A) The date of effect must not be a day that occurred more than 4 years before the day of the decision, unless the Commissioner is of the opinion there has been fraud or evasion.

38  Section 271

Omit “(the amounts payable by you or to you)”.

39  Section 291 (note)

Omit “GST”, substitute “assessed GST”.

40  Subsection 2910(4)

Omit “states a *net amount that”.

41  Subsection 2910(4) (note)

After “Section 935”, insert “or 9315”.

42  Subsection 2915(1)

Omit “GST”, substitute “*assessed GST”.

43  Subsection 2915(2)

Omit “GST” (first occurring), substitute “*assessed GST”.

44  Subsection 2970(1B) (note)

Repeal the note.

45  Subsection 3120(1)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

 (1) You must, if required by the Commissioner, whether before or after the end of a tax period, give to the Commissioner, within the time required, a *GST return or a further or fuller GST return for the tax period or a specified period, whether or not you have given the Commissioner a GST return for the tax period under section 315.

46  After section 3125


3130  GST returns treated as being duly made

  A *GST return purporting to be made or signed by or on behalf of an entity is treated as having been duly made by the entity or with the entity’s authority until the contrary is proved.

47  Section 331

Omit “net amounts”, substitute “assessed net amounts”.

48  Section 331 (before note 1)


Note 1A: For provisions about assessment (including selfassessment), see Division 155 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953.

49  Section 333 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

333  When payments of assessed net amounts must be made—quarterly tax periods

50  Paragraph 333(a)

Omit “*net amount”, substitute “*assessed net amount”.

51  Section 333

Omit “must pay the net amount”, substitute “must pay the assessed net amount”.

52  Section 333 (table)

Omit “net amount”, substitute “assessed net amount”.

53  Section 335 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

335  When payments of assessed net amounts must be made—other tax periods

54  Subsection 335(1)

Omit “*net amount for”, substitute “*assessed net amount for”.

55  Subsection 335(1)

Omit “net amount to”, substitute “assessed net amount to”.

56  Subsection 335(2)

Omit “*net amount”, substitute “*assessed net amount”.

57  Section 3310 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

3310  How payment of assessed net amounts are made

58  Subsection 3310(1)

Omit “any *net amounts”, substitute “any *assessed net amounts”.

59  Subsection 3310(1)

Omit “a net amount”, substitute “an assessed net amount”.

60  Subsection 3310(2)

Omit “*net amounts”, substitute “*assessed net amounts”.

61  Section 3315 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

3315  Payments of assessed GST on importations

62  Subsection 3315(1)

Omit “GST”, substitute “*assessed GST”.

63  Paragraph 3315(1)(b) (note)

Omit “net amounts”, substitute “assessed net amounts”.

64  Subsection 3315(2)

Omit “GST”, substitute “*assessed GST”.

65  Section 351

Omit “net amounts”, substitute “assessed net amounts”.

66  Subsection 355(1)

Omit “*net amount”, substitute “*assessed net amount”.

67  Subsection 355(2)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

 (2) However, if:

 (a) the Commissioner amends the *assessment of your *net amount; and

 (b) your *assessed net amount before the amendment was less than zero; and

 (c) the amount that, because of the assessment, was:

 (i) paid; or

 (ii) applied under the Taxation Administration Act 1953;

  exceeded the amount (including a nil amount) that would have been payable or applicable had your assessed net amount always been the later assessed net amount;

the amount of the excess is to be treated as if:

 (d) the excess were an assessed net amount for the tax period; and

 (e) that assessed net amount were an amount greater than zero and equal to the amount of the excess; and

 (f) despite Division 33, that assessed net amount became payable, and due for payment, by you at the time when the amount was paid or applied.

Note: Treating the excess as if it were an assessed net amount has the effect of applying the collection and recovery rules in Part 310 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953, such as a liability to pay the general interest charge under section 10580 in that Schedule.

68  Section 3510

Repeal the section, substitute:

3510  When entitlement arises

  Your entitlement to be paid an amount under section 355 arises when the Commissioner gives you notice of the *assessment of your *net amount for the tax period.

Note: In certain circumstances, the Commissioner is treated as having given you notice of the assessment when you give to the Commissioner your GST return (see section 15515 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953).

69  Section 3599 (note)

Omit “net amounts”, substitute “assessed net amounts”.

70  Subsection 5155(1)

Omit “the *net amount”, substitute “the *assessed net amount”.

71  Paragraph 5155(1)(a)

Omit “net amount”, substitute “assessed net amount”.

72  Section 5160

Omit “the *net amount”, substitute “the *assessed net amount”.

73  Section 5160

Omit “that net amount”, substitute “that assessed net amount”.

74  Subsection 5460(1)

Omit “the *net amount”, substitute “the *assessed net amount”.

75  Paragraph 5460(1)(a)

Omit “net amount”, substitute “assessed net amount”.

76  Section 5465

Omit “the *net amount”, substitute “the *assessed net amount”.

77  Section 5465

Omit “that net amount”, substitute “that assessed net amount”.

78  Subparagraph 6015(1)(e)(i)

Omit “GST”, substitute “*assessed GST”.

79  Paragraph 6030(1)(a)

Omit “GST”, substitute “*assessed GST”.

80  Subsection 7890(1)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

 (1) An entity that is not *registered or *required to be registered during a particular month must pay to the Commissioner:

 (a) amounts of *assessed GST on *taxable supplies under section 7850 that it makes during that month; and

 (b) *assessed amounts of *increasing adjustments that it has that arise, during that month, in relation to supplies that are taxable supplies under section 7850.

 (1A) The entity must pay each amount:

 (a) on or before the later of:

 (i) the 21st day after the end of the month; and

 (ii) the day the Commissioner gives notice of the relevant *assessment to the entity under section 15510 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953; and

 (b) at the place and in the manner specified by the Commissioner.

81  Sections 931 and 935

Repeal the sections, substitute:

931  What this Division is about

Your entitlements to input tax credits for creditable acquisitions cease unless they are included in your assessed net amounts within a limited period (generally 4 years).

However, this time limit does not apply in certain limited cases.

935  Time limit on entitlements to input tax credits

 (1) You cease to be entitled to an input tax credit for a *creditable acquisition to the extent that the input tax credit has not been taken into account, in an *assessment of a *net amount of yours, during the period of 4 years after the day on which you were required to give to the Commissioner a *GST return for the tax period to which the input tax credit would be attributable under subsection 2910(1) or (2).

Note: Section 9310 sets out circumstances in which your entitlement to the input tax credit does not cease under this section.

 (2) This section has effect despite section 1120 (which is about entitlement to input tax credits).

Note: You must hold a valid tax invoice relating to a creditable acquisition to be entitled to have an input tax credit for that acquisition taken into account in working out your assessed net amount for a tax period: see subsection 2910(3).

82  At the end of section 9310


Amendment of assessments in relation to supplies

 (4) You do not cease under section 935 to be entitled to an input tax credit if:

 (a) the input tax credit is for a *creditable acquisition that relates to making a supply; and

 (b) during the period of 4 years mentioned in subsection 935(1), a *net amount of yours is *assessed on the basis that the supply is *input taxed; and

 (c) after the end of that 4year period, the Commissioner amends the assessment of your net amount for the tax period to which the supply is attributable under section 15535, 15545 or 15550, or paragraph 15560(a) or (b), in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 on the basis that the supply is not input taxed; and

 (d) the input tax credit is taken into account in an assessment of a net amount of yours (the credit assessment):

 (i) after the end of that 4year period; and

 (ii) at a time when the Commissioner may amend the assessment of your net amount for the tax period mentioned in subsection 935(1) of this Act (whether the credit assessment or another assessment) under Subdivision 155B in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 on the basis that you are entitled to the input tax credit.

Request to treat document as tax invoice

 (5) If:

 (a) you requested the Commissioner to treat a document under subsection 2970(1B) as a *tax invoice for the purposes of attributing an input tax credit to a tax period; and

 (b) you made the request before the end of the 4year period mentioned in subsection 935(1) in relation to the tax period; and

 (c) the Commissioner agrees to the request after the end of the 4year period;

you do not cease under section 935 to be entitled to the input tax credit to the extent that, had the Commissioner agreed to the request before the end of the 4year period, you would not cease under that section to be entitled to the credit.

83  Section 9315

Omit “Section 9310 does not apply”, substitute “You are not entitled to an input tax credit for a *creditable acquisition”.

84  Paragraph 9315(a)

Omit “*creditable acquisition for which you would be entitled to an input tax credit but for this section”, substitute “creditable acquisition”.

85  Subsection 10520(1)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

 (1) If you are not *registered or *required to be registered during a particular month, you must pay to the Commissioner:

 (a) amounts of *assessed GST on *taxable supplies under section 1055 that you make during that month; and

 (b) *assessed amounts of *increasing adjustments that you have that arise, during that month, in relation to supplies that are taxable supplies under section 1055.

 (1A) You must pay each amount:

 (a) on or before the later of:

 (i) the 21st day after the end of the month; and

 (ii) the day the Commissioner gives notice of the relevant *assessment to you under section 15510 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953; and

 (b) at the place and in the manner specified by the Commissioner.

86  Section 11415

Repeal the section, substitute:

11415  Payments of amounts of assessed GST where security for payment of customs duty is forfeited

 (1) If:

 (a) a circumstance relating to goods is an importation of the goods into Australia because of an item of the table in section 1145; and

 (b) security has been given under the Customs Act 1901 for payment of *customs duty in respect of the goods; and

 (c) the security is forfeited;

any *assessed GST payable on the importation is to be paid when the security is forfeited.

 (2) This section has effect despite section 3315 (which is about payments of amounts of assessed GST on importations).

87  Section 11420

Repeal the section, substitute:

11420  Payments of amounts of assessed GST where delivery into home consumption is authorised under section 71 of the Customs Act

 (1) If:

 (a) the delivery of goods into home consumption in accordance with an authorisation under section 71 of the Customs Act 1901 is an importation into Australia because of item 1, 2, 3 or 4 of the table in section 1145; and

 (b) information was provided under section 71 of that Act in connection with the granting of the authorisation;

any *assessed GST payable on the importation is to be paid when the information was provided/on or before the granting of the authorisation.

 (2) This section has effect despite sections 3315 (which is about payments of amounts of assessed GST on importations) and 11415.

88  Section 11715 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

11715  Refunds of assessed GST on certain reimportations of live animals

89  Paragraph 11715(1)(a)

Omit “GST”, substitute “*assessed GST”.

90  Subsection 11715(1)

Omit “GST payable”, substitute “assessed GST payable”.

91  Subsection 1335(1) (note)

After “Section 935”, insert “or 9315”.

92  Subsection 1385(2) (paragraph (c) of the definition of applicable value)

Omit “GST”, substitute “*assessed GST”.

93  Subsection 1395(2) (paragraph (c) of the definition of applicable value)

Omit “GST”, substitute “*assessed GST”.

94  Section 15150 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

15150  When payments of assessed net amounts for annual tax periods must be made

95  Subsection 15150(1)

Omit “*net amount for”, substitute “*assessed net amount for”.

96  Subsection 15150(1)

Omit “net amount to”, substitute “assessed net amount to”.

97  Subsection 15150(2)

Omit “net amounts”, substitute “assessed net amounts”.

98  Subsection 15160(2)

Omit “*net amount for”, substitute “*assessed net amount for”.

99  Subsection 15160(2)

Omit “net amount to”, substitute “assessed net amount to”.

100  Subsection 15160(3)

Omit “net amounts”, substitute “assessed net amounts”.

101  Subsection 1625(3)

Omit “*net amounts”, substitute “*assessed net amounts”.

102  Subsection 16290(2)

Omit “*net amount for”, substitute “*assessed net amount for”.

103  Subsection 16290(2)

Omit “net amount to”, substitute “assessed net amount to”.

104  Subsection 16290(3)

Omit “net amounts”, substitute “assessed net amounts”.

105  Subsection 16295(3)

Omit “*net amount for”, substitute “*assessed net amount for”.

106  Subsection 16295(3)

Omit “net amount to”, substitute “assessed net amount to”.

107  Subsection 16295(4)

Omit “net amounts”, substitute “assessed net amounts”.

108  Section 162110 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

162110  When payments of assessed net amounts must be made—GST instalment payers

109  Paragraph 162110(1)(b)

Omit “*net amount”, substitute “*assessed net amount”.

110  Subsection 162110(1)

Omit “net amount to”, substitute “assessed net amount to”.

111  Subsection 162110(2)

Omit “net amounts”, substitute “assessed net amounts”.

112  Subsection 162145(3)

Omit “your *net amounts”, substitute “your *assessed net amounts”.

113  Paragraph 162190(b)

Omit “*net amount”, substitute “*assessed net amount”.

114  Paragraph 162200(4)(b)

Omit “*net amount”, substitute “*assessed net amount”.

115  Section 16540 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

16540  Commissioner may make declaration for purpose of negating avoider’s GST benefits

116  Section 16540

Before “For the purpose”, insert “(1)”.

117  Section 16540 (note)

Repeal the note.

118  At the end of section 16540


 (2) The Commissioner must take such action as he or she considers necessary to give effect to a declaration made under this section.

119  Paragraph 16545(1)(a)

Omit “section 16540”, substitute “subsection 16540(1)”.

120  Subsection 16545(3) (note)

Repeal the note.

121  Subsection 16545(5) (note)

Repeal the note.

122  Section 16550

Repeal the section, substitute:

16550  Declaration has effect according to its terms

  For the purpose of making an *assessment, a statement in a declaration under this Subdivision has effect according to its terms, despite the provisions of this Act outside of this Division.

123  Section 1711

Omit “GST”, substitute “assessed GST”.

124  Subsection 1715(1)

Omit “GST”, substitute “*assessed GST”.

125  Subsection 1715(1) (note)

Omit “GST and luxury car tax”, substitute “assessed GST and assessed luxury car tax”.

126  Subsection 1715(1A)

Omit “GST”, substitute “*assessed GST”.

127  Subsection 1715(1A) (note)

Omit “GST and luxury car tax”, substitute “assessed GST and assessed luxury car tax”.

128  Subsection 1715(2)

Omit “GST”, substitute “assessed GST”.

129  Section 1951 (note at the end of the definition of creditable acquisition)

After “935”, insert “, 9315”.

A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax) Act 1999

130  Subsection 210(1)

Omit “luxury car tax on importations”, substitute “assessed luxury car tax on importations”.

131  Section 225

After “Parts 310”, insert “, 41”.

132  Subdivision 13B (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

Subdivision 13BPaying assessed luxury car tax on taxable importations of luxury cars

133  Section 1320 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

1320  Paying assessed luxury car tax on taxable importations of luxury cars

134  Subsection 1320(1)

Omit “Luxury car tax”, substitute “*Assessed luxury car tax”.

135  Paragraph 1320(1)(b) (note 1)

Omit “net amounts”, substitute “assessed net amounts”.

136  Paragraph 1320(1)(b) (after note 1)


Note 1A: For provisions about assessment of luxury car tax on taxable importations of luxury cars, see Division 155 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953.

137  Paragraph 1320(1)(b) (note 2)

Omit “luxury car tax”, substitute “assessed luxury car tax”.

138  Subsection 1320(2)

Omit “luxury car tax”, substitute “*assessed luxury car tax”.

139  Subsection 1325(1)

Omit “luxury car tax”, substitute “*assessed luxury car tax”.

140  Subsection 1325(1) (note)

Omit “GST and luxury car tax”, substitute “assessed GST and assessed luxury car tax”.

141  Subsection 1325(1A)

Omit “luxury car tax”, substitute “*assessed luxury car tax”.

142  Subsection 1325(1A) (note)

Omit “GST and luxury car tax”, substitute “assessed GST and assessed luxury car tax”.

A New Tax System (Wine Equalisation Tax) Act 1999

143  Section 220

Omit “wine tax” (last occurring), substitute “assessed wine tax”.

144  Section 233

After “Parts 310”, insert “, 41”.

145  Subsection 1925(5)

Omit “Part 310”, substitute “Parts 310 and 41”.

146  Section 231

Omit “GST”, substitute “assessed GST”.

147  Subsection 235(1)

Omit “wine tax”, substitute “*assessed wine tax”.

148  Paragraph 235(1)(b) (note 1)

Omit “net amounts”, substitute “assessed net amounts”.

149  Paragraph 235(1)(b) (after note 1)


Note 1A: For provisions about assessment of wine tax on customs dealings, see Division 155 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953.

150  Paragraph 235(1)(b) (note 2)

Omit “wine tax”, substitute “assessed wine tax”.

151  Subsection 235(2)

Omit “wine tax”, substitute “*assessed wine tax”.

Customs Act 1901

152  Subparagraph 71AAAL(3)(a)(i)

Omit “GST payable on the taxable importation (as defined in the GST Act)”, substitute “assessed GST payable on the taxable importation”.

153  Subparagraph 71AAAL(3)(a)(ii)

Omit “(as defined in the Luxury Car Tax Act) is associated with the import of the goods—the luxury car tax”, substitute “is associated with the import of the goods—the assessed luxury car tax”.

154  Subparagraph 71AAAL(3)(a)(iii)

Omit “(as defined in the Wine Tax Act) is associated with the import of the goods—the wine tax”, substitute “is associated with the import of the goods—the assessed wine tax”.

155  Paragraph 71AAAL(3)(b)

Omit “unpaid GST, luxury car tax or wine tax”, substitute “unpaid assessed GST, assessed luxury car tax or assessed wine tax”.

156  Paragraph 71C(4)(b)

Omit “GST, luxury car tax, wine tax”, substitute “assessed GST, assessed luxury car tax, assessed wine tax”.

157  Subparagraph 71C(7)(a)(i)

Omit “GST payable on the taxable importation (as defined in the GST Act)”, substitute “assessed GST payable on the taxable importation”.

158  Subparagraph 71C(7)(a)(ii)

Omit “(as defined in the Luxury Car Tax Act) is associated with the import of the goods—the luxury car tax”, substitute “is associated with the import of the goods—the assessed luxury car tax”.

159  Subparagraph 71C(7)(a)(iii)

Omit “(as defined in the Wine Tax Act) is associated with the import of the goods—the wine tax”, substitute “is associated with the import of the goods—the assessed wine tax”.

160  Paragraph 71AAAL(7)(b)

Omit “unpaid GST, luxury car tax or wine tax”, substitute “unpaid assessed GST, assessed luxury car tax or assessed wine tax”.

161  Subsection 105D(3) (note)

Omit “of GST”, substitute “of assessed GST”.

162  Paragraph 162(1)(b)

Omit “GST payable on the taxable importation (as defined in the GST Act)”, substitute “assessed GST payable on the taxable importation”.

163  Paragraph 162(1)(c)

Omit “(as defined in the Luxury Car Tax Act) is associated with the import of those goods—the luxury car tax”, substitute “is associated with the import of those goods—the assessed luxury car tax”.

164  Paragraph 162A(2)(b)

Omit “GST that may become payable on the taxable importation (as defined in the GST Act)”, substitute “assessed GST that may become payable on the taxable importation”.

165  Paragraph 162A(2)(c)

Omit “(as defined in the Luxury Car Tax Act) is associated with the import of the goods—the luxury car tax”, substitute “is associated with the import of the goods—the assessed luxury car tax”.

Fuel Tax Act 2006

166  Section 441

Omit “net fuel amount determines”, substitute “assessed net fuel amount determines”.

167  Section 471

Repeal the section, substitute:

471  What this Division is about

Your entitlements to fuel tax credits cease unless they are included in your assessed net fuel amounts within a limited period (generally 4 years).

However, this time limit does not apply in certain limited cases.

168  Section 475

Repeal the section, substitute:

475  Time limit on entitlements to fuel tax credits

 (1) You cease to be entitled to a fuel tax credit to the extent that it has not been taken into account, in an *assessment of a *net fuel amount of yours, during the period of 4 years after the day on which you were required to give to the Commissioner a return for the tax period or fuel tax return period to which the fuel tax credit would be attributable under subsection 655(1), (2) or (3).

 (2) Without limiting subsection (1), you also cease to be entitled to a fuel tax credit for taxable fuel you acquire, manufacture or import, to the extent that you did not give to the Commissioner under section 6115 during the period of 4 years after the day on which the acquisition, manufacture or importation occurred a return that takes the fuel tax credit into account.

Note: Section 4710 sets out circumstances in which your entitlement to the fuel tax credit does not cease under this section.

169  At the end of section 4710


Request to treat document as tax invoice

 (4) If:

 (a) you requested the Commissioner to treat a document under subsection 2970(1B) of the *GST Act as a tax invoice (within the meaning of that Act) for the purposes of attributing an *input tax credit for fuel to a *tax period; and

 (b) you made the request before the end of the 4year period mentioned in subsection 475(1) of this Act in relation to the tax period; and

 (c) the Commissioner agrees to the request after the end of the 4year period;

you do not cease under subsection 475(1) to be entitled to a fuel tax credit for the fuel to the extent that, had the Commissioner agreed to the request before the end of the 4year period, you would not cease under that subsection to be entitled to the credit.

170  Section 601

Omit “You work out your net fuel amount”, substitute “Your net fuel amount is worked out”.

171  Section 611


If your return includes a positive net fuel amount, you must pay the Commissioner that amount. If your return includes a negative net fuel amount, the Commissioner must pay you that amount.


If the Commissioner assesses you as having a positive net fuel amount, you must pay the Commissioner that amount. If the Commissioner assesses you as having a negative net fuel amount, the Commissioner must pay you that amount.

172  At the end of section 611


Note: For the assessment of the net fuel amount (including selfassessment), see Division 155 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953.

173  Sections 615 and 6110

Repeal the sections, substitute:

615  Entitlement to a refund

 (1) If your *assessed net fuel amount for a *tax period or *fuel tax return period is less than zero, the Commissioner must, on behalf of the Commonwealth, pay that *amount (expressed as a positive amount) to you.

Note 1: See Division 3A of Part IIB of the Taxation Administration Act 1953 for the rules about how the Commissioner must pay you. Division 3 of Part IIB of that Act allows the Commissioner to apply the amount owing as a credit against tax debts that you owe to the Commonwealth.

Note 2: Interest is payable under the Taxation (Interest on Overpayments and Early Payments) Act 1983 if the Commissioner is late in paying the amount.

 (2) However, if:

 (a) the Commissioner amends the *assessment of your *net fuel amount for a *tax period or *fuel tax return period; and

 (b) your *assessed net fuel amount before the amendment was less than zero; and

 (c) the *amount that, because of the assessment, was:

 (i) paid; or

 (ii) applied under the Taxation Administration Act 1953;

  exceeded the amount (including a nil amount) that would have been payable or applicable had your assessed net fuel amount always been the later assessed net fuel amount;

you must pay the excess to the Commissioner as if:

 (d) the excess were an assessed net fuel amount for that period; and

 (e) that assessed net fuel amount were an amount greater than zero and equal to the amount of the excess; and

 (f) despite section 6110, that assessed net fuel amount became payable, and due for payment, by you at the time when the amount was paid or applied.

Note: Treating the excess as if it were an assessed net fuel amount has the effect of applying the collection and recovery rules in Part 310 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953, such as a liability to pay the general interest charge under section 10580 in that Schedule.

617  When entitlement arises

  Your entitlement to be paid an *amount under section 615 arises when the Commissioner gives you notice of the *assessment of your *net fuel amount for the *tax period or *fuel tax return period.

Note: In certain circumstances, the Commissioner is treated as having given you notice of the assessment when you give to the Commissioner your return (see section 15515 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953).

6110  Requirement to pay an assessed net fuel amount

  You must pay your *assessed net fuel amount for a *tax period to the Commissioner by the day on which you are required under section 465 or 6115 to give to the Commissioner your return for the tax period, if your assessed net fuel amount is greater than zero.

174  After subsection 6115(2)


 (2A) You must, if required by the Commissioner, whether before or after the end of a *tax period or *fuel tax return period, give to the Commissioner, within the time required, a return or a further or fuller return for the tax period or fuel tax return period or a specified period, whether or not you have given the Commissioner a return for the tax period or fuel tax return period under subsection (1) or (2).

175  After section 6115


6117  Returns treated as being duly made

  A return purporting to be made or signed by or on behalf of an entity is treated as having been duly made by the entity or with the entity’s authority until the contrary is proved.

176  Subsection 655(4)

Omit “states a *net fuel amount that”.

177  Paragraph 7030(b)

After “*net fuel amount”, insert “, *assessed net fuel amount”.

178  Paragraph 7030(d)

After “*net amount”, insert “, assessed net amount”.

179  Section 751

Omit “net fuel amounts”, substitute “assessed net fuel amounts”.

180  Section 7540 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

7540  Commissioner may make declaration for purpose of negating avoider’s fuel tax benefits

181  Subsection 7540(1) (note)

Repeal the note.

182  At the end of section 7540


 (3) The Commissioner must take such action as he or she considers necessary to give effect to a declaration made under this section.

183  Paragraph 7545(1)(a)

Omit “section 7540”, substitute “subsection 7540(1)”.

184  Subsections 7545(3) and (5) (note)

Repeal the note.

185  Section 7550

Repeal the section, substitute:

7550  Declaration has effect according to its terms

  For the purpose of making an *assessment, a statement in a declaration under this Subdivision has effect according to its terms, despite the provisions of this Act outside of this Division.

Income Tax Assessment Act 1997

186  Subsection 2715(3)

Omit “the payment of *GST”, substitute “the payment of *assessed GST”.

187  Subsection 2715(3)

Omit “that payment of GST”, substitute “that payment of assessed GST”.

Product Grants and Benefits Administration Act 2000

188  Subsection 15(2A)

Omit “that includes a net fuel amount”.

189  Subsection 15(4) (definition of net fuel amount)

Repeal the definition.

Taxation Administration Act 1953

190  Subsection 8AAZLG(2)

After “makes”, insert “or amends”.

191  Subsection 8AAZMA(1)

Omit “a net amount”, substitute “an assessed net amount”.

192  Section 14ZQ (definition of objection decision)

Repeal the definition.

193  After paragraph 14ZW(1)(be)


 (bf) if the taxation objection is made under subsection 15530(2) in Schedule 1 to this Act—60 days after the end of the period of 30 days mentioned in that subsection; or

 (bg) if the taxation objection is made under Subdivision 155C in Schedule 1 to this Act—the period mentioned in paragraph 15535(2)(a) in that Schedule in relation to the assessment concerned; or

194  Before subsection 14ZW(1A)


 (1AAC) The person cannot lodge a taxation objection against a private indirect tax ruling (to which subsection (1AAB) does not apply) after the end of whichever of the following ends last:

 (a) 60 days after the ruling was made;

 (b) the period mentioned in paragraph 15535(2)(a) in Schedule 1 in relation to the assessment of the assessable amount to which the ruling relates.

195  Paragraph 14ZW(1B)(b)

Omit “or (bb)”, substitute “, (bb), (bf) or (bg)”.

196  Subsection 14ZY(2)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

 (1B) If the taxation objection is an objection under subsection 15530(2) in Schedule 1 against the Commissioner’s failure to make an assessment of an assessable amount, the Commissioner must decide to make an assessment of the assessable amount.

 (2) A decision of the Commissioner mentioned in subsection (1), (1A) or (1B) is an objection decision.

197  Subsection 14ZYA(1)

After “subsection”, insert “15530(2) or”.

198  Subsection 14ZYB(1)

Omit “subsection 35950(3) in Schedule 1 against the Commissioner’s failure to make a private ruling”, substitute “subsection 15530(2) or 35950(3) in Schedule 1”.

199  At the end of subsection 14ZYB(1)


Note 1: Subsection 15530(2) provides for objections against the Commissioner’s failure to make an assessment of an assessable amount.

Note 2: Subsection 35950(3) provides for objections against the Commissioner’s failure to make a private ruling.

200  Section 1051 in Schedule 1


 Note: Administration rules relevant to particular indirect tax laws are in Divisions 110, 111 and 112.


 Note 1: Administration rules relevant to particular indirect tax laws are in Divisions 110, 111 and 112.

 Note 2: For assessment of assessable amounts under indirect tax laws, see Division 155.

201  Section 1051 in Schedule 1


 (g) the evidentiary effect of official indirect tax documents;

202  Subparagraph 10565(2)(a)(i) in Schedule 1

Omit “*net amount”, substitute “*assessed net amount”.

203  Subparagraph 10565(2)(a)(ii) in Schedule 1

Omit “net amount”, substitute “assessed net amount”.

204  Subparagraph 10565(2)(b)(i) in Schedule 1

Omit “net amount”, substitute “assessed net amount”.

205  Subparagraph 10565(2)(b)(ii) in Schedule 1

Omit “net amount”, substitute “assessed net amount”.

206  Paragraphs 10580(2)(a) and (b) in Schedule 1

Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:

 (a) an *assessed net fuel amount;

 (b) an assessed amount of *indirect tax (including an *assessed net amount).

207  Subdivision 105E in Schedule 1

Repeal the Subdivision.

208  Subsection 11050(1) in Schedule 1 (note)

Repeal the note.

209  Subsection 11050(2) in Schedule 1 (cell at table item 61, column headed “Provision of GST Act under which decision is made”)

Repeal the cell, substitute:

subsection 16540(1)

210  Subsection 11150(1) in Schedule 1 (note)

Repeal the note.

211  Subsection 11250(1) in Schedule 1 (note)

Repeal the note.

212  Subsection 11250(2) in Schedule 1 (cell at table item 1, column headed “Provision of the Fuel Tax Act 2006 under which decision is made”)

Repeal the cell, substitute:

subsection 7540(1)

213  Chapter 4 in Schedule 1 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

Chapter 4Generic assessment, collection and recovery rules

214  Subsection 25010(2) in Schedule 1 (table item 5)

Repeal the item, substitute:


assessed net amount, including amounts in respect of luxury car tax and wine equalisation tax

333, 335, 355(2)

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999

215  Subsection 25010(2) in Schedule 1 (table item 10, column headed “Topic”)

Omit “GST”, substitute “assessed GST”.

216  Subsection 25010(2) in Schedule 1 (table items 12, 12A and 12B)

Repeal the items, substitute:


assessed GST on supplies made in settlement of claims under insurance policies


A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999


assessed GST on supplies made in satisfaction of debts


A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999

217  Subsection 25010(2) in Schedule 1 (table item 15, column headed “Topic”)

Omit “luxury car tax”, substitute “assessed luxury car tax”.

218  Subsection 25010(2) in Schedule 1 (table item 20, column headed “Topic”)

Omit “wine tax”, substitute “assessed wine tax”.

219  Subsection 25010(2) in Schedule 1 (table item 36, column headed “Topic”)

Omit “net fuel amount”, substitute “assessed net fuel amount”.

220  Subsection 25010(2) in Schedule 1 (table item 36, column headed “Provision”)

Omit “615(3),”, substitute “615(2)”.

221  Paragraph 28820(a) in Schedule 1

Omit “a *net amount”, substitute “an *assessed net amount”.

222  Paragraphs 35755(i) and (j) in Schedule 1

Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:

 (i) a *net fuel amount, or the administration of a net fuel amount;

 (ia) an *assessed net fuel amount, or the collection or payment of an assessed net fuel amount;

 (j) a *net amount, or the administration of a net amount;

 (ja) an *assessed net amount, or the collection or payment of an assessed net amount;

223  Paragraph 3825(1)(b) in Schedule 1

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

 (b) retain those records for the longest of:

 (i) 5 years after the completion of the transactions or acts to which they relate; and

 (ii) the *period of review for any assessment of an *assessable amount to which those records, transactions or acts relate; and

 (iii) if such an assessment has been amended under Subdivision 155B—the period of 4 years mentioned in paragraph 15570(2)(a) (which provides for a refreshed period of review) that applies to the latest such amendment.

Division 4—Transitional amendments

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999

224  At the end of subsection 9310(1)


Note 3: Sections 10550 and 10555 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 only apply in relation to tax periods starting before 1 July 2012.

Note 4: This subsection will be repealed on 1 January 2017: see Part 2 of Schedule 1 to the Indirect Tax Laws Amendment (Assessment) Act 2012.

225  At the end of subsection 9310(2)


Note 3: Section 10550 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 only applies in relation to tax periods starting before 1 July 2012.

Note 4: This subsection will be repealed on 1 January 2017: see Part 2 of Schedule 1 to the Indirect Tax Laws Amendment (Assessment) Act 2012.

226  At the end of subsection 9310(3)


Note 3: Section 10555 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 only applies in relation to tax periods starting before 1 July 2012.

Note 4: This subsection will be repealed on 1 January 2017: see Part 2 of Schedule 1 to the Indirect Tax Laws Amendment (Assessment) Act 2012.

Fuel Tax Act 2006

227  Subsection 4710(1) (note)

Repeal the note, substitute:

Note 1: Section 10550 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 deals with the time limit within which the Commissioner can recover indirect tax amounts, and section 10555 in Schedule 1 to that Act deals with the time limit within which you can claim amounts relating to indirect tax.

Note 2: Sections 10550 and 10555 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 only apply in relation to tax periods and fuel tax return periods starting before 1 July 2012.

Note 3: This subsection will be repealed on 1 January 2017 (see Part 2 of Schedule 1 to the Indirect Tax Laws Amendment (Assessment) Act 2012).

228  Subsection 4710(2) (note)

Repeal the note, substitute:

Note 1: Section 10550 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 deals with the time limit within which the Commissioner can recover indirect tax amounts.

Note 2: Section 10550 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 only applies in relation to tax periods and fuel tax return periods starting before 1 July 2012.

Note 3: This subsection will be repealed on 1 January 2017 (see Part 2 of Schedule 1 to the Indirect Tax Laws Amendment (Assessment) Act 2012).

229  Subsection 4710(3) (note)

After “Note”, insert “1”.

230  At the end of subsection 4710(3)


Note 2: Section 10555 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 only applies in relation to tax periods and fuel tax return periods starting before 1 July 2012.

Note 3: This subsection will be repealed on 1 January 2017 (see Part 2 of Schedule 1 to the Indirect Tax Laws Amendment (Assessment) Act 2012).

Taxation Administration Act 1953

231  At the end of subsection 14ZW(1AAA)


Note 1: Section 10540 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 only applies in relation to tax periods and fuel tax return periods starting before 1 July 2012.

Note 2: This subsection will be repealed on 1 January 2017: see Part 2 of Schedule 1 to the Indirect Tax Laws Amendment (Assessment) Act 2012.

232  After subsection 14ZW(1AAB)


 (1AABA) Subsection (1AAB) applies in relation to:

 (a) a tax period starting before 1 July 2012; or

 (b) a payments or refund that:

 (i) does not relate to any tax period; and

 (ii) relates to a liability or entitlement that arose before 1 July 2012.

Note: Subsection (1AAB) and this subsection will be repealed on 1 January 2017: see Part 2 of Schedule 1 to the Indirect Tax Laws Amendment (Assessment) Act 2012.

233  Before section 1055 in Schedule 1


1053  Application of Subdivision

  This Subdivision applies to:

 (a) *tax periods, and *fuel tax return periods, starting before 1 July 2012; and

 (b) *indirect tax payable by you on an importation of goods, if:

 (i) the indirect tax does not relate to any tax periods; and

 (ii) the liability to pay the indirect tax arose before 1 July 2012.

Note: This Subdivision will be repealed on 1 January 2017: see Part 2 of Schedule 1 to the Indirect Tax Laws Amendment (Assessment) Act 2012.

234  At the end of section 10540 in Schedule 1


Note: This Subdivision will be repealed on 1 January 2017: see Part 2 of Schedule 1 to the Indirect Tax Laws Amendment (Assessment) Act 2012.

235  At the end of section 10550 in Schedule 1


Sunsetting provision

 (4) This section applies in relation to payments and refunds that:

 (a) relate to *tax periods, and *fuel tax return periods, that start before 1 July 2012; or

 (b) do not relate to any tax periods or fuel tax return periods, but relate to liabilities or entitlements that arose before 1 July 2012.

Note: This section will be repealed on 1 January 2017: see Part 2 of Schedule 1 to the Indirect Tax Laws Amendment (Assessment) Act 2012.

236  At the end of section 10555 in Schedule 1


Sunsetting provision

 (6) This section applies in relation to payments and refunds that:

 (a) relate to *tax periods, and *fuel tax return periods, that start before 1 July 2012; or

 (b) do not relate to any tax periods, or fuel tax return periods, but relate to liabilities or entitlements that arose before 1 July 2012.

Note: This section will be repealed on 1 January 2017: see Part 2 of Schedule 1 to the Indirect Tax Laws Amendment (Assessment) Act 2012.

237  Subsection 11050(2) in Schedule 1 (cell at table item 61, column headed “Decision”)

Repeal the cell, substitute:

making a declaration that states:

(a) the amount that is (and has been at all times) a *net amount for a *tax period that ended before 1 July 2012; or

(b) the amount that is (and has been at all times) the amount of *GST on a *taxable importation, if the GST was payable before 1 July 2012

238  Subsection 11250(2) in Schedule 1 (cell at table item 1, column headed “Decision”)

Repeal the item, substitute:

making a declaration that states the amount that is (and has been at all times) the *net fuel amount for a *tax period, or *fuel tax return period, that ended before 1 July 2012

Division 5—Application of amendments and savings provision

239  Application of amendments

(1) The amendments made by Divisions 1, 2 and 3 of this Part apply in relation to payments and refunds that relate to tax periods, and fuel tax return periods, starting on or after 1 July 2012.

(2) The amendments made by Divisions 1, 2 and 3 of this Part also apply in relation to payments and refunds that:

 (a) do not relate to any tax periods or fuel tax return periods; and

 (b) relate to liabilities or entitlements that arose on or after 1 July 2012.

240  Application of amendments—declarations

Despite item 239, item 2 of the table in subsection 35010(1) in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 applies, in relation to declarations under the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 or the Fuel Tax Act 2006, as mentioned in subsection 35010(2) in that Schedule.

241  Savings provision

(1) A specification:

 (a) made by the Commissioner for the purposes of subsection 7890(1) of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999; and

 (b) in force just before the commencement of this item;

has effect, from that commencement, as if it had been made for the purposes of paragraph 7890(1A)(b) of that Act as in force after that commencement.

(2) A specification:

 (a) made by the Commissioner for the purposes of subsection 10520(1) of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999; and

 (b) in force just before the commencement of this item;

has effect, from that commencement, as if it had been made for the purposes of paragraph 10520(1A)(b) of that Act as in force after that commencement.

Part 2Amendments commencing on 1 January 2017

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999

242  Subsection 1720(2)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

 (2) The matters must relate to correction of errors that were made in working out *net amounts for tax periods to which subsection (2A) applies.

243  Paragraph 1720(2A)(b)

Omit “if the earlier tax period started on or after 1 July 2012—”.

244  Section 931


However, this time limit does not apply in certain limited cases.

245  Subsections 9310(1), (2) and (3)

Repeal the subsections.

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Transition) Act 1999

246  Section 15IA

Repeal the section.

Fuel Tax Act 2006

247  Section 471


However, this time limit does not apply in certain limited cases.

248  Subsections 4710(1), (2) and (3)

Repeal the subsections.

249  Subsection 4710(4) (heading)

Repeal the heading.

250  Subsection 4710(4)

Omit “(4)”.

251  Subsection 6010(2)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

 (2) The matters must relate to correction of errors that were made in working out *net fuel amounts to which subsection (3) or (4) applies.

252  Paragraph 6010(3)(b)

Omit “if the earlier tax period started on or after 1 July 2012—”.

253  Paragraph 6010(4)(b)

Omit “if the earlier fuel tax return period started on or after 1 July 2012—”.

Income Tax Assessment Act 1997

254  Subsection 9951(1) (definition of reviewable indirect tax decision)

Repeal the definition.

Taxation Administration Act 1953

255  Subsections 14ZW(1AAA), (1AAB) and (1AABA)

Repeal the subsections.

256  Subsection 14ZW(1AAC)

Omit “(to which subsection (1AAB) does not apply)”.

257  Section 1051 in Schedule 1


 (a) how assessments are made or amended and their effect;

 (b) review of assessments;

258  Subdivisions 105A and 105B in Schedule 1

Repeal the Subdivisions.

259  Sections 10550 and 10555 in Schedule 1

Repeal the sections.

260  Subsection 11050(2) in Schedule 1 (table item 61)

Repeal the item.

261  Subsection 11250(2) in Schedule 1 (table item 1)

Repeal the item.

262  Subsection 35010(1) in Schedule 1 (table item 2)

Repeal the item, substitute:


a notice of assessment of an *assessable amount

(a) the assessment was properly made; and

(b) except in proceedings under Part IVC of this Act on a review or appeal relating to the assessment—the amounts and particulars of the assessment are correct.

263  Subsection 35010(2) in Schedule 1

Repeal the subsection.

264  Application of amendments

(1) The amendments made by this Part apply in relation to payments and refunds that relate to tax periods, and fuel tax return periods, starting on or after 1 July 2012.

(2) The amendments made by this Part also apply in relation to payments and refunds that:

 (a) do not relate to any tax periods or fuel tax return periods; and

 (b) relate to liabilities or entitlements that arose on or after 1 July 2012.

Part 3Minerals Resource Rent Tax (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act 2012

265  Subsection 2(1) (table item 3, column 2)

Before “Schedule 1”, insert “Part 1 of”.

266  Subsection 2(1) (table item 3, column 2)

Omit “However, the provision(s) do not commence at all if that Act does not receive the Royal Assent before 1 July 2012.”.

267  Subsection 2(1) (table item 6, column 2)

Before “Schedule 1”, insert “Part 1 of”.

268  Subsection 2(1) (table item 6, column 2)

Omit “However, the provision(s) do not commence at all if that Act does not receive the Royal Assent before 1 July 2012.”.

269  Part 2 of Schedule 2

Repeal the Part.

270  Effect of repeal

(1) To avoid doubt, Part 2 of Schedule 2 to the Minerals Resource Rent Tax (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act 2012 is taken never to have commenced.

(2) Anything done under the Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977 or the Taxation Administration Act 1953 as amended by that Part (disregarding item 269 of this Schedule and this item) is taken to have been done under that Act as amended by:

 (a) this Act; and

 (b) Part 1 of Schedule 2, and Part 2 of Schedule 3, to the Minerals Resource Rent Tax (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act 2012.

271  Item 90 of Schedule 3 (note)

Repeal the note.

Schedule 2Correcting errors in working out amounts under indirect tax laws


A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999

1  Subsection 1720(2)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

 (2) The matters must relate to correction of errors:

 (a) that were made in working out *net amounts to which subsection (2A) applies; and

 (b) that do not relate to amounts:

 (i) that have ceased to be payable by you because of section 10550 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953; or

 (ii) to which, because of section 10555 in that Schedule, you are not entitled.

Note: Paragraph (2)(b) will be repealed on 1 January 2017: see Part 2 of Schedule 1 to the Indirect Tax Laws Amendment (Assessment) Act 2012.

 (2A) This subsection applies to a *net amount for a tax period (the earlier tax period) if:

 (a) the earlier tax period precedes the tax period mentioned in subsection (1); and

 (b) if the earlier tax period started on or after 1 July 2012—the tax period mentioned in subsection (1) starts during the *period of review for the *assessment of the *net amount.

2  Section 1951


period of review, for an *assessment, has the meaning given by section 15535 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953.

Fuel Tax Act 2006

3  At the end of Subdivision 60A


6010  Determinations relating to how to work out net fuel amounts

 (1) The Commissioner may make a determination that, in the circumstances specified in the determination, a *net fuel amount for a *tax period or a *fuel tax return period may be worked out to take account of other matters in the way specified in the determination.

 (2) The matters must relate to correction of errors:

 (a) that were made in working out *net fuel amounts to which subsection (3) or (4) applies; and

 (b) that do not relate to amounts:

 (i) that have ceased to be payable by you because of section 10550 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953; or

 (ii) to which, because of section 10555 in that Schedule, you are not entitled.

Note: Paragraph (2)(b) will be repealed on 1 January 2017 (see Part 2 of Schedule 1 to the Indirect Tax Laws Amendment (Assessment) Act 2012).

 (3) This subsection applies to a *net fuel amount for a *tax period (the earlier tax period) if:

 (a) the earlier tax period precedes the tax period mentioned in subsection (1); and

 (b) if the earlier tax period started on or after 1 July 2012—the tax period mentioned in subsection (1) starts during the *period of review for the *assessment of the net fuel amount.

 (4) This subsection applies to a *net fuel amount for a *fuel tax return period (the earlier fuel tax return period) if:

 (a) the earlier fuel tax return period precedes the fuel tax return period mentioned in subsection (1); and

 (b) if the earlier fuel tax return period started on or after 1 July 2012—the fuel tax return period mentioned in subsection (1) starts during the *period of review for the *assessment of the net fuel amount.

 (5) If the circumstances mentioned in subsection (1) apply in relation to a *tax period or a *fuel tax return period applying to you, you may work out your *net fuel amount for the tax period or fuel tax return period in that way.

4  Section 1105


period of review, for an *assessment, has the meaning given by section 15535 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953.

Schedule 3Net amounts


A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999

1  Subsection 175(2)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

 (2) However, the *net amount for the tax period:

 (a) may be increased or decreased if you have any *adjustments for the tax period; and

 (b) may be increased or decreased under Subdivision 21A of the *Wine Tax Act; and

 (c) may be increased or decreased under Subdivision 13A of the A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax) Act 1999.

Note 1: Under Subdivision 21A of the Wine Tax Act, amounts of wine tax increase the net amount, and amounts of wine tax credits reduce the net amount.

Note 2: Under Subdivision 13A of the A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax) Act 1999, amounts of luxury car tax increase the net amount, and luxury car tax adjustments alter the net amount.

2  Subsection 12315(1)

Omit “net amount”, substitute “net amount”.

3  Subsection 12315(1)

Omit “method” (last occurring), substitute “simplified accounting method”.

4  After subsection 12315(1)


 (1A) However, the *net amount worked out under subsection (1) for the tax period:

 (a) may be increased or decreased under Subdivision 21A of the *Wine Tax Act; and

 (b) may be increased or decreased under Subdivision 13A of the A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax) Act 1999.

Note 1: Under Subdivision 21A of the Wine Tax Act, amounts of wine tax increase the net amount, and amounts of wine tax credits reduce the net amount.

Note 2: Under Subdivision 13A of the A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax) Act 1999, amounts of luxury car tax increase the net amount, and luxury car tax adjustments alter the net amount.

5  Subsection 1265(2)

Repeal the subsection (including the note), substitute:

 (2) However, the *net amount worked out under subsection (1) for the tax period:

 (a) may be increased or decreased if you have any *adjustments for the tax period; and

 (b) may be increased or decreased under Subdivision 21A of the *Wine Tax Act; and

 (c) may be increased or decreased under Subdivision 13A of the A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax) Act 1999.

Note 1: See Part 24 for the basic rules on adjustments.

Note 2: Under Subdivision 21A of the Wine Tax Act, amounts of wine tax increase the net amount, and amounts of wine tax credits reduce the net amount.

Note 3: Under Subdivision 13A of the A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax) Act 1999, amounts of luxury car tax increase the net amount, and luxury car tax adjustments alter the net amount.

6  Paragraph 162105(a)

After “175”, insert “, 12315”.

7  Section 1951 (definition of net amount)

Repeal the definition, substitute:

net amount, for a tax period, has the meaning given by section 175. However:

 (a) it has the meaning given by section 162105 if the tax period is an *instalment tax period; or

 (b) it has the meaning given by section 12315 if a choice under Division 123 to apply a *simplified accounting method has effect during the tax period, and paragraph (a) does not apply; or

 (c) it has the meaning given by section 1265 if you are liable for GST on a *gambling supply that is attributable to the tax period, and paragraphs (a) and (b) do not apply.

Note: Subdivision 21A of the Wine Tax Act and Subdivision 13A of the A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax) Act 1999 can affect the net amount.

A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax) Act 1999

8  Section 135 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

135  Net amounts increased by amounts of luxury car tax

9  Section 135

Omit “adding”.

A New Tax System (Wine Equalisation Tax) Act 1999

10  Section 215 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

215  Net amounts increased by amounts of wine tax

11  Subsection 215(1)

Omit “adding”.

12  Section 2115 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

2115  Net amounts reduced by amounts of wine tax credits

13  Section 2115

Omit “subtracting”.

Schedule 4Minor amendments


A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999

1  Subparagraphs 38185(3)(f)(ii) and (4)(f)(ii)

Omit “A New Tax System (Wine Equalisation Tax) Act 1999”, substitute “*Wine Tax Act”.

2  Section 481 (note)

Omit “A New Tax System (Wine Equalisation Tax) Act 1999”, substitute “Wine Tax Act”.

3  Section 511 (note)

Omit “A New Tax System (Wine Equalisation Tax) Act 1999”, substitute “Wine Tax Act”.

4  Section 14915 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

14915  GST law applies to registered government entities

5  Section 14915

Omit “this Act”, substitute “the *GST law”.

6  Subsection 1625(4)

Repeal the subsection.

Note: This item repeals a subsection made redundant by the repeal of section 16 of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Transition) Act 1999 by the Tax Laws Amendment (Repeal of Inoperative Provisions) Act 2006.

7  Section 1651

Omit “A New Tax System (Wine Equalisation Tax) Act 1999”, substitute “Wine Tax Act”.

8  Paragraph 17712(4)(c)

Omit “A New Tax System (Wine Equalisation Tax) Act 1999”, substitute “*Wine Tax Act”.

9  Section 1951 (definition of local entry)

Omit “A New Tax System (Wine Equalisation Tax) Act 1999”, substitute “*Wine Tax Act”.

10  Section 1951 (definition of tax period)

Repeal the definition, substitute:

tax period means a tax period applying to you under:

 (a) Division 27 (about quarterly and one month tax periods); or

 (b) section 4873 (about GST groups with incapacitated entities); or

 (c) section 5735 (about resident agents); or

 (d) section 5835 (about representatives of incapacitated entities); or

 (e) section 15140 (about annual tax periods); or

 (f) section 16255 (about instalment tax periods).

11  Section 1951 (definition of wine tax)

Omit “A New Tax System (Wine Equalisation Tax) Act 1999”, substitute “*Wine Tax Act”.

12  Section 1951


Wine Tax Act means the A New Tax System (Wine Equalisation Tax) Act 1999.

13  Section 1951 (definition of wine tax law)

Omit “A New Tax System (Wine Equalisation Tax) Act 1999”, substitute “*Wine Tax Act”.

Fuel Tax Act 2006

14  Subsection 4310(7)

Omit “amount”, substitute “*amount”.

15  Paragraphs 4710(1)(b) and (3)(b)

Omit “tax period”, substitute “*tax period, or *fuel tax return period,”.

16  Application of amendments

The amendments made by item 15 of this Schedule apply, and are taken to have applied, in relation to acquisitions, manufacturing, importations and adjustments that are taken into account in:

 (a) returns given to the Commissioner under section 6115 of the Fuel Tax Act 2006 on or after 1 July 2010; or

 (b) amendments of such returns.

Income Tax Assessment Act 1997

17  Subsection 9951(1)


Deputy Commissioner means a Deputy Commissioner of Taxation.

18  Subsection 9951(1)


Second Commissioner means a Second Commissioner of Taxation.

Taxation Administration Act 1953

19  Subsection 25010(2) in Schedule 1 (after table item 12)



GST on supplies made in settlement of claims under insurance policies


A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999


GST on supplies made in satisfaction of debts


A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999

20  Subsection 2555(2) in Schedule 1

Omit “Second Commissioner or a Deputy Commissioner”, substitute “*Second Commissioner or a *Deputy Commissioner”.

21  Paragraph 25545(1)(b) in Schedule 1

Omit “Second Commissioner or a Deputy Commissioner”, substitute “*Second Commissioner or a *Deputy Commissioner”.

22  Paragraph 35530(2)(a) in Schedule 1

Omit “Second Commissioner of Taxation”, substitute “*Second Commissioner”.

23  Paragraphs 35555(1)(c) and 35570(1)(c) in Schedule 1

Omit “Second Commissioner” (first occurring), substitute “*Second Commissioner”.

24  Paragraph 357100(b) in Schedule 1

Omit “Second Commissioner or a Deputy Commissioner”, substitute “*Second Commissioner or a *Deputy Commissioner”.




[Minister’s second reading speech made in—

House of Representatives on 29 February 2012

Senate on 14 March 2012]
