I, GEOFF RICHARDSON, Assistant Secretary, Marine Biodiversity & Biosecurity Branch, as Delegate of the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, having satisfied myself on the matters set out in section 303FN of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), declare the operation that is specified in column 1 of Table 1, to be an approved wildlife trade operation under subsection 303FN (2) of the EPBC Act, but only to the extent the operation relates to the class of specimens specified in column 2 of Table 1.


Table 1


Class of Specimens

Western Australian Marine Aquarium Fish Managed Fishery, as defined in the Western Australian Fish Resources Management Act 1994 and the Western Australian Fish Resources Management Regulations 1995, and in accordance with permits issued under the Western Australian Fish Resources Management Act 1994


Specimens that are, or are derived from, fish or invertebrates, other than:

a)      specimens that belong to species listed under Part 13 of the EPBC Act, and

b)      specimens that belong to taxa listed under section 303CA of the EPBC Act (Part 13A), except for specimens that belong to taxa listed in Schedule 2.


This declaration:

a)             is valid until 31 December 2013; and

b)             is subject to the conditions under section 303FT of the EPBC Act specified in the Schedule 1.


Dated this 21st day of December 2012




………………………Geoff Richardson………………………

Delegate of the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities


Under the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975, a person whose interests are affected by this decision may apply for a statement of reasons and for independent review of the decision. An application for a statement of reason may be made in writing to Department of the Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities within 28 days of the date of the declaration. An application for independent review may be made to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal on payment of the relevant fee within 28 days of the date of the declaration, or if reasons are sought, within 28 days of receipt of reasons. Further information may be obtained from the Director, Sustainable Fisheries Section.















Relating to the harvesting of fish specimens that are, or are derived from, fish or invertebrates, other than specimens of species listed under Part 13 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), taken in the Western Australian Marine Aquarium Fish Managed Fishery subject to the following conditions:


  1. Operation of the fishery will be carried out in accordance with the management regime under the Western Australian Fish Resources Management Act 1994 and the Western Australian Fish Resources Management Regulations 1995.


2.      The Western Australian Department of Fisheries to advise the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities of any intended material change to the fishery’s legislated management regime and management arrangements that could affect the criteria on which Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 decisions are based.


3.      The Western Australian Department of Fisheries to produce and present reports to the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities annually as per Appendix B of the Guidelines for the Ecologically Sustainable Management of Fisheries - 2nd Edition.

4.      In consultation with the Australian CITES Scientific Authority for Marine Species (Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities), the Western Australian Department of Fisheries to review the management arrangements for all species listed on Appendix II of CITES, which are permitted to be retained in the Western Australian Marine Aquarium Fish Managed Fishery. The review should include, but not be limited to, the need for spatial effort indicators and a review of the process for setting performance measures and trigger reference points for each species with reference to CITES requirements.


5.      The Western Australian Department of Fisheries to consult with the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities prior to a change to the management arrangements for a CITES or Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 listed species being implemented.

6.      The Western Australian Department of Fisheries to:

a)      immediately inform the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities of any breaches of the voluntary agreement with licensees of the Western Australian Western Australian Marine Aquarium Fish Managed Fishery and consider the need to prohibit further harvest of affected species, and

b)     to provide the department with quarterly updates on the progress on managing CITES limits and the development of the new consolidated legislative framework.









Acropora nana

Caulastraea curvata

Favites russelli

Acanthastrea bowerbanki

Acropora nasuta

Caulastraea tumida

Fungia concinna

Acanthastrea echinata

Acropora nobilis

Coscinaraea columna

Fungia costulata

Acanthastrea hemprichii

Acropora ocellata

Coscinaraea exesa

Fungia curvata

Acanthastrea hillae

Acropora palifera

Coscinaraea marshae

Fungia cyclolites

Acanthastrea lordhowensis

Acropora palmerae

Coscinaraea mcneilli

Fungia distorta

Acropora abrolhosensis

Acropora papillare

Cynarina lacrymalis

Fungia fragilis

Acropora abrotanoides

Acropora polystoma

Cyphastrea chalcidicum

Fungia fungites

Acropora aculeus

Acropora pulchra

Cyphastrea microphthalma

Fungia granulosa

Acropora acuminata

Acropora robusta

Cyphastrea serailia

Fungia horrida

Acropora anthocercis

Acropora russelli

Dendrophyllia alcocki

Fungia klunzingeri

Acropora aspera

Acropora samoensis

Dendrophyllia arbuscula

Fungia patelliformis

Acropora austera

Acropora sarmentosa

Dendrophyllia boschmai

Fungia paumotensis

Acropora brueggemanni

Acropora selago

Desmophyllum dianthus

Fungia repanda

Acropora bushyensis

Acropora seriata

Diploastrea heliopora

Fungia scruposa

Acropora cardenae

Acropora solitaryensis

Duncanopsammia axifuga

Fungia scutaria

Acropora caroliniana

Acropora spathulata

Echinophyllia aspera

Fungia sinensis

Acropora cerealis

Acropora spicifera

Echinophyllia echinata

Fungia tenuis

Acropora clathrata

Acropora stoddarti

Echinophyllia orpheensis

Galaxea astreata

Acropora cytherea

Acropora striata

Echinopora ashmorensis

Galaxea fascicularis

Acropora danai

Acropora subglabra

Echinopora gemmacea

Goniastrea aspera

Acropora dendrum

Acropora subulata

Echinopora hirsutissima

Goniastrea australensis

Acropora digitifera

Acropora tenuis

Echinopora horrida

Goniastrea edwardsi

Acropora divaricata

Acropora tortuosa

Echinopora lamellosa

Goniastrea favulus

Acropora donei

Acropora turaki

Euphyllia ancora

Goniastrea palauensis

Acropora elseyi

Acropora valenciennesi

Euphyllia cristata

Goniastrea pectinata

Acropora exquisita

Acropora valida

Euphyllia divisa

Goniastrea retiformis

Acropora florida

Acropora vaughani

Euphyllia glabrescens

Goniopora columna

Acropora formosa

Acropora verweyi

Favia favus

Goniopora djiboutiensis


Acropora gemmifera

Acropora willisae

Favia helianthoides

Goniopora eclipsensis

Acropora glauca

Acropora yongei

Favia laxa

Goniopora lobata

Acropora grandis

Alveopora allingi

Favia lizardensis

Goniopora minor

Acropora granulosa

Alveopora catalai

Favia matthaii

Goniopora norfolkensis

Acropora horrida

Alveopora fenestrata

Favia maxima

Goniopora pandoraensis

Acropora humilis

Alveopora gigas

Favia pallida

Goniopora pendulus

Acropora hyacinthus

Alveopora spongiosa

Favia rotumana

Goniopora somaliensis

Acropora indiana

Alveopora tizardi

Favia rotundata

Goniopora stokesi

Acropora insignis

Alveopora verrilliana

Favia speciosa

Goniopora stutchburyi

Acropora intermedia

Australomussa rowleyensis

Favia stelligera

Goniopora tenuidens

Acropora latistella

Balanophyllia bairdiana

Favia truncatus

Herpolitha limax

Acropora listeri

Balanophyllia buccina

Favia veroni

Hydnophora exesa

Acropora loisetteae

Balanophyllia carinata

Favites abdita

Hydnophora microconos

Acropora longicyathus

Balanophyllia cornu

Favites chinensis

Hydnophora pilosa

Acropora lovelli

Balanophyllia elliptica

Favites complanata

Hydnophora rigida

Acropora lutkeni

Balanophyllia generatrix

Favites flexuosa

Leptoria phrygia

Acropora microclados

Balanophyllia gigas

Favites halicora

Lithophyllon mokai

Acropora microphthalma

Balanophyllia imperialis

Favites paraflexuosa

Lithophyllon undulatum

Acropora millepora

Blastomussa merleti

Favites pentagona

Lobophyllia corymbosa

Acropora monticulosa

Blastomussa wellsi

Platygyra pini

Lobophyllia diminuta

Lobophyllia hataii

Montipora monasteriata

Platygyra ryukyuensis

Porites vaughani

Lobophyllia hemprichii

Montipora nodosa

Platygyra sinensis

Scolymia australis

Lobophyllia pachysepta

Montipora peltiformis

Platygyra verweyi

Seriatopora caliendrum

Merulina ampliata

Montipora spongodes

Plerogyra sinuosa

Seriatopora hystrix

Merulina scabricula

Montipora spumosa

Plesiastrea versipora

Stylophora pistillata

Montastrea curta

Montipora stellata

Pocillopora damicornis

Symphyllia agaricia

Montastrea magnistellata

Montipora tuberculosa

Pocillopora eydouxi

Symphyllia radians

Montastrea valenciennesi

Montipora turgescens

Pocillopora meandrina

Symphyllia recta

Montipora aequituberculata

Montipora turtlensis

Pocillopora verrucosa

Symphyllia valenciennesii

Montipora angulata

Montipora undata

Pocillopora woodjonesi

Symphyllia wilsoni

Montipora australiensis

Montipora venosa

Polyphyllia talpina

Trachyphyllia geoffroyi


Montipora calcarea

Montipora verrucosa

Porites annae

Tubastraea coccinea

Montipora caliculata

Moseleya latistellata

Porites aranetai

Tubastraea diaphana

Montipora capricornis

Oxypora glabra

Porites australiensis

Turbinaria bifrons

Montipora crassituberculata

Oxypora lacera

Porites cylindrica

Turbinaria conspicua

Montipora danae

Pavona cactus

Porites eridani

Turbinaria frondens

Montipora digitata

Pavona clavus

Porites evermanni

Turbinaria mesenterina

Montipora efflorescens

Pavona decussata

Porites heronensis

Turbinaria patula

Montipora floweri

Pavona duerdeni

Porites lichen

Turbinaria peltata

Montipora foliosa

Pavona explanulata

Porites lobata

Turbinaria radicalis

Montipora foveolata

Pavona maldivensis

Porites lutea

Turbinaria reniformis

Montipora grisea

Pavona varians

Porites murrayensis

Turbinaria stellulata

Montipora hispida

Pavona venosa

Porites nigrescens

Giant Clams

Montipora hoffmeisteri

Pectinia lactuca

Porites rus

Tridacna squamosa

Montipora incrassata

Pectinia paeonia

Porites solida

Tridacna maxima

Montipora informis

Pectinia teres

Porites stephensoni


Montipora millepora

Platygyra daedalea


Live Rock

Montipora mollis

Platygyra lamellina