I, MARK DREYFUS, Attorney-General, under subsection 8(7) of the Customs Tariff (Anti-Dumping) Act 1975, hereby exempt the goods described in Attachment 1 (the Goods) from:
as I am satisfied that a Tariff Concession Order under Part XVA of the Customs Act 1901 in respect of the good is in force.
This instrument commences on the 6th day of February 2013.
Dated this 25th day of July 2013.
Attachment 1
CURRENT Tariff Concession Orders (TCO) for tariff classification 7210.49.00
All goods meeting at least one of the descriptions detailed below for the current TCOs are eligible for an exemption from dumping duties under Ministerial Exemption Instrument No. 1 of 2013.
TC 1242989
COILS, non-alloy steel, hot rolled, zinc coated, complying with
American Society for Testing and Materials Standard ASTM A 653/A
653M - 05a, having ALL of the following:
(a) coil thickness NOT less than 3.5 mm and NOT greater than
6.0 mm;
(b) coil width NOT less than 784 mm and NOT greater than
1 263 mm;
(c) minimum yield strength NOT less than 330 Mpa;
(d) minimum tensile strength NOT less than 430 Mpa;
(e) coil inside diameter NOT less than 711 mm and NOT
greater than 813 mm;
(f) zinc coating mass NOT less than 0.080 kg/m2 per side;
(g) each coil weighing NOT less than 14 metric tonnes;
(h) chemical composition by weight of ALL of the following:
(i) carbon content NOT greater than 0.20%;
(ii) manganese content NOT less than 0.30% and NOT
greater than 0.90%;
(iii) phosphorus content NOT greater than 0.03%;
(iv) sulphur content NOT greater than 0.03%;
(v) chromium content less than 0.30%;
(vi) molybdenum content less than 0.08%;
(vii) aluminium content NOT greater than 0.10%;
(viii) copper content NOT greater than 0.25%;
(ix) nickel content NOT greater than 0.25%;
(x) titanium content NOT greater than 0.04%;
(xi) vanadium content less than 0.10%;
(xii) silicon content NOT greater than 0.45%
Stated Use:
As raw material for the manufacture of Electric Resistance
Welded (ERW) steel pipes and tubes
TC 1317796
COILS, non-alloy steel, hot rolled, zinc coated, complying with
American Society for Testing and Materials Standard ASTM A 653/A 653M - 05a, having ALL of the following:
(a) coil thickness NOT less than 1.48 mm and NOT greater than 6.0 mm;
(b) coil width NOT less than 784 mm and NOT greater than 1 263 mm;
(c) minimum yield strength NOT less than 360 Mpa;
(d) minimum tensile strength NOT less than 460 Mpa;
(e) coil inside diameter NOT less than 711 mm and NOT greater than 813 mm;
(f) zinc coating mass NOT less than 0.080 kg/m2 per side;
(g) each coil weighing NOT less than 14 metric tonnes;
(h) chemical composition by weight of ALL of the following:
(i) carbon content NOT greater than 0.20%;
(ii) manganese content NOT less than 0.50% and NOT greater than 1.00%;
(iii) phosphorus content NOT greater than 0.03%; (iv) sulphur content NOT greater than 0.03%;
(v) chromium content less than 0.30%;
(vi) molybdenum content less than 0.08%;
(vii) aluminium content NOT greater than 0.10%; (viii) copper content NOT greater than 0.25%;
(ix) nickel content NOT greater than 0.25%; (x) titanium content NOT greater than 0.04%;
(xi) vanadium content less than 0.1%;
(xii) silicon content NOT greater than 0.45%,
TC 0939596
STEEL, COIL, hot dip zinc coated, complying with Japanese
Industrial Standard JIS G 3302:2007, having ALL of the following:
(a) yield strength NOT less than 275 N/mm2 and NOT greater
than 380 N/mm2;
(b) tensile strength NOT less than 440 N/mm2;
(c) elongation NOT less than 29% and NOT greater than 41%;
(d) coating mass NOT less than 45 g/m2 and NOT greater than
65 g/m2;
(e) thickness NOT less than 1.14 mm and NOT greater than 1.26mm;
(f) width NOT less than 1 590 mm and NOT greater than 1 605 mm
Stated Use:
For the manufacture of motor vehicles
TC 1248929
STEEL, flat rolled, non-alloy steel, hot dipped galvannealed
zinc coated, in coils, having ALL of the following:
(a) yield strength NOT greater than 210 MPa;
(b) tensile strength NOT less than 270 MPa;
(c) total elongation NOT less than 40%;
(d) total coating mass NOT less than 30 g/m2 and NOT greater
than 70 g/m2 on each side;
(e) in ANY of the following sizes:
(i) thickness 0.75 mm and width 1 390 mm;
(ii) thickness 0.75 mm and width 1 450 mm;
(iii) thickness 0.75 mm and width 1 475 mm;
(iv) thickness 0.75 mm and width 1 530 mm;
(v) thickness 0.75 mm and width 1 565 mm;
(vi) thickness 0.75 mm and width 1 640 mm;
(vii) thickness 0.76 mm and width 1 220 mm;
(viii) thickness 0.80 mm and width 1 350 mm;
(ix) thickness 0.95 mm and width 820 mm;
(x) thickness 1.00 mm and width 624 mm
For the purposes of this Order, tolerances allowable for
specification (e) are:
(a) thickness +/- 10%
(b) width +/- 1%
TC 1248930
STEEL, flat rolled, non-alloy steel, hot dipped galvannealed
zinc coated, in coils, having ALL of the following:
(a) yield strength NOT less than 190 MPa;
(b) tensile strength NOT less than 340 MPa;
(c) total elongation NOT less than 32%;
(d) total coating mass NOT less than 30 g/m2 and NOT greater
than 70 g/m2 on each side;
(e) in ANY of the following sizes:
(i) thickness 0.70 mm and width 865 mm;
(ii) thickness 0.70 mm and width 980 mm;
(iii) thickness 0.70 mm and width 1 225 mm;
(iv) thickness 0.70 mm and width 1 244 mm;
(v) thickness 0.70 mm and width 1 300 mm;
(vi) thickness 0.70 mm and width 1 350 mm;
(vii) thickness 0.70 mm and width 1 370 mm;
(viii) thickness 0.70 mm and width 1 400 mm;
(ix) thickness 0.70 mm and width 1 410 mm;
(x) thickness 0.70 mm and width 1 455 mm;
(xi) thickness 0.70 mm and width 1 500 mm;
(xii) thickness 0.70 mm and width 1 585 mm;
(xiii) thickness 0.70 mm and width 1 710 mm;
(xiv) thickness 0.70 mm and width 1 720 mm;
(xv) thickness 0.65 mm and width 865 mm;
(xvi) thickness 0.65 mm and width 1 800 mm;
(xvii) thickness 1.00 mm and width 1 160 mm
For the purposes of this Order, tolerances allowable for
specification (e) are:
(a) thickness +/- 10%
(b) width +/- 1%
TC 1349350
STEEL, flat rolled, non-alloy steel, hot dipped galvannealed
zinc coated, in coils, having ALL of the following:
(a) yield strength NOT less than 165 MPa and NOT
greater than 325 MPa;
(b) tensile strength NOT less than 270 MPa;
(c) total elongation NOT less than 35% and NOT
greater than 50%;
(d) total coating mass NOT less than 45 g/m2 and NOT
greater than 65 g/m2 on each side;
(e) thickness 2.00 mm and width 1 070 mm
For the purposes of this Order, tolerances allowable for
specification (e) are:
(a) thickness +/- 10%
(b) width +/- 1%
TC 1349351
STEEL, flat rolled, non-alloy steel, hot dipped galvannealed
zinc coated, in coils, having ALL of the following:
(a) yield strength NOT less than 115 MPa and NOT greater than
305 MPa;
(b) tensile strength NOT less than 270 MPa;
(c) total elongation NOT less than 37% and NOT greater
than 57%;
(d) total coating mass NOT less than 35 g/m2 and NOT greater
than 65 g/m2 on each side;
(e) in ANY of the following sizes:
(i) thickness 0.65 mm and width 870 mm;
(ii) thickness 0.65 mm and width 930 mm;
(iii) thickness 0.65 mm and width 1 150 mm;
(iv) thickness 0.65 mm and width 1 640 mm;
(v) thickness 0.65 mm and width 1 645 mm;
(vi) thickness 0.65 mm and width 1 680 mm;
(vii) thickness 0.65 mm and width 1 710 mm;
(viii) thickness 0.70 mm and width 925 mm;
(ix) thickness 0.70 mm and width 930 mm;
(x) thickness 0.70 mm and width 1 000 mm;
(xi) thickness 0.70 mm and width 1 005 mm;
(xii) thickness 0.70 mm and width 1 010 mm;
(xiii) thickness 0.70 mm and width 1 045 mm;
(xiv) thickness 0.70 mm and width 1 455 mm;
(xv) thickness 0.70 mm and width 1 485 mm;
(xvi) thickness 0.70 mm and width 1 550 mm;
(xvii) thickness 0.75 mm and width 1 135 mm;
(xviii) thickness 0.75 mm and width 1 140 mm;
(xix) thickness 0.75 mm and width 1 625 mm;
(xx) thickness 0.75 mm and width 1 670 mm;
(xxi) thickness 0.80 mm and width 1 060 mm;
(xxii) thickness 0.80 mm and width 1 150 mm;
(xxiii) thickness 0.80 mm and width 1 200 mm;
(xxiv) thickness 1.00 mm and width 1 610 mm;
(xxv) thickness 1.20 mm and width 1 595 mm;
(xxvi) thickness 2.30 mm and width 985 mm
For the purposes of this Order, tolerances allowable for
specification (e) are:
(a) thickness +/- 10%
(b) width +/- 1
TC 1349352
STEEL, flat rolled, non-alloy steel, hot dipped galvannealed
zinc coated, in coils, having ALL of the following:
(a) yield strength NOT less than 155 MPa and NOT
greater than 295 MPa;
(b) tensile strength NOT less than 340 MPa;
(c) total elongation NOT less than 34%;
(d) total coating mass NOT less than 35 g/m2 and NOT
greater than 65 g/m2 on each side;
(e) in ANY of the following sizes:
(i) thickness 0.70 mm and width 830 mm;
(ii) thickness 0.70 mm and width 855 mm;
(iii) thickness 0.75 mm and width 840 mm;
(iv) thickness 0.75 mm and width 855 mm;
(v) thickness 0.75 mm and width 1 630 mm;
(vi) thickness 0.75 mm and width 1 645 mm;
(vii) thickness 0.75 mm and width 1 683 mm;
(viii) thickness 0.75 mm and width 1 700 mm;
(ix) thickness 1.20 mm and width 1 170 mm;
(x) thickness 1.20 mm and width 1 175 mm;
(xi) thickness 1.20 mm and width 1 198 mm;
(xii) thickness 1.60 mm and width 1 160 mm
For the purposes of this Order, tolerances allowable for
specification (e) are:
(a) thickness +/- 10%
(b) width +/- 1%
TC 1349354
STEEL, flat rolled, non-alloy steel, hot dipped galvannealed
zinc coated, in coils, having ALL of the following:
(a) yield strength NOT less than 235 MPa and NOT greater than
400 MPa;
(b) tensile strength NOT less than 390 MPa;
(c) total elongation NOT less than 28%;
(d) total coating mass NOT less than 35 g/m2 and NOT greater
than 65 g/m2 on each side;
(e) in ANY of the following sizes:
(i) thickness 2.00 mm and width 975 mm;
(ii) thickness 2.30 mm and width 948 mm;
(iii) thickness 2.30 mm and width 1 030 mm;
(iv) thickness 2.30 mm and width 1 190 mm;
(v) thickness 2.60 mm and width 1 230 mm
For the purposes of this Order, tolerances allowable for
specification (e) are:
(a) thickness +/- 10%
(b) width +/- 1%