
I, TERASA JANE CREMER, Acting General Manager, Transport Security Operations, Office of Transport Security, under regulation 6.07M of the Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Regulations 2003 (the Regulations), GIVE exemption from displaying a MSIC within the Australian Amalgamated Terminals Pty Ltd controlled port security zone established at Fisherman’s Island.
This exemption is given on condition that:
- The exemption only applies within the boundaries of the Australian Amalgamated Terminals Pty Ltd controlled port security zone established at Fisherman’s Island under section 102(1) of the Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Act 2003, and
- The exemption only applies to employees of Australian Amalgamated Terminals Pty Ltd, Patrick Stevedore Operations Pty Ltd, and Qube Ports Pty Ltd authorised and required to operate mobile site equipment, and
- The exemption only applies when the holder of the MSIC is mounted upon and operating mobile site equipment fitted with a MSIC enabled start control activator, and the MSIC is inserted in the card reader/cradle for this purpose, and
- At all times other than specified above the MSIC is to be displayed within the port security zone.
This exemption operates from 1 February 2014 and ceases on 30 April 2014, unless revoked earlier.
Date: 31 January 2014
Terasa Cremer
Delegate of the Secretary of the
Department of Infrastructure and Transport