Specialist Medical Review Council


Section 196W
Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986


Re: Statements of Principles

Nos. 89 & 90 of 2011 (Diabetes Mellitus)

Request for Review Declaration No. 24



In relation to the Repatriation Medical Authority (the RMA) Statements of Principles Nos. 89 and 90 of 2011 concerning diabetes mellitus, made under subsections 196B (2) and (3) of the Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986 (the VEA), the Specialist Medical Review Council (the Council) under subsection 196W of the VEA:

DECLARES that it is of the view that the sound medical-scientific evidence on which the RMA could have relied to amend either of the Statements of Principles is insufficient to include a factor or factors for

having been on board a vessel and having been exposed to dioxin diluted in water supplied on that vessel, including but not limited to consuming potable water, when the supply had been produced by evaporative distillation of estuarine Vietnamese waters.


Charles Guest



Don Chisholm

John Funder

Jenny Gunton

Ian Gardner















The Common Seal of the )
Specialist Medical Review )

Council was affixed by  )

authority of the Council in )

the presence of:  )





Jan Bowman

Registrar, SMRC


Dated this    TWELFTH  day of    MAY   2014