Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
For further information see the referrals list at
and type the reference number in the Search box
actions determined as NOT requiring approval (EPBC Act s.75)
Reference | Title | Date |
2014/7183 | Austasia Leefield Pty Ltd/Aquaculture/180 Clarke Street, Pindimar/NSW/Austasia Leefield Pty Ltd/Aquaculture/180 Clarke Street, Pindimar/NSW/Land-based Aquaculture Farm | 19/05/2014 |
2014/7184 | Mr Cameron Gray /Residential development/305 Great Ocean Road Jan Juc /VIC/St Quentin Consulting Pty Ltd /Residential development/305 Great Ocean Road, Jan Juc/VIC/Development of approximately 10.3ha of land into 14 residential lots | 20/05/2014 |
2014/7185 | Gold Fusion Pty Ltd /Residential development/South Western Highway, 40km southeast of Perth /WA/Gold Fusion Pty Ltd /Residential development/South Western Highway 40km southeast of Perth /WA/Develop approximately 473ha of land for residential and commercial development | 20/05/2014 |
2014/7188 | Moreton Bay Regional Council/Natural resources management/Lot 4 Esplanade Toorbul QLD 4510/QLD/Moreton Bay Regional Council/Natural resources management/Lot 4 Esplanade Toorbul QLD 4510/QLD/Maintenance of a high tide shore bird roost | 20/05/2014 |
Reference | Title | Approval Decision | Date |
2013/6955 | Housing Authority/Commercial development/Glen Iris/WA/Urban development subdivision | Approved with conditions | 15/05/2014 |
2012/6370 | Newmont Boddington Gold Pty Ltd/Mining/Boddington/WA/Newmont Boddington Gold Mine Extension Project | Approved with conditions | 16/05/2014 |
2013/6804 | Roads and Maritime Services/Transport - land/Approximately 5km south of Lithgow/NSW/Great Western Highway Upgrade - Mount Victoria to Lithgow | Approved with conditions | 20/05/2014 |
2011/6186 | R.Peters & D. Papagioftsis/Commercial development/Approx 12km east of Perth /WA/Native vegetation clearing of Lot 21 Webster Road for Industrial Development | Approved with conditions | 22/05/2014 |
variation of conditions of approval (EPBC Act s.143)
Title | Date | |
2011/5925 | University of New South Wales/Science and research/Riversleigh Section, Fossil Mammals World Heritage Area /QLD/Palaeontological & Geological investigations | 30/04/2014 |
2011/5795 | Coal & Allied Operations /Mining/Upper Hunter Valley, 4km northwest of Muswellbrook/NSW/Mount Pleasant Project | 22/05/2014 |
Some public notifications on the Internet and in the Gazette relating to the processing of referrals for approval under Chapter 4 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 may occasionally be missed in processing by the Department of the Environment or may not meet timeframes for notification. The Department of the Environment has implemented systems and ongoing quality assurance procedures to minimise any risk of missing a notification within the required timeframe. Where a missed notification is identified the practice will be to notify these even though the timeframe for notification has lapsed. This will ensure that the history of notifications for each referral is available to the public. The Department of the Environment regrets any inconvenience that may be caused by a missed notification. Please note that late notifications have not affected subsequent processing of referrals or assessments and they do not affect decisions made.