Invitation to make submissions on application for facility licence under the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Act 1998
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety
Agency (ARPANSA) intends to make a decision under section 32 of the Australian Radiation
Protection and Nuclear Safety Act 1998 on the following licence application:
Application by the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation for a licence to possess or control a nuclear installation being a facility, approximately 1.6 km north of the Lucas Heights Science and Technology Centre, for near surface storage of legacy low level waste.
The location of the facility which is the subject of the application is known as the Little Forest Legacy Site.
In accordance with Regulation 40 of the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Regulations 1999, the CEO of ARPANSA invites submissions from the public about the application. The CEO will take submissions received into account when making a decision on whether or not to grant the licence for the application.
The application can be downloaded from the ARPANSA website at
Submissions must be received by 20 February 2015. Emailed submissions are preferred; however submissions may also be faxed or posted.
Email address:
| Fax number: 02 9541 8348
| Postal address: The CEO of ARPANSA PO Box 655 MIRANDA NSW 1490
Please bear in mind when making a submission that it is likely to become a public document.