Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975





Epping 048 Service Pty Ltd as trustee for the Epping 048 Trust is a foreign person for the purposes of section 21A of the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 (Act);

Epping 048 Service Pty Ltd has given notice under section 26A of the Act that it intends to acquire an interest in a property at 20-28 Cambridge Street, Epping NSW 2121, being Lot 1 on an unregistered plan of subdivision of Lot 100 on Deposited Plan 786799;

NOW THEREFORE, I, Robert Donelly, General Manager of the Foreign Investment and Trade Policy Division of the Treasury and authorised to make this order for and on behalf of the Treasurer, PROHIBIT, pursuant to subsection 22(1) of the Act, the proposed acquisition for ninety days after the date this interim order comes into operation (i.e. the date it is published in the Commonwealth Gazette), or the date on which notice is given that the Commonwealth Government does not object to the proposed acquisition, whichever occurs first, for the purpose of enabling consideration to be given as to whether orders should be made under subsection 21A(2) of the Act in respect of the proposed acquisition.

Dated this 15th day of January 2015




Robert Donelly
General Manager
Foreign Investment and Trade Policy Division