Customs Act 1901 – Part XVB

Newsprint Exported from France and the Republic of Korea

Findings in Relation to a Dumping Investigation

Public notice under subsections 269TG (1) and (2) of the Customs Act 1901

The Commissioner of the Anti-Dumping Commission (the Commissioner) has completed the investigation into the alleged dumping of newsprint (the goods) exported to Australia from France and the Republic of Korea (Korea).

The goods are classified to the following tariff subheadings in Schedule 3 of the Customs Tariff Act 1995:

A full description of the goods is available in Anti-Dumping Notice (ADN) No. 2014/34, which is available on the internet at

The Commissioner reported his findings and recommendations to me in Anti-Dumping Commission Report No. 242 (REP 242). REP 242 outlines how the Anti-Dumping Commission (the Commission) carried out the investigation and recommends the publication of a dumping duty notice in respect of the goods.

On 20 March 2015, the Commissioner terminated part of the investigation into the goods exported from Korea. Termination Report No. 242 (TER 242) sets out the reasons for this termination, and is available on the internet at

I have considered REP 242 and have accepted the Commissioner’s recommendations and reasons for the recommendations, including all material findings of fact or law on which the Commissioner’s recommendations were based, and particulars of the evidence relied on to support the findings.

The method used to compare export prices and normal values to establish the dumping margin was to compare the weighted average export prices with corresponding normal values over the investigation period in terms of subsection 269TACB(2)(a) of the Customs Act 1901 (the Act). The normal value was established under subsection 269TAC(1) of the Act. The export price was established under subsection 269TAB(1)(c) of the Act.

Particulars of the dumping margin that has been established in respect of newsprint exported from France is set out in the table below.



Manufacturer/ exporter

Dumping margin and effective rate of duty

Duty method


All exporters


Fixed and variable

The effective rate of duty that has been determined is an amount worked out in accordance with the fixed and variable duty method, as detailed in the table above.

I, KAREN LESLEY ANDREWS, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Industry and Science, have considered, and accepted, the recommendations of the Commissioner, including the reasons for the recommendations, the material findings of fact on which the recommendations are based and the evidence relied on to support those findings in REP 242.

I am satisfied, as to the goods that have been exported to Australia, that the amount of the export price of the goods is less than the normal value of those goods and because of that, material injury to the Australian industry producing like goods might have been caused if the security had not been taken. Therefore under subsection 269TG(1) of the Act, I DECLARE that section 8 of the Dumping Duty Act applies to:

(i)     the goods; and

(ii)   like goods that were exported to Australia after 30 January 2015 (when the Commissioner made a preliminary affirmative determination under section 269TD of the Act that there appeared to be sufficient grounds for the publication of a dumping duty notice) but before the publication of this notice.

I am also satisfied that the amount of the export price of like goods that have already been exported to Australia is less than the amount of the normal value of those goods, and the amount of the export price of like goods that may be exported to Australia in the future may be less than the normal value of the goods and because of that, material injury to the Australian industry producing like goods has been caused or is being caused. Therefore under subsection 269TG(2) of the Act, I DECLARE that section 8 of the Dumping Duty Act applies to like goods that are exported to Australia after the date of publication of this notice.

This declaration applies in relation to all exporters of the goods and like goods from France. Measures apply to goods that are exported to Australia after publication of this notice. Measures also apply to goods that were exported to Australia after the Commissioner made a preliminary affirmative determination to the day before my decision was published. The considerations relevant to my determination of material injury to the Australian industry caused by dumping are the size of the dumping margins, the effect of dumped imports on Australian industry prices and the consequent impact on the Australian industry including reduced sales, reduced revenues, price depression, price suppression, reduced profits and reduced profitability.

In making my determination, I have considered whether any injury to the Australian industry is being caused or threatened by a factor other than the exportation of dumped goods, and have not attributed injury caused by other factors to the exportation of those dumped goods.

Interested parties may seek a review of this decision by lodging an application with the Anti-Dumping Review Panel, in accordance with the requirements in Division 9 of Part XVB of the Act, within 30 days of the publication of this notice.

Particulars of the export prices, non-injurious prices, and normal values of the goods (as ascertained in the confidential tables to this notice) will not be published in this notice as they may reveal confidential information.

Clarification about how anti-dumping measures are applied to ‘goods on the water’ is available in Australian Customs Dumping Notice No. 2012/34, available at

REP 242 and other documents included in the public record may be examined at the Commission’s office by contacting the case manager on the details provided below. Alternatively, the public record is available at

Enquiries about this notice may be directed to the case manager on telephone number +61 3 8539 2428, fax number +61 3 8539 2499 or email at


Dated this 20th day of April 2015



Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Industry and Science