I, NATHAN HANNA, Acting Assistant Secretary, Wildlife Trade and Biosecurity Branch, as Delegate of the Minister for the Environment, have considered in accordance with section 303FN of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) the application from Oceanreef Aquaculture, and advice on the ecological sustainability of the operation. I am satisfied on those matters specified in section 303FN of the EPBC Act. I hereby declare the operation for the harvest of Phyllopteryx taeniolatus (weedy seadragon) from Victorian waters by Oceanreef Aquaculture in accordance with relevant State permits issued under the Victorian Fisheries Act 1995, to be an approved wildlife trade operation (small-scale operation), in accordance with subsection 303FN(2) and paragraph 303FN(10)(b), for the purposes of the EPBC Act.

Unless amended or revoked, this declaration:

a)              is valid until 25 May 2018 and;

b)             is subject to the conditions applied under section 303FT specified in the Schedule.



Dated this  3rd  day of June 2015


………….…….……Nathan Hanna…………………………

Delegate of the Minister for the Environment

A person whose interests are affected by this declaration may, within 28 days, make an application in writing to the Department of the Environment for the reasons for the decision.

An application for independent review of the decision (under section 303GJ(1) of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999) may be made to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT), on payment of the relevant fee (currently $861 or reduced fee where applicable due to financial hardship) by the applicant, either within 28 days of receipt of the reasons for the decision, or within 28 days of this declaration if reasons for the decision are not sought. Applications should be made to the Deputy Registrar, AAT in your Capital City. Please visit the AAT’s website at for further information.

You may make an application under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) to access documents relevant to this decision. For further information, please visit

Further enquiries should be directed to the Director, Sustainable Fisheries Section, Department of the Environment, Telephone: (02) 6274 1917 Email:



Declaration of the Harvest Operations of the Oceanreef Aquaculture Weedy Seadragon operation as an approved wildlife trade operation, May 2015



Relating to the harvesting of Phyllopteryx taeniolatus (weedy seadragon) by Oceanreef Aquaculture in Victorian waters:

  1. Harvest of weedy seadragons by Oceanreef Aquaculture must be carried out in accordance with the permits issues by Fisheries Victoria under the Victorian Fisheries Act 1995.
  2. Oceanreef Aquaculture to inform the Department of any changes:

Fisheries Victoria under the Victorian Fisheries Act 1995 and/or

which could affect the criteria on Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 decisions are made.

3.       Export of syngnathid species is restricted to specimens held or taken under permits issued by Fisheries Victoria under the Victorian Fisheries Act 1995 and offspring of these specimens.

4.       Oceanreef Aquaculture to produce and present reports to the Department  annually by  30 May each year which must include:


5.       Wild caught and cultured syngnathids are not to be returned to the wild.