[Consolidated as at 1 August 2002

on the authority of the Administrator

and in accordance with

the Enactments Reprinting Act 1980]



 1. Short title

 2. Repeal








Foreign Marriage Act 1963


An Act to repeal the Foreign Marriage Act 1916


 1. This Act may be cited as the Foreign Marriage Act 1963.

 2. (1) The Foreign Marriage Act 1916 is repealed.

  (2) The Foreign Marriage Act 1916 continues to apply, notwithstanding its repeal, to and in relation to a notice given under section 3* of that Act before the commencement of this Act.


*Section 3 of the Foreign Marriage Act 1916 reads as follows:

 3. (1) A notice of marriage intended to be solemnised under the Foreign Marriage Act may be given by one of the parties intending such marriage, who has had his or her usual place of abode for  a period of not less than one week immediately preceding in Norfolk Island, to the Registrar of Marriages in Norfolk Island.

 (2) A notice under subsection 3(1) shall be published by proclamation of bans or in such other manner as may be prescribed.”.



Foreign  Marriage Act 1916;


No. 3, 1916


commenced 27.12.1916




The Foreign Marriage Act 1963 as shown in this consolidation comprises Act No. 7 of 1963.


Number and year

Date of commencement

Application saving or transitional provision

Foreign Marriage Act 1963

7, 1963







© Norfolk Island Government 2002

The Copyright Act 1968 of the Commonwealth of Australia permits certain reproduction and publication of this legislation. For reproduction or publication beyond that permitted by the Act, written permission must be sought from the Legislative Draftsperson, Administration of Norfolk Island, Norfolk Island, South Pacific 2899.