[Consolidated as at 1 August 2002

on the authority of the Administrator

and in accordance with

the Enactments Reprinting Act 1980]




 1. Short title

 2. Weight to be shown on certain packages










Marking of Weight on Heavy Packages Act 1932


An Act relating to the Marking of the Weight on heavy Packages transported by Vessels

  1.                This Act may be cited as the Marking of Weight on Heavy Packages Act 1932.

 2.              (1) Any consignor who consigns within the Territory for transport by sea any package or article of cargo of a gross weight of 2 tonnes or over, shall mark prominently upon the package or article, or upon a label securely attached to it, in legible and durable characters of not less than 3 centimetres in height, a statement of its approximate gross weight set out in tonnes and kilograms;

 Provided that in the case of a package or article of cargo which, by reason of its nature, the place of shipment, or the absence of machinery for weighing articles of the weight or size of the package or article of cargo, it is not practicable to weigh, but which is of a weight of over 2 tonnes, the consignor shall mark the gross weight approximately, within a limit of 0.5 tonne, as “Over 2 tonnes but under 2.5 tonnes” or as the case may be.

 Penalty: 5 penalty units.

  (2) The master of a ship who permits to be loaded on board the ship any package or article of cargo of a weight of 2 tonnes or over which has not been prominently legibly and durably marked in accordance with this Act shall be guilty of an offence.

 Penalty: 3 penalty units.

  (3) The master of any ship shall arrange for some competent person to give to the workers actually employed in unloading from such ship any package or article of cargo which has been loaded outside the Territory and which is not marked in the manner which would apply if the package or article was consigned within the Territory for transport by sea, verbal advice as to the approximate weight of each such package or article about to be so unloaded.

 Penalty: 3 penalty units.


The Marking of Weight on Heavy Packages Act 1932 as shown in this consolidation comprises Act No. 5 of 1932 and amendments as indicated in the Tables below.

Number and year

Date of commencement

Application saving or transitional provision

Marking of Weight on Heavy Packages Act 1932

5, 1932







Ordinances Revision (Decimal Currency) Act 1980

31, 1980




13, 2000



Marking of  Weight on Heavy Packages (Amendment) Act 2000







ad = added or inserted

am = amended

rep = repealed

rs = repealed and substituted

Provisions affected

How affected



31, 1980;  13, 2000









© Norfolk Island Government 2002

The Copyright Act 1968 of the Commonwealth of Australia permits certain reproduction and publication of this legislation. For reproduction or publication beyond that permitted by the Act, written permission must be sought from the Legislative Draftsperson, Administration of Norfolk Island, Norfolk Island, South Pacific 2899.