[Consolidated as at 6 August 2013

on the authority of the Administrator

and in accordance with

the Enactments Reprinting Act 1980]





 1. Short title

 2. Commencement

 3. The Norfolk Island Flag

 4. Official use of flag

 5. Warrant to use flag

 6. Rules as to use of flag

 7. Improper use of flag

 8. Seal of Norfolk Island

    Schedule 1

    Schedule 2






Norfolk Island Flag and Public Seal Act 1979



 1. This Act may be cited as the Norfolk Island Flag and Public Seal Act 1979.

 2. This Act shall come into operation on the day on which notice of the Governor-Generals declaration of his assent to this Act is published in the Gazette.

 3. The flag described in Schedule 1, being the flag a reproduction of which is set out in Schedule 2, is declared to be the Norfolk Island Flag.

 4. The Norfolk Island Flag may be flown or used for any public or official purpose of the Administration.

 5. The Minister may, by warrant under his hand, authorise a person, body or authority to use the Norfolk Island Flag, either without defacement or defaced as specified in the warrant.

 6. The Minister may make, and cause to be published in the Gazette, rules for the guidance of persons in connection with the flying or use of the Norfolk Island Flag.

 7. (1) A person, body or authority shall not fly or use the Norfolk Island Flag, or a flag capable of being readily mistaken for the Norfolk Island Flag, in such a manner or in such circumstances as to be likely to lead other persons to believe that the person, authority or body is authorised to fly or use the Norfolk Island Flag.

Penalty: .50 penalty unit.

  (2) Subsection 7(1) does not make it an offence to fly or use the Norfolk Island Flag —

(a) as provided by law;

(b) with and in accordance with the approval of the Minister;

(c) as authorised by a warrant under section 5; or

(d) in accordance with rules referred to in section 6.

  (3) Proceedings for an offence against this section shall not be instituted except by the Minister or with his consent.

 8. (1) There shall be a Public Seal of Norfolk Island in accordance with a design approved by the Administrator on the recommendation of the Legislative Assembly.

  (2) The seal may be used as provided by law.

  (3) The seal shall be kept in such custody as the Minister directs.



1. The sides of the flag shall be in the ratio of 1 to 2, the side of the flag next the staff being the shorter.

2. The flag shall be divided vertically into 3 panels the widths of which shall be in the ratios of 7 to 23, 9 to 23 and 7 to 23, respectively, of the length of the flag.

3. The middle panel, that is to say, the panel having the width in the ratio of 9 to 23 of the length of the flag, shall be in white and the other two panels shall be in green.

4. The middle panel shall contain a representation in green of a Norfolk Island Pine.





In the foregoing reproduction of the Norfolk Island Flag, the green of the outer panels and of the Norfolk Island Pine is the colour commonly known to printers as Pantone Matching System number 356 (PMS 356).



The Norfolk Island Flag and Public Seal Act 1979 as shown in this consolidation comprises Act No. 1 of 1980 and amendments as indicated in the Tables below.


Number and year

Date of commencement

Application saving or transitional provision





Norfolk Island Flag and Public Seal Act 1979

1, 1980







Norfolk Island Flag and Public Seal (Amendment)  Act 1981

21, 1981







Statute Law Revision (Penalties and Fees)  Act 1984

9, 1985







Statute Law Revision (Self- Government) No. 4 Act 1991

17, 1991







[previously consolidated as at 1 May 1993]





Interpretation (Amendment) Act 2012

[to substitute throughout —Commonwealth Minister for Minister; and to substitute Minister for executive member]

14, 2012






ad = added or inserted

am = amended

rep = repealed

rs = repealed and substituted

Provisions affected

How affected






17, 1991



17, 1991



 9, 1985; 17, 1991



17, 1991

Schedule 2


21, 1981








© Norfolk Island Government 2013

The Copyright Act 1968 of the Commonwealth of Australia permits certain reproduction and publication of this legislation. For reproduction or publication beyond that permitted by the Act, written permission must be sought from the Legislative Counsel, Administration of Norfolk Island, Norfolk Island, South Pacific 2899.