Norfolk Island Language  (Norf’k) Act 2004








1. Short title


2. Commencement


3. Definitions


4. Acknowledgment of Norf’k


5. Use of Norf’k







Norfolk Island Language (Norf’k) Act 2004



An Act to recognise the Norfolk Island Language (Norf’k) as an official language of Norfolk Island.

[Assented to 21 December 2004]

BE IT ENACTED by the Legislative Assembly of Norfolk Island as follows 


 1. This Act may be cited as the Norfolk Island Language (Norf’k) Act 2004.


 2. This Act commences on the day on which notification of assent is published in the Gazette.


 3. In this Act “Norfolk Island Language” or “Norf’k” means the language known as “Norf’k” that is spoken by descendants of the first free settlers of Norfolk Island who were descendants of the settlers of Pitcairn Island.


Acknowledgment of Norf’k

 4. By this enactment the government and people of Norfolk Island recognise and affirm the Norfolk Island Language (Norf’k) and the right of the people of Norfolk Island to speak and write it freely and without interference or prejudice from government or other persons.


Use of Norf’k

 5. (1) The Norfolk Island Language may be used in all forms of communication between persons of Norfolk Island (but need not be) but when used in official communications must always be accompanied by an accurate translation in the English language.












  (2)  Norf’k may be used as a language of learning and instruction in schools in Norfolk Island but no child shall be compelled to learn or be instructed in it.



Notified Gazette No. 62, 24 December 2004.


Commenced on notification (24 December 2004).


Printed on the authority of the Administrator.


© Norfolk Island Government 2005

The Copyright Act 1968 of the Commonwealth of Australia permits certain reproduction and publication of this legislation. For reproduction or publication beyond that permitted by the Act, written permission must be sought from the Legislative Counsel, Administration of Norfolk Island, Norfolk Island, South Pacific 2899.