Determination of names and boundaries of federal electoral divisions in  
the Australian Capital Territory

As determined by the then acting Electoral Commissioner on 13 November 2014, the Australian Capital Territory is entitled to two members of the House of Representatives.

Pursuant to sub-section 73(1) of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (the Electoral Act), the augmented Electoral Commission for the Australian Capital Territory has determined the names of the two electoral divisions are:

  • Canberra
  • Fenner

Pursuant to sub-section 73(1) of the Electoral Act, the augmented Electoral Commission for the Australian Capital Territory has determined that the boundaries of these electoral divisions are as shown on the maps displayed on the Australian Electoral Commission website at and lodged in file number 15/919 at the National Office of the Australian Electoral Commission in Canberra.

The augmented Electoral Commission for the Australian Capital Territory has made decisions in accordance with the requirements of sub-sections 73(3), 73(4), 73(4A) and 73(5) of the Electoral Act.

Subject to the provisions of the Electoral Act, the electoral divisions determined by this notice will apply from 28 January 2016 until the next determination of names and boundaries of electoral divisions in the Australian Capital Territory is published in the Commonwealth Government Notices Gazette pursuant to sub-section 73(1) or sub-section 76(6) of the Electoral Act.



The Hon. Dennis Cowdroy OAM QC


Augmented Electoral Commission for the Australian Capital Territory