Shipping Registration ACT 1981
Notice of Intention to Apply for Registration

Notice is hereby given of the intention of David John Lenehan of 3/8 Pratt Street, Reservoir, Victoria to apply, after the expiration of the period of thirty days commencing on the date of publication of this notice, for the registration under the abovenamed Act of the ship particulars of which are set out below. Objections to the registration of the ship in the name of the abovementioned person, by persons claiming a legal proprietary right in respect of the ship, should, together with any relevant documents that will verify the claim be  delivered to the Registrar of Ships at the Australian Shipping Registration Office, 82 Northbourne Avenue, Braddon ACT 2612 or sent by properly prepaid post to the Registrar of Ships at the Australian Maritime Safety Authority, Canberra City ACT 2601, before the expiry of the period referred to above.

Particulars of Ship

Present name:   Sea Mistress
Former name: Adam Ant
Present whereabouts: Carlo Point, Rainbow Beach, Queensland
Length: 12 metres
Principal material of construction: Aluminium
Type of ship: Sloop