Line Fishing Daily Fishing Log





















Boat Name




Logbook No.







Free Call 1300 723 621


















Under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 the following species are listed as protected.  This list is current at the date of publishing.  For further information about Listed Marine and Threatened

Species or to check updates to these lists please go to








Wildlife and Other Protected Species List

Please be as specific as you can with regard to the species identification.


Fish Species

Specific Common  Name

Scientific Name

Great White Shark

Carcharadon carcharias

Grey Nurse Shark

Carcharias taurus

Whale Shark

Rhincodon typus

Pipefish,  Sea Horses & Sea Dragons



Non-Fish Common  Names

All Seabirds

All Seals

All Whales/Dolphin/Dugong

Marine Reptiles


Seal (if species unknown)

Dolphin (if species unknown)

Flatback Turtle


Australian Sea Lion

Common Dolphin

Green Turtle


Australian Fur Seal

Bottlenose Dolphin

Hawksbill Turtle


New Zealand Fur Seal

Killer Whale

Leatherback Turtle


Leopard Seal

False Killer Whale

Loggerhead Turtle

Giant Petrel

Southern Elephant Seal

Humpback Whale

Olive Ridley Turtle



Pilot Whale

Turtle (if species unknown)



Sperm Whale

Sea Snake

Mutton Bird


Southern Right Whale




Baleen Whale (if species unknown)




Toothed Whale (if species unknown)




Large Whale (if species unknown)




Small Whale (if species unknown)




Dugong  (if species unknown)










Shearwater (Mutton bird)












Large Seabird




Small Seabird








Specific Common Names for Albatross, Petrels and Other Seabird Species

Great Albatross

Mollymawks and Sootys



Wandering Albatross

Black-browed Albatross

Northern Giant Petrel

Abbot’s Booby

Northern Royal Albatross

Campbell Albatross

Southern Giant Petrel

Lesser Noddy

Southern Royal Albatross

Buller’s Albatross

White-chinned Petrel

Christmas Island Frigate

Gibson Albatross

Shy Albatross



Antipodean Albatross

White-capped Albatross



Tristan Albatross

Salvin’s Albatross



Amsterdam Albatross

Chatham Albatross



Laysan Albatross

Grey-headed Albatross



Yellow-nosed Albatross

Albatross (Indian)



Light-mantled Albatross




Sooty Albatross







Please Remember


 This logbook should be on your vessel and completed daily while you are fishing.  The details for a shot must be recorded before hauling the next shot. Details for the last shot of the trip must be completed before the vessel enters port.



Form (Processing)  Codes

W = Whole

HG  = Headed and Gutted

GG  = Gilled and Gutted

F = Filleted

G = Gutted

TR   = Trunked (shark)

FB   = Trunked and belly flaps off (shark)

TA   = Tails (lobsters, bugs)





MP = Market Price

Marketable species but it was considered uneconomical to land on this occasion

US = Under Size

Fish is below a regulated minimum size or it is a size that makes it unmarketable

UM = Un-Marketable

Market place considers it to be inedible

DM = Damaged

Unmarketable due to damage during capture or hauling

TL = Trip Limit

Fish marketable but trip limit already reached


Species listed as migratory under the EPBC Act was brought up dead and discarded


Species listed as migratory under the EPBC Act was brought up alive and released


Lice damage




No quota


Cookie cutter damage


Seabird damage


Shark damage


Squid damage


Toothed whale damage



Don’t forget to insert this template under the log page you are writing on











Line Fishing Daily Fishing Log LN01B










Commonwealth Line Daily Fishing Log LN01B


General Information and Instructions for Holders of Fishing Concessions


Submitting logsheets

This logbook contains numbered pages in duplicate

This logbook is to be used when line fishing in Commonwealth Fisheries. It is designed to provide a continuous record of gillnet fishing operations undertaken by Commonwealth fishing concession holders. Accurate data collected in this logbook is essential to provide information for research into and management of Australian fisheries.



Important Information and




Completing the logbook

 This  logbook  must   be  completed  for   every day that the fishing  concession is in force, regardless of whether  or not fishing takes place on that day unless the boat nominated is in port (see the “How  to Complete” section).

 This logbook should be completed from the day the boat leaves port till the day the boat returns to port.

 The concession holder or authorised agent who is signing the log page must be the master of the boat (skipper) when this fishing operation took place.

 If  there  is  more  than  one  master  of  the  boat (skipper) on board the boat for any one trip, then each skipper must complete and sign a separate log page for the fishing operations for which they had control.

 All logbook information must be recorded on a shot by shot basis and details for the last day of the trip must be recorded before the boat docks at the end of each trip.

 No  carbon  paper  is  required  when  completing these forms. Please use a ballpoint pen and place the fold-out flap under the blue page to prevent marking the next set of forms.


Location of the logbook

 This logbook must be kept on board the boat that is nominated in respect of the fishing concession and named on the front of the logbook during fishing operations.

 This logbook must remain within a 50 metre radius of the boat.


Who should use this logbook?

 The holder of the fishing concession is responsible for ensuring that this logbook is completed and that it is certified as complete and correct. The master of the boat (skipper) must be the person completing this  logbook.  The  master  of  the  boat  (skipper) must be an authorised agent for the concession holder, this authorisation must be in place before any fishing operations can take place. To authorise an agent the concession holder is required to complete an AFMA approved AA form, for further details contact AFMA on 1300 723 621.

which are referred to as logsheets. Original copies must be returned to AFMA in date order in either the reply paid envelope provided or posted to:

The Logbook Co-ordinator

Australian Fisheries Management Authority

BOX 7051

Canberra Business Centre ACT   2610

Original copies of logsheets must be returned within 3 calendar days of the consignment being unloaded. For quota managed fisheries and/or fisheries that require the completion of a catch disposal record (CDR), logsheets must be returned with the CDR for that trip.

All duplicate copies of logsheets should be retained.

If you are requested by AFMA to supply a Nil Return, the return must be sent to AFMA within 3 calendar days of you receiving the request, using the same methods as above.



Concession holders and authorised persons completing this logbook on their behalf are advised that:

(i) a failure by a concession holder to ensure the completion  of  the  logbook  in  accordance  with these instructions;

(ii)  the giving of false or misleading information in the logbook by the concession holder or an authorised person completing the logbook on their behalf; or

(iii) the recording or communicating by the concession holder or anyone else of information in a logbook concerning the affairs of another person, or the giving by the concession holder or anyone else to another person a part of a logbook in which information is recorded, (unless the recording, communicating or giving is done in accordance with the Fisheries Management Act 1991, Fisheries Administration Act 1991 or the Fisheries Management Regulations 1992 or an order of court, tribunal or a person authorised to receive evidence) may constitute serious offences under Commonwealth laws.

Concession holders are also advised that failure to ensure the completion of the logbook in accordance with the instructions may lead to suspension or cancellation of their concession.


Help Available

There is an example of a completed logsheet and further information and instructions about how to complete the logbook at the front of this logbook. If you have any questions or problems, please contact an AFMA Logbook Officer on (02) 6225 5555 (free call

1300 723 621).


Australian Fisheries Management Authority LN01B February 2016

Commonwealth Line Daily Fishing Log LN01B


Instruction Page


Vessel, Gear and Contact Details


The Vessel, Gear and Contact Details Form should

be completed by the Concession Holder or Authorised Person and submitted to AFMA within 14 days of receipt of the logbook. A second Vessel, Gear and Contact Details Form is located in the middle of the logbook. Please complete and submit this form if any of the

vessel and/or gear details change, or if the authorised person for the vessels logbook has changed.


Catch and Effort Log Page


When fishing, record details on a shot by shot basis. Please Note: For minor line fishing (Handline, Rod and Reel, or Trolling or Poling), if you change your fishing gear and/or move to another fishing location and/or you continually fish for longer than 24 hours please complete the details for that shot and start details for a new shot).



Page Header

Enter the Boat Name and Distinguishing Symbol here. Record your AFMA Boat ID (if known), if you record your Boat ID there is no need to record your Boat name or Dist Symbol on each page of the logbook, just record them on the first page of each book and anytime the boat name, dist symbol or boat ID changes. You must ensure you are using the correct AFMA Boat ID for the boat that you are

completing these log pages for, and that the Boat ID is written clearly, if the Boat ID is not written correctly or clearly AFMA will request you continue to record the Boat Name and Dist Symbol on each page.

If you are not sure of your AFMA Boat ID please contact AFMA on 1300 723 621.



Trip Date

On the first sheet used for a trip record the date of departure, on the last page used for a trip record the date of return.



Non-Fishing Period

Whilst at sea if you are not fishing for a day or longer please specify the date/s during which you did not fish. Do not use single pages for single sequential non-fishing days.



Non-Fishing Code

Circle the reason why you were not working during the indicated dates. If you were operating in another fishery please write in the name in the space provided.



Circle the code for the fishery/sector you are operating in. GHT (SESS Gillnet, Hook and Trap sector of SESSF), CSF (Coral Sea Fishery), NFO (Norfolk Offshore), HS (High Seas Fishery), SKJ (Skipjack Fishery), ETBF (Eastern Tuna and

Billfish Fishery) or WTBF (Western Tuna and Billfish Fishery). If you are not operating in any of these fishing areas write in the name of the fishery in the space provided.

- Subject to the concession conditions, if during the trip you move operations from fishery to another, you must start a new logpage and circle the new fishery.

Gear Type/Code guide

This is a guide to line fishing methods and their gear codes. Use this table to fill in the Gear Used codes on a shot by shot basis.


Fishing Details

Gear Used

Circle the code for the gear type you are using as seen in the Gear Type/Code guide. Inshore/Offshore

For every shot you must specify whether you are fishing inside 3 nautical miles or outside 3 nautical miles by circling Inshore or Offshore. (SESS fishery only)

Target Species

Nominate the species you are targeting for each shot by writing in the name of the single most likely species that you expect to catch in the Target Species line (do this before setting the gear).


Each column refers to one fishing shot. Record the date for the shot.

Start Fishing Time

Record the time when starting to shoot each shot.

Start and End Position

Record a start and an end latitude and longitude that represents the area that your gear is set between. Start Haul Time

Record the time when starting to haul each shot

(Only for Longline/Trotline fishing gear).

End Haul Time

Record the time when hauling ends for each shot. For minor line fishing (Handline, Rod and Reel, or Trolling or Poling) use this as your ‘End Fishing Time’.

Minimum and Maximum Depth

Circle depth units (metres or fathoms) and record the maximum and minimum of the depth range fished. Bait Used

Record the type of bait being used and an approximate weight (kg).

Longline  (including autoline)  and Trotline  only Record the total number of hooks and total length (m) of line used in the shot.

Dropline  only

Record the number of times the lines were lifted during the shot and the average number of hooks per line.

Pole and minor  line

Record the number of lines used if you are minor line fishing (Handline, Rod and Reel or Trolling or Poling).

Gear Lost

Record an estimated length of line lost in metres and number of hooks lost.


Continued on next page

Commonwealth Line Daily Fishing Log LN01B


Instruction Page (Continued)





Catch Details

Catch Weight

For each species caught and retained you must record the estimated weight (kg) kept.

Catch Number

For each species caught and retained you must record the estimated number of species kept. NOTE: Shark numbers must be recorded. Form Code

If the estimated weight you recorded refers to fish that have been processed in line with concession requirements record the appropriate form code.

GG = Gilled and Gutted, HG = Headed and Gutted, F = Filleted, TR = Trunked (shark).

Discard Weight

For each species caught and not retained record the estimated weight (kg) discarded.

Discard Number

For each species caught and not retained record the estimated number of each species discarded. Discard Code

For each discarded species indicate the reason/s they were not kept using discard codes. A full list of the codes are printed on the fold-out flap in this book.

Other Species - If any species are caught that are not listed on the logsheet, specify their names in

the blank spaces provided and record the estimated weights (kg) and form codes for retained catch and discard weight, discard numbers and discard codes for not retained catch.

Note: For EACH TRIP a small amount of mixed species will be tolerated where the total amount of

a single species is less than 10kg, this species may be combined with another species of the same or less weight (ie 10kg) and be recorded under the category of ‘mixed fish’. Where the total amount of a

single species exceeds 10kg, that species must be

recorded individually in the ‘Other Species’ section. All quota species must be recorded separately and not mixed with any other species.

Listed Marine and Threatened Species Please circle YES or NO to indicate if your gear came into contact with or caught a listed marine or

threatened species.

If you did have an interaction with a listed marine or threatened species you must complete the Listed Marine and Threatened Species Form at the back of this logbook and submit it with the relevant log page.




This section is provided for any further information that you think may be important such as: gear failure, weather, damaged fish, size of fish, and loss of catch to seals etc.



Signature and Date Box

Each logsheet requires the date and signature of the master of the boat (skipper). The signature verifies that the information recorded in the logbook is an accurate record of the fishing operation including estimated landed weights.

Years of experience, please record the years the master of the boat (skipper) signing this log page has been a master of the boat (skipper). If the same skipper is signing more than one page for a trip, this only needs to be completed once per trip.























Back of Instruction Sheet

Australian Fisheries Management Authority. Box 7051

Canberra Mail Centre ACT 2610


Log No.

Vessel, Gear and Contact Details

LN01B Daily Fishing Log


Boat Name:  Dist. Symbol:



Boat Details

Length (LOA) metres Beam (metres) Draught (metres)

Displacement (tonnes)


Fish Hold Capacity (tonnes) Wet or Freezer Boat

Plate/Blast Freezer Capacity (tonnes) Main Engine Power (kW)

Fuel Capacity (litres) Variable pitch prop Kort Nozzle

Cruise Speed (knots)


Skipper’s Experience (years)


Echo Sounder


Radar Weather Fax Sonar

GPS Plotter

Plotter Storage Capacity


Differential GPS

Ice Making Facilities Kgs Ice/Day Processing Facilities Processing Type Homeport
































Gear Details

Demersal Longline



Autoline (AL)


Trotline (TL)


Dropline (DL)

Other / Which?

Mainline Material






IWL Only (grams/metre)






Mainline Length (m)






Diameter (mm)






Type of Connectors






Branchline Length (m)






Diameter (mm)






Type of Connectors






Trace/Snood Length (mm)






Diameter (mm)






Type of Connectors






Hook Type






Hook Size






No. of Bubbles used






No. of Radio Beacons used







Tori Pole


Height above sea level (m)



No. of streamer pairs



Main birdline length (m)


Tori Pole alternatives

(eg underwater setting)


Diameter of birdline (mm)



Contact Details for Vessel’s Logbook

Authorised contact person






Business Phone

Fax Email Address


Other contact person






Business Phone

Requests information relating to fishing activities for the LN01B daily fishing logbook. 



Concession holder or authorised person - I certify that the information provided on this form is a true and accurate record.

Printed Name: Signature: Date

/ /

Requests information relating to fishing activities for the LN01B daily fishing logbook. 

Log No:

Page No:

111 11


Rachael Fay LFB123 45678




In Port Bad Weather


Date Departed

14 /  02

/ 16


14 /  02

/ 16

Searching Steaming

Gear Type/Code Guide

11 /

02 / 16


Date Returned





15 / 02

/ 16


Gear Used (Circle code)

AL   BL   TL   DL   PL   HL   RR   TR

AL   BL   TL   DL   PL   HL   RR   TR

AL   BL   TL   DL   PL   HL   RR   TR


Inshore Offshore (circle one) Inshore Offshore Inshore Offshore Inshore Offshore


Target Species:


Target Species:

Blue-Eye Trevalla

Target Species:



Shot Date


Start fishing time (24hr)

12 /



/  16

12 /

02   /   16


13 /

02   /   16



Start position degs/mins

End position degs/mins

Latitude Longitude Latitude Longitude

3 8 1 5

1 3 9 5 7

3 8 1 7

1 3 9 8 0

3 8 1 7

1 3 9 8 0

3 8 1 8

1 4 0 0 9

3 8 1 6

1 4 0 0 6

3 8 1 4

1 3 9 6 8

Start Haul time (24hr)


End haul time (24hr)

(AL, BL, TL only)








Min depth

Max depth


Metres or Fathoms



Metres /





Metres /





Metres /



Bait used


Longline and Trotline




Pole and minor line

Gear lost

Type / Kg


Total hooks shot (no.) Total line length (m) No. line lifts

Average hooks/line


No. of lines used


Length (m) / hooks (no.)




m /



250 kg




m /



250  kg



m /



320  kg






Blue Eye Trevalla TBE Pink Ling LIG Gemfish GEM Ocean Perch REG Ribaldo RBD Blue Grenadier GRE Jackass Morwong

School Shark SHS Gummy Shark SHG Southern Saw Shark SHN Common Saw Shark SAW Broadnose Shark SHL Yellowfin Tuna YFT Hapuku              HAP

Skipjack SKT


420 160  G 8 3 DM




50 50 G

3 2 MP












30 4 G

80 42   G

60 25   G



30 40   G 4 8 US
















6 2 UM

60 21 G

300 143  G 15 6 DM

6 4 G












8 4 UM




80 10 G










Yes No

Master of the boat (Skipper) - I certify that the information provided on this form is a true and accurate record.

Requests information relating to fishing activities for the LN01B daily fishing logbook. 

Catch and Effort LN01B Daily Fishing Log

Log No:

Page No:






I did not fish between






In Port  Bad Weather

Searching Steaming


Date Departed

/  /  /  /


Gear Type/Code Guide

/  /

Date Returned





Gear Used (Circle code)

AL   BL   TL   DL   PL   HL   RR   TR

AL   BL   TL   DL   PL   HL   RR   TR

AL   BL   TL   DL   PL   HL   RR   TR

Inshore Offshore (circle one) Inshore Offshore Inshore Offshore Inshore Offshore


Target Species: Target Species: Target Species:


Shot Date /  /  /  /  /  /

Start fishing time (24hr)


Start position degs/mins

End position degs/mins

Latitude Longitude Latitude Longitude

Start Haul time (24hr)


End haul time (24hr)

(AL, BL, TL only)


Min depth

Max depth


Metres or Fathoms

Metres /



Metres /



Metres /




Bait used


Longline and Trotline




Pole and minor line

Gear lost

Type / Kg


Total hooks shot (no.) Total line length (m) No. line lifts

Average hooks/line


No. of lines used


Length (m) / hooks (no.)

/  kg m /

/  kg m /

/  kg m /







Blue Eye Trevalla TBE Pink Ling LIG Gemfish GEM Ocean Perch REG Ribaldo RBD Blue Grenadier GRE Jackass Morwong

School Shark SHS Gummy Shark SHG Southern Saw Shark SHN Common Saw Shark SAW Broadnose Shark SHL Yellowfin Tuna YFT Hapuku              HAP

Skipjack SKT










Yes No

Master of the boat (Skipper)  - I certify that the information provided on this form is a true and accurate record.


Australian Fisheries Management Authority. PO Box 7051

Canberra MC ACT 2610


Please use one form per shot





Great White Shark / Grey Nurse Shark / Whale Shark / Seahorse / Pipefish  / Sea Dragon / Seabird / Turtle / Sea Snake / Seal / Dolphin  / Whale / Dugong

Species Name

Be specific, one line for each


(refer to list)

Time at which Interaction occurred (24hr)


of interaction

Caught During Fishing Operation (tick one box only)

Hooked or Entangled (tick one box only)

Band or Tag


Life Status

(tick one box only)


dd mm ddd mm








Comments    Is there anything else that you believe to be important information? (i.e. female, male, adult, juvenile)

Where was the animal tangled/hooked?  (flipper, mouth, wing, entire body, swallowed hook, etc.)

Where in the gear was the animal tangled/hooked (top metre of net near the float line, mid section of net, bottom section of net near

purse wire and rings, etc.)?

How was the animal released?






I certify the information which I have provided on this form to be a complete and accurate record.

Concession Holder/Authorised Agent Signature and Date  / /

Concession Holder/Authorised Agent Printed Name



Requests information relating to interactions with wildlife for hte LO01B logbook.  Original Copy Send to AFMA









Requests information relating to interactions with wildlife for hte LO01B logbook.  Australian Fisheries Management Authority. PO Box 7051

Canberra MC ACT 2610


Please use one form per shot





Great White Shark / Grey Nurse Shark / Whale Shark / Seahorse / Pipefish  / Sea Dragon / Seabird / Turtle / Sea Snake / Seal / Dolphin  / Whale / Dugong

Species Name

Be specific, one line for each


(refer to list)

Time at which Interaction occurred (24hr)


of interaction

Caught During Fishing Operation (tick one box only)

Hooked or Entangled (tick one box only)

Band or Tag


Life Status

(tick one box only)


dd mm ddd mm








Comments    Is there anything else that you believe to be important information? (i.e. female, male, adult, juvenile)

Where was the animal tangled/hooked?  (flipper, mouth, wing, entire body, swallowed hook, etc.)

Where in the gear was the animal tangled/hooked (top metre of net near the float line, mid section of net, bottom section of net near

purse wire and rings, etc.)?

How was the animal released?






I certify the information which I have provided on this form to be a complete and accurate record.

Concession Holder/Authorised Agent Signature and Date  / /

Concession Holder/Authorised Agent Printed Name



Original Copy Send to AFMA