THIS ARRANGEMENT is made between the Commonwealth of Australia (“the Commonwealth”) and the State of Western Australia (“the State”).


(a)    An Instrument entitled “Arrangement between the Commonwealth and the State of Western Australia in relation to the fishery for fish and other aquatic biological resources in waters relevant to Western Australia” was made between the parties and published in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on 1st February 1995 in GN 4 at pages 353 to 365.

(b)    The arrangement was amended by a further Instrument published on 23rd September 1998 in GN 38 at pages 3,200 to 3,205.

(c)     The parties have agreed to further amend the Instrument published on 1st February 1995.

(d)    Schedule 1 of the Instrument published on 1st February 1995 excepted the defined  Commonwealth managed trawling areas of the North West Slope Deepwater Trawl Fishery, the Western Deepwater Trawl Fishery and the Great Australian Bight Trawl Fishery, which fisheries were excepted by clause 2(b) from being otherwise managed in accordance with the law of Western Australia.

(e)    The Amendment published on 23rd September 1998, more precisely restated the areas of the North West Slope Deepwater Trawl Fishery and the Western Deepwater Trawl Fishery.

(f)     The parties now wish to again restate the areas of the North West Slope Trawl Fishery and the Western Deepwater Trawl Fishery having regard to more accurate available data.

(g)    The Commonwealth may pursuant to s72(1)(a) of the Fisheries Management Act 1991 (“the Commonwealth Act”) make an arrangement with a State with respect to a particular fishery in waters relevant to the State being wholly or partly in the coastal waters of the State for the fishery to be managed in accordance with the law of the Commonwealth or of the State.

(h)    The State may pursuant to s22 of the Fish Resources Management Act 1994 (“the State Act”) make an arrangement with the Commonwealth in accordance with and in the manner provided by s74 of the Commonwealth Act.

(i)      Both the Commonwealth and the State, taking into account s10 and s77 of the Commonwealth Act and s5(d)(i) of the State Act, wish to make an arrangement for the ongoing management by the Commonwealth for the North West Slope Trawl Fishery and the Western Deepwater Trawl Fishery.



  1. The description of the area of the North West Slope Trawl Fishery in Schedule 1 of the Instrument published on 1st February 1995, as amended by the instrument published on 23rd September 1998, is amended by deleting paragraphs  (a) to (ao) and substituting the description in Schedule A to this Instrument.
  2. The description of the area of the Western Deepwater Trawl Fishery in Schedule 1 of the Instrument published on 1st February 1995 is amended by deleting the preamble and paragraphs (a) to (al) and substituting the description in Schedule B to this Instrument.
  3. Paragraph 3 of the Instrument dated 1st February 1995 is amended by deleting the entire paragraph and substituting:

The origin of geographical coordinates used in this Instrument is the Australian Geodetic Datum 1994 (GDA94).”

4.       This Arrangement will take effect upon publication under s74(2) after being executed by the Commonwealth and State Ministers in accordance with s74(1)(a)and (b) of the Commonwealth Act.

5.       This agreement may be terminated in accordance with s75 of the Commonwealth Act and/or as specified in sub section 22(2) of the State Act.


a)      commencing at the point of latitude 21° 39' 49.1" south, longitude 114° east (Point 1).

b)      Thence generally north-easterly along the geodesics sequentially connecting the following points:

2.      21° 34' 58.2" south 114° 05' 34.2" east

3.      21° 28' 50.2" south 114° 08' 26.2" east

4.      21° 10' 16.8" south 114° 35' 10.8" east

5.      21° 00' 13.8" south 114° 43' 58.8" east

6.      20° 36' 56.0" south 114° 47' 35.0" east

7.      20° 11' 37.8" south 114° 58' 46.8" east

8.      19° 40' 35.8" south 115° 27' 14.8" east

9.      19° 31' 04.8" south 115° 50' 28.8" east

10.  19° 24' 17.4" south 115° 56' 32.4" east

11.  19° 16' 58.8" south 116° 08' 01.8" east

12.  19° 11' 52.8" south 116° 27' 58.8" east

13.  19° 09' 58.8" south 116° 50' 01.8" east

14.  19° 03' 04.8" south 117° 09' 31.8" east

15.  18° 54' 06.6" south 117° 29' 55.8" east

16.  18° 49' 31.2" south 117° 33' 46.2" east

17.  18° 51' 15.5" south 117° 35' 12.5" east

18.  18° 17' 51.3" south 118° 34' 16.8" east

19.  18° 14' 33.3" south 118° 44' 10.8" east

20.  18° 01' 16.8" south 119° 00' 22.8" east

21.  17° 56' 10.8" south 119° 10' 07.8" east

22.  17° 42' 04.8" south 120° 08' 10.8" east

23.  17° 37' 52.8" south 120° 16' 16.8" east

24.  17° 29' 55.8" south 120° 24' 49.8" east

25.  17° 23' 55.8" south 120° 30' 22.8" east

26.  17° 12' 49.8" south 120° 35' 46.8" east

27.  17° 00' 13.8" south 120° 48' 40.8" east

28.  16° 45' 40.8" south 120° 52' 16.8" east

29.  16° 18' 49.8" south 120° 52' 46.8" east

30.  15° 48' 04.8" south 120° 59' 22.1" east

31.  15° 36' 26.4" south 121° 08' 50.4" east

32.  15° 23' 32.2" south 121° 26' 32.2" east

33.  14° 58' 43.8" south 121° 40' 34.8" east

34.  14° 54' 12.0" south 121° 55' 07.8" east

35.  14° 46' 52.8" south 122° 08' 46.8" east

36.  14° 25' 52.8" south 122° 34' 25.8" east

37.  14° 23' 10.8" south 122° 44' 28.8" east

38.  14° 14' 47.2" south 122° 51' 58.0" east

39.  14° 12' 53.4" south 123° 13' 54.9" east

40.  14° 04' 07.8" south 123° 24' 49.8" east

41.  14° 03' 04.8" south 123° 33' 49.8" east

42.  13° 57' 45.0" south 123° 40' 45.6" east

43.  13° 44' 05.1" south 123° 42' 42.1" east

44.  13° 36' 42.7" south 123° 38' 53.6" east

45.  13° 30' 58.8" south 123° 41' 10.8" east

46.  13° 31' 25.8" south 123° 44' 46.8" east

47.  13° 22' 52.8" south 123° 53' 10.8" east

48.  13° 21' 31.8" south 123° 52' 07.8" east

49.  13° 14' 37.8" south 123° 56' 01.8" east

50.  13° 09' 10.2" south 124° 06' 19.2" east

51.  13° 04' 43.8" south 124° 09' 49.8" east

52.  13° 02' 55.8" south 124° 08' 19.8" east

53.  13° 02' 37.8" south 124° 12' 04.8" east

c)       Thence generally north-westerly, northerly, and westerly along the geodesics sequentially connecting the following points:

54.  12° 57' 58.8" south 124° 11' 01.8" east

55.  12° 55' 25.8" south 124° 14' 16.8" east

56.  12° 51' 31.8" south 124° 10' 34.8" east

57.  12° 50' 01.8" south 124° 13' 39.3" east

58.  12° 48' 40.8" south 124° 11' 37.8" east

59.  12°42' 40.8" south 124° 13' 43.8" east

60.  12° 39' 27.3" south 124° 11' 42.3'' east

61.  12° 49' 32.9" south 124° 02' 08.1" east

62.  12° 47' 34.9" south 123° 49' 49.2" east

63.  12° 45' 40.8" south 123° 49' 07.8" east

64.  12° 39' 58.8" south 123° 59' 01.8" east

65.  12° 36' 22.8" south 124° 00' 31.8" east

66.  12° 36' 13.8" south 123° 46' 25.8" east

67.  12° 33' 14.6" south 123° 43' 51.9" east

68.  12° 30' 16.9" south 123° 36' 46.7" east

69.  12° 26' 25.2" south 123° 34' 12.5" east

70.  12° 23' 21.4" south 123° 26' 24.2" east

71.  12° 23' 06.6" south 123° 11' 55.5" east

72.  12° 22' 12.6" south 123° 12' 05.6" east

d)      Thence north-easterly along the geodesic to its intersection with the line twelve nautical miles seaward of the baseline from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured around Ashmore Islands being the point closest to latitude 12° 17' 40.7"south, longitude 123° 21' 19.3" east (Point 73);

e)      Thence generally north-easterly, northerly, north-westerly, westerly , south westerly, southerly and south-easterly along the line every point on which is twelve nautical miles seaward of the baseline from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured, around Ashmore Islands, to the point of latitude 12° 29’ 52.12” south, longitude 123° 06' 08.36” east (Point C);

f)        Thence south-westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 12° 30' south, longitude 123° 06' east

g)       Thence south-westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 13° 15' south, longitude 121° 49' east (Point Z87);

h)      Thence south-westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 13° 56' 31.7" south, longitude 120° 00' 46.9" east (Point Z88);

i)        Thence north-westerly along the arc of a circle with a radius of 200 nautical miles drawn through the following points to the point of latitude 13° 40' 34.1" south, longitude 119° 28' 46.1" east (Point Z92)

Z89. 13° 53' 03.7" south 119° 52' 30.7" east

Z90. 13° 49' 14.5" south 119° 44' 24.5" east

Z91. 13° 45' 04.5" south 119° 36' 29.3" east

j)        Thence north-westerly along the geodesic to the point of latitude 13° 36' 30.2" south, longitude 119° 22' 08.7" east (Point Z93) ;

k)       Thence north-westerly along the arc of a circle with a radius of 200 nautical miles drawn through the following points to the point of latitude 13° 18' 43.8" south, longitude 118° 32' 28.3" east (Point Z99):

Z94. 13° 34' 26.1" south 119° 13' 33.5" east

Z95. 13° 32' 00.1" south 119° 05' 04.4" east

Z96. 13° 29' 12.5" south 118° 56' 42.4" east

Z97. 13° 26' 03.7" south 118° 48' 28.4" east

Z98. 13° 22' 34.0" south 118° 40' 23.4" east

l)        Thence north-westerly along the arc of a circle with a radius of 200 nautical miles to its intersection with the AFZ closest to the point of latitude 13° 15' 20.3" south, longitude 118° 26' 07.1" east (Point 74);

m)    Thence generally south-westerly and southerly along the outer limit of the AFZ to the intersection with the meridian of longitude 114° east closest point of latitude 17° 11' 38.5" south, longitude 114° east (Point 75); and

n)      Thence south along that meridian to the point of commencement.


That part of the Australian Fishing zone bounded by the line:

a)      commencing at the point of latitude 21º 37' south, longitude 114º east (Point 1). 

b)      Thence generally south-westerly, southerly and south-easterly along the geodesics sequentially connecting the following points:

2.       21º 41’ south 113º 57 east

3.       21º 48’ south 113º 51 east

4.       22º 01’ south 113º 47 east

5.       22º 12’ south 113º 45 east

6.       22º 50’ south 113º 26 east

7.       23º 20’ south 113º 13 east

8.       23º 36’ south 113º 02 east

9.       24º 06’ south 112º 37 east

10.   24º 25’ south 112º 25 east

11.   24º 39’ south 112º 19 east

12.   25º south 112º 14 east

13.   25º 33’ south 112º 12 east

14.   26º south 112º 18 east

15.   26º 24’ south 112º 30 east

16.   26º 50’ south 112º 44 east

17.   27º 20’ south 112º 55 east

18.   27º 55’ south 113º 10 east

19.   28º 35’ south 113º 29 east

20.   29º south 113º 46 east

21.   29º 54’ south 114º 25’ east

22.   29º 54’ south 114º 27’ 19.6” east

23.   29º 56’ 10.8” south 114º 28’ 55.4” east

24.   30º 42’ 40.8” south 114º 42’ 57.9” east

25.   31º 10’ 31.2” south 114º 55’ 22.2” east

26.   31º 33’ 14.7” south 115º 00’ 10.8” east

27.   31º 44’ 26.0” south 115º 01’ 42.8” east

28.   31º 58’ 03.3” south 115º 14’ 33.3” east

29.   32º 20’ 01.2” south 115º 05’ 16.1” east

30.   32º 53’ 37.8” south 114º 42’ 00.3” east

31.   33º 00’ 00.0” south 114º 39’ 24.7” east

32.   33º 00’ 00.0” south 114º 38’ 07.1” east

33.   33º 10’ south 114º 34’ east

34.   33º 30 south 114º 29’ east

35.   34º south 114º 27’ east

36.   34º 20’ south 114º 30’ east

37.   34º 41’ south 114º 40’ east

38.   34º 52 south 114º 50’ east

39.   34º 58’ south 115º east

40.   35º 01’ south 115º 08’ east

c)       Thence south along the meridian of longitude 115º 08’ east to its intersection with the Australian Fishing Zone at the closest point of latitude 38º 14’ 17.8” south (Point 41);

d)      Thence generally north-westerly, northerly and north-easterly along the outer limit of the Australian Fishing Zone to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 114º east, closest to point of latitude 17º 11’ 38.5” south, longitude 114º east (Point 42); and

e)      Thence south along that meridian of 114º back to the point of commencement.





The Hon. Anne Ruston MP

Commonwealth Assistant 

Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources                             

on behalf of the Commonwealth under

the Fisheries Management Act 1991

in the presence of


__________________________ Date:  13/12/16


The Hon. Joe Francis MLC

Western Australian Minister for Fisheries                             

on behalf of the State under 

the Fish Resource Management Act 1994

in the presence of


______________________________ Date: 16/9/16