Pursuant to section 33 of the Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports) Act 1989, notice is given that Basel import permit AUH16-039 was granted to Institut Polaire Français – Paul Emile Victor (IPEV), Technopôle Brest-Iroise, CS 60075, 29280 Plouzané, France, through their appointed agent, Parodi & Gore Pty Ltd, trading as Tasmanian Worldwide Shipping (TWWS) (ABN: 41 144 819 045), Port Control Building, 1st Floor, 18 Hunter Street, Hobart, TAS 7000 (Telephone +61 3 6223 2000).

The particulars of the permit are as follows:

a)        the type of waste to be imported consists of the following materials:

  1. waste sump oil and waste hydraulic oil;
  2. waste non-halogenated organic solvents;
  3. compacted recyclable plastic, rinsed plastic drums and tanks with traces of hydrocarbons, rinsate from drums and tanks that contained hydrocarbons;
  4. unrinsed steel food cans, steel-aluminium beverage cans and glass bottles; and,
  5. compacted empty 200 L steel drums which contained petrochemicals and may contain residues of petrochemicals;

b)        the maximum quantity of the waste is up to 27.5 tonnes of solid wastes and up to 15,000 litres of liquid wastes;

c)        the waste is to be imported by the following methods of transport:

  1. by ship, on the vessel MPV L’Astrolabe, from the French Antarctic station, Dumont d’Urville, Adélie Land in the French Southern and Antarctic Territory to Hobart, Tasmania;
  2. then by land to the TWWS facility at Macquarie Wharf in Hobart; and,
  3. after sorting and separation at the TWWS facility, the hazardous wastes are to be transported by land and sea to disposal facilities in Tasmania and Victoria;

d)        the waste may only be imported during the permit period;

e)        the waste is to be disposed of at the following facilities:

  1. waste sump oil and oil rinsates are to be treated by Hagen Oil in Tasmania, and then transferred to the David Mitchell Lime Kiln in Tasmania for use as a fuel;
  2. waste hydraulic oil is to be treated by Hagen Oil in Tasmania;
  3. waste non-halogenated solvents are to be treated at the Geocycle facility, Dandenong, Victoria, for use as a fuel in Cement Australia’s cement kiln at Railton, Tasmania;
  4. bottles or containers made of plastic, steel, steel-aluminium or glass, and deemed by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources to be contaminated with biological material, are to be disposed of by deep burial in landfill at Glenorchy, Copping, Launceston or Railton in Tasmania; and,
  5. compacted empty 200 L steel drums to be disposed of by deep burial in landfill at Glenorchy, Copping, Launceston or Railton in Tasmania.






The permit period is from the date below and expires one calendar year from this date. All transboundary movements must be completed by the permit expiry date.


The permit includes and is subject to conditions.

Andrew McNee

Delegate of the Minister

19 January 2017

Subject to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975, a person or persons whose interests are affected by this decision may, within 28 days, make an application in writing to the Department of the Environment and Energy requesting the reasons for the decision.

An application for independent merits review of the decision may be made to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal on payment of the relevant fee by the applicant within 28 days of receipt of the reasons for the decision, or within 28 days of this notice if the reasons for the decision are not sought. Applications should be made to the Principal Registry or the Deputy Registrar, Administrative Appeals Tribunal in your capital city or Territory, as listed under Commonwealth Government Section in the White Pages. For further information, particularly about how to apply for review, visit

Further information or enquiries relating to the decision should be directed to:

Director, Hazardous Waste Section

Department of the Environment and Energy

GPO Box 787


Telephone 1800 803 772, Facsimile (02) 6274 1164, or by email at