Proposed Basin Plan amendments — Invitation for public submissions extended

The MurrayDarling Basin Authority (the Authority), acting pursuant to subsection 47(4) and (5) of the Water Act 2007 (Cth) (the Act) has sought submissions from interested persons on proposed Basin Plan amendments. The deadline for submissions was 5pm 10 February 2017.

The deadline to make a formal submission has been extended until 5pm (AEST) 24 February 2017.

The Authority’s webpage provides more information on the proposed amendments and information on how to make a submission: This includes a copy of the proposed amendments and a plain English summary.

Submissions can be made through:

Online lodgement is the preferred means to receive submissions. Submissions lodged outside the online system should be clearly identified by including the words “submission on the proposed Basin Plan amendments” in the document title, subject line or body of the submission.

Please note that the Authority is required under subsection 47(8) and (9) of the Act to publish all submissions, including personal and third party information, on its website unless a person making a submission specifically requests the Authority to treat a submission (or a particular part of a submission) confidentially. For additional details on how to make a submission please visit or call 1800 230 067.



BASIN AUTHORITY was hereunto affixed on                       Phillip Glyde

The 3 day of February 2017.                                            Chief Executive