Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999





I, Josh Frydenberg, Minister for the Environment and Energy, having considered in relation to the place and the Commonwealth Heritage values described in the Schedule of this instrument:


(a)  the Australian Heritage Council's assessment whether the place meets any of the Commonwealth Heritage criteria; and


(b)  the comments given to the Council under sections 341JF and 341JG of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999; and


being satisfied that the place described in the Schedule has the Commonwealth Heritage values specified in the Schedule, pursuant to section 341JI of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, include the place and the specified Commonwealth Heritage values in the Commonwealth Heritage List.









Josh Frydenberg

Minister for the Environment and Energy







NAME:  Googong Foreshores Cultural and Geodiversity Heritage Areas



About 5km north east of Burra, comprising the London Bridge area, including the London Bridge Homestead group and outbuildings and the London Bridge Arch.





the place has significant heritage value because of the place's importance in the course, or pattern, of Australia's natural or cultural history

The Googong Foreshores Cultural and Geodiversity Heritage area has important historic heritage value because of the place's ability to demonstrate aspects of the pastoral history of the Canberra and Queanbeyan region.


The features which express this value include, but are not limited to, the location of the homestead and associated farm buildings near to Burra Creek, the arrangement of the remnant farm buildings, their function and architecture including the building materials used and the demonstration of historic building methods. The buildings and the buildings within their surroundings demonstrate aspects of the living conditions experienced by the people living and working on the pastoral property.


The place also has significant heritage value for providing insight into the development of the local landscape as it demonstrates a naturally eroded limestone arch and caves formed at a meander bend, resulting in a meander cut-off and the eventual abandonment of a meander loop.


Features which express this value are the London Bridge Arch and associated caves, Burra Creek and the abandoned meander loop visible to the east of the arch.



the place has significant heritage value because of the place's possession of uncommon, rare or endangered aspects of Australia's natural or cultural history



The Googong Foreshores Cultural and Geodiversity Heritage area has important heritage value because of the place's possession of rare aspects of the Canberra region's vernacular and rural architecture.

The features which express this value include, but are not limited to, the building fabric of the London Bridge Homestead and all associated rural buildings.

The place also has significant heritage value for the presence of a rare and unusual geological formation, London Bridge Arch and its associated caves.


















(c) cont

the place has significant heritage value because of the place's potential to yield information that will contribute to an understanding of Australia's natural or cultural history

The Googong Foreshores Cultural and Geodiversity Heritage area has important research value because of the place's ability to provide information that will lead to a better understanding of the establishment and development of pastoral properties in the Canberra and Queanbeyan region. The buildings are also an important historic record. In part the place also represents pastoral practices implemented more widely beyond the immediate region.


Features which express this value include, but are not limited to, the built fabric of the place, the location, function and arrangement of rural buildings and their proximity to Burra Creek plus the place's demonstration of establishment processes such as land clearing, use of water, field and stock management.



The place also has significant heritage value for its ability to provide information that will lead to a wider understanding of Aboriginal use of the area over time. These archaeological values occur throughout the entire place.

The place also has significant heritage value due to its potential to provide additional information on the formation of the local landscape and the past flora and fauna assemblages of the Burra Creek Valley.

Features which express this value include, but are not limited to, the London Bridge Arch and caves incorporating rich Pleistocene cave deposits and fossil remains of large and small mammal species, some of which are locally extinct.



the place has significant heritage value because of the place's importance in demonstrating the principal characteristics of:

(i) a class of Australia's natural or cultural places; or

(ii) a class of Australia's natural or cultural environments



The Googong Foreshores Cultural and Geodiversity Heritage area has significant heritage value for its importance in demonstrating the principal characteristics of cave formation in the local region due to karst processes.


Features which express this value are the London Bridge Arch and associated caves, Burra Creek and the abandoned meander loop visible to the east of the arch.


the place has significant heritage value because of the place's importance in exhibiting particular aesthetic characteristics valued by a community or cultural group

The London Bridge Arch is an unusual and attractive natural landmark valued by the local community.

Features which express this value include the dramatic form of the natural arch, its demonstration of geological processes and its association with Burra Creek, the small, natural river course flowing underneath. The presence of water is an important part of its aesthetic appeal.


The London Homestead group of buildings (excluding the shearer's quarters and woolshed) within its rural setting is valued by the local community for its picturesque quality. These aesthetic characteristics are best appreciated by homestead visitors walking in the area. Distant views and immediate views of the London Homestead group of buildings are important.


Features which express this value include, but are not limited to, distant and immediate views of the London Homestead group of buildings, the historic character of the homestead group of buildings, the vernacular building materials used and the presentation of these buildings within their wider rural setting.