Heavy Vehicle National Law

New South Wales Class 1 Agricultural Machine Combination Exemption Notice 2017 (No.1)



  1. Purpose

This Notice provides mass exemptions for combinations consisting of an agricultural machine and trailer used for transporting primary produce subject to conditions relating to speed limits, braking and conspicuity.

Note: This Notice replaces in full the previous Agricultural Machine Combination Notice 2013 (NSW) published in Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales Number 135 on 28 December 2012.

2.      Authorising Provision

This notice is made under Section 117 of the Heavy Vehicle National Law.

3.      Commencement

This notice commences on 1 January 2018.

4.      Expiry

This Notice expires on 31 December 2023.

5.      Title

This Notice may be cited as the New South Wales Class 1 Agricultural Machine Combination Exemption Notice 2017.

6.      Definitions

(1)   Unless otherwise stated, words and expressions used in this Notice have the same meanings as those defined in the HVNL.

(2)   In this Notice

agricultural machine combination means a heavy combination consisting of an agricultural machine and a trailer.


amber rotating beacon means a rotating amber or yellow flashing light with

at least a 55 watt globe, producing 120 to 200 light pulsations per minute, that

can be clearly seen from a distance of 500 metres in any direction.




7.      Application

This Notice applies to agricultural machine combinations in excess of 4.5 tonnes Gross Combination Mass (GCM) used for carting primary produce and operating in New South Wales.

8.      Exemption – Mass

(1)   An eligible vehicle that meets the conditions of this Notice is exempt from the following mass requirements from Part 2 of the Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Regulation:

a)      Section 8(1)(b) relating to towing vehicles.

9.      Conditions – Stated Areas and Routes

(1)   Eligible vehicles operating under this Notice may use all roads in New South Wales.

Note:  Access to all roads is subject to mass and dimension road signs, and any other official road signs.

10.  Conditions - General

(1)   The gross mass of the combination must not exceed 15 tonnes.

(2)   The loaded mass of the trailer must not exceed the loaded mass of the towing vehicle by more than 50%.

(3)   The manufacturer’s GCM for the hauling unit must not be exceeded.

(4)   The manufacturer’s ratings for any component of the combination must not be exceeded.

(5)   Notwithstanding the definition of GCM, for the purpose of this Notice, where the GCM is not specified by the manufacturer of the hauling unit, the GCM will be deemed to be 1.67 times the Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) of the hauling unit.

(6)   For the purpose of this Notice, for agricultural machines where the GVM is not specified by the manufacturer the tare mass of the vehicle will be deemed to be the GVM.

11.  Conditions – Braking

(1)   The hauling unit must have the mass and braking capability to stop the combination from a speed of 35 km/h, within a distance of 16.5 metres.

12.  Conditions - Speed Limits

(1)   The combination must not travel at a speed greater than the lesser of:

a)      20 km/h less than the speed limit applying to the section of road on which the combination is travelling; and

b)      50 km/h.



13.  Conditions – Conspicuity

(1)   In daylight, at least one amber rotating beacon is to be fitted at the highest point in the combination, or a removable light board (which has brake, tail and turn lights and reflectors) must be fitted to the rear of the combination.

(2)   At night, a removable light board must be fitted to the rear of the combination and an amber rotating beacon must be fitted at the highest point in the combination.


Dated: 13 December 2017

Peter Caprioli

Executive Director Access

National Heavy Vehicle Regulator