Heavy Vehicle National Law

South Australia Class 3 Heavy Vehicle 23m Truck and

Dog Trailer Mass and Dimension Exemption Notice 2017

Amendment Notice 2018 (No.1)


  1. Purpose

The purpose of this Notice is to amend the South Australia Class 3 Heavy Vehicle 23m Truck and Dog Trailer Mass and Dimension Exemption Notice 2017 to allow 23m long truck and dog combinations to use certain commodity routes in South Australia, under certain conditions.

2.      Authorising Provision

This Notice is made under Section 23 of Schedule 1 of the Heavy Vehicle National Law.

3.      Commencement

This Notice commences on the day of its publication.

4.      Expiry

This Notice expires when the primary notice expires or otherwise ceases to operate.

5.      Definitions

In this Notice—

Primary Notice means the South Australia Class 3 Heavy Vehicle 23m Truck and Dog Trailer Mass and Dimension Exemption Notice 2017.

6.      Amendment of Primary Notice


(1)         Omit/Insert:-


 10 Condition - Stated Areas and Routes


(1)    23m Truck and Dog Trailer combinations operating under this notice may  use the following stated routes:

a)      Routes set out in the ‘23m Truck and Dog Network’ published by the South Australia Department of Planning Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI); and

b)      Routes set out in the  South Australia B-Double Commodity routes Network’ published by DPTI when:

  1. a 23m Truck and Dog Trailer combination is carrying a commodity listed on the DPTI RAVNet B-double commodity routes; in
  2. a Local Government Road Manager area listed in the South Australia 23m Truck and Dog Trailer Commodity Network List.

Note:  Commodity routes on the DPTI RAVnet are normally limited to B-doubles or Road Trains. However, this notice grants access to the B-double Commodity Networks for 23m Truck and Dog Trailers when carrying the specified commodity (eg: a 23m Truck and Dog Trailer carrying grain may use the B-double Grain Commodity Route).

Note: RAVnet Network maps are available at the DPTI website




Dated: 14 December 2017

Peter Caprioli

Executive Director (Access Operations)

National Heavy Vehicle Regulator