1. Acquisition

In accordance with the Lands Acquisition Act 1989, I am considering the acquisition of the interests in land specified in paragraph 3 for the public purpose described in paragraph 4.

The Commonwealth of Australia is the acquiring authority.

2. The Land

This declaration relates to the whole of the land comprised in Lot 105 on Deposited Plan 1236319.

The land is approximately 12.26 hectares and is located in the State of New South Wales.  A plan showing the approximate location of the land is set out in the Schedule.

3. The Interests in Land

This declaration relates to the acquisition of the estate in fee simple of the land specified in paragraph 2.

4. Public Purpose

The public purpose of the acquisition is trade and commerce with other countries, and among the States.

5. Suitability for use for a public purpose

The land appears to be suitable for use for the public purpose described in paragraph 4.

6. Particulars of Proposed Use

The land specified in paragraph 2 is proposed:

a. to be incorporated as part of the airport site for ‘Sydney West Airport’ set out in Part 1.19A of Schedule 1 of the Airports Regulations 1997; and

b. to be the subject of an airport lease to WSA Co Limited to be granted pursuant to section 13 of the Airports Act 1996,

for the purposes of facilitating the development and future expansion of Western Sydney Airport as envisaged by the Airport Plan for Western Sydney Airport, determined on 5 December 2016.

7. Reasons why the Land appears to be Suitable for the Proposed Use

The reason why the land appears to be suitable for the use described in paragraph 6 is because of:

a. its close proximity to the existing airport site for the Western Sydney Airport, which will be the subject of an airport lease to be granted pursuant to section 13 of the Airports Act 1996 to WSA Co Limited; and

b. the projected need for, and use of, the land as shown in the indicative airport layout (long term) in Figure 4 of the Airport Plan for Western Sydney Airport, determined on 5 December 2016.


DATED this 25th day of  January 2018.

Signed by Mr Andrew Smith, Assistant Secretary, Commonwealth Legislation & Advice Branch, Property & Construction Division, Department of Finance


Andrew Smith

Assistant Secretary

Commonwealth Legislation & Advice Branch

Property & Construction Division

Department of Finance

Canberra ACT 2600



Schedule – Location of the Land


The map shows that Lot 105 is a traingle shape, bordering The Northern Road, located at the south-western edge of the Western Sydney Airport site. The land is bordered by the airport site to the north-west and by The Northern Road to the east. The map also includes a smaller map indicating that the land is west of Parramatta and Liverpool and south of Penrith.

Note: This Pre-Acquisition Declaration signifies that the Commonwealth is considering acquisition of the interests in land specified in paragraph 3.  It does NOT mean that the interests in land have been acquired.