In accordance with the Lands Acquisition Act 1989, l am considering the acquisition of the interest in land specified in paragraph 3 for the public purposes described in paragraph 4.
2. The Land
This declaration relates to approximately 0.08 hectares of land in the town of Palmerston in the Northern Territory. The land is the route of a proposed sewage easement.
The location of the land is shown in the attached location plan.
3. The Interest in Land
This declaration relates to an easement interest in the land.
4. Public Purpose
The public purpose of the acquisition is defence.
5. Suitability for use for a public purpose
The land appears to be suitable for use by the Commonwealth of Australia for the public purpose described in paragraph 4.
6. Particulars of Proposed Use
The land is to be used by the Department of Defence in relation to the operations of Robertson Barracks.
7. Reasons why the Land appears to be Suitable for the Proposed Use
The reason why the land appears to be suitable for the use described in paragraph 6 is because it enables the augmentation of the sewer network supporting Robertson Barracks.
DATED this twenty eighth day of February 2018
Rachel Manley
Land Acquisition Act Administration
Commonwealth Legislation and Advice Branch
Property & Construction Division
Department of Finance
Note: This Pre-Acquisition Declaration signifies that the Commonwealth is considering acquisition of the interests in land specified in paragraph 3. It does NOT mean that the interests in land have been acquired.
Location plan of sewage easement - Palmerston, Northern Territory