FOR THE PERIOD: 1 July 2017 to 30 September 2017
Pursuant to section 25 of the Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Act 1981 (the Act), notice is given that:
Applications received under section 18 of the Act
- An application (SD2017/3622) was received on 14 July 2017 from Eni Australia Limited, ABN: 40 009 475 389, for a permit to abandon 2 wellheads, 151 kilometres east of Ashmore Reef in the Timor Sea.
- An application (SD2017/3642) was received on 22 September 2017 from the Department of Defence, ABN: 68 706 814 312, for a permit to load for the purposes of dumping, and to dump up to 24,550 cubic metres of dredged material, derived from capital dredging at the naval dockyard at Garden Island, Sydney, New South Wales.
Permits granted under sections 19 and 21 of the Act
- A permit (SD2017/3502) was granted on 11 August 2017 to Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development, ABN: 72 189 919 072, to load for the purposes of dumping, and to dump up to 30,000 cubic metres of seabed material, derived from maintenance dredging of the Yamba Boat Harbour, New South Wales.
- A permit (SD2016/3402) was granted on 18 August 2017 to Century Mining Limited, ACN: 006 670 300, to dump a man-made structure (cyclone mooring buoy) at sea in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Queensland.
- A permit (SD2017/3562) was granted on 6 September 2017 to the Cairns Regional Council, ABN: 24 310 025 910, to load for the purposes of dumping, and to dump up to 75 000 cubic metres of dredged material, derived from maintenance dredging of the entrance channels to the Half Moon Bay Marina, Cairns, Queensland.
The Minister/delegate did not require these permits to undergo an assessment in accordance with section 160 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).
- A permit (SD2017/3542) was granted on 18 August 2017 to the Pilbara Ports Authority, ABN: 94 987 448 870, to load for the purposes of dumping, and to dump, up to 1.913 million cubic metres of dredged material, derived from capital dredging at Port Hedland, Western Australia.
Advice in accordance with section 160 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) was provided via a parallel assessment (EPBC 2017/7915) completed under the EPBC Act.
Copies of a decision by the Minister/delegate under the Act may be obtained, upon request, from the Director, Queensland South and Sea Dumping Section, Department of the Environment and Energy, GPO Box 787, CANBERRA, ACT 2601.
Anu Datta
Queensland South and Sea Dumping Section
26 / 4 / 2018