of Australia


Published by the Commonwealth of Australia




Acts of Parliament assented to


It is hereby notified, for general information, that His Excellency the Governor-General, in the name of Her Majesty, assented on 30 November 2018 to the undermentioned Acts passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives in the Parliament assembled, viz.:

 No. 144 of 2018An Act to extend the functions of the Indigenous Land Corporation to rights in relation to water, and for related purposes. (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Amendment (Indigenous Land Corporation) Act 2018).

 No. 145 of 2018An Act to establish the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land and Sea Future Fund, and for other purposes. (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land and Sea Future Fund Act 2018).

 No. 146 of 2018An Act to deal with consequential matters arising from the enactment of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land and Sea Future Fund Act 2018, and for other purposes. (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land and Sea Future Fund (Consequential Amendments) Act 2018).






D R Elder

Clerk of the House of Representatives