Multi-State Class 1 Load Carrying Vehicles Dimension Exemption Notice 2016

Amendment Notice 2019 (No. 1)


  1. Purpose

(1)    This Notice amends the Multi-State Class 1 Load Carrying Vehicles Dimension Exemption Notice 2016 (LCV Dimension Exemption) by:

a)      replacing the South Australia Schedule with one that includes updated networks; and

b)      introducing a new Queensland Schedule.


Note: Each Schedule inserted by this Notice completely replaces the corresponding Schedule in the LCV Dimension Exemption.

2.       Authorising Provision

(1)    This notice is made under section 119, and section 23 of Schedule 1, of the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL).

3.       Commencement

This notice commences on 10 February 2019.

4.       Expiry

This notice expires when the Multi-State Class 1 Load Carrying Vehicles Dimension Exemption Notice 2016 expires, is cancelled or otherwise amended.

5.       Amendment

(1)    This Notice amends the Multi-State Class 1 Load Carrying Vehicles Dimension Exemption Notice 2016 by:

a)      Omitting “Schedule 2 South Australia”, and inserting Schedule 1 “Schedule 2 South Australia” of this Notice; and

b)      Inserting Schedule 2 “Schedule 6 Queensland” of this Notice.



Peter Caprioli

Executive Director (Freight and Supply Chain Productivity)

National Heavy Vehicle Regulator

Schedule 1: Replacement South Australia Schedule


Schedule 3 South Australia

  1. Application

(1)    The provisions in this Schedule apply in South Australia.


2.       Vehicles and vehicle categories

(2)    This Schedule applies to a load carrying vehicle that is comprised of:

(a)    a truck; or

(b)    a truck and heavy trailer combination; or

(c)     a prime mover towing—

  1. a low loader; or
  2. a low loader dolly and a low loader; or
  3. a semitrailer; or
  4. a jinker trailer.

(3)    A vehicle mentioned in subsection (1) is an eligible vehicle in this Schedule.


3.       Definitions for this Schedule


(1)    In this Schedule:

DPTI means the South Australia Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure.


Operator’s Guide means the South Australia Load Carrying Vehicle’s Operator’s Guide.


Note:  the Operator’s Guide is published by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator.


Participating Road Manager means a Road Manager listed in the Participating Road Manager section of the Operator Guide

4.       Conditions - Maximum permissible length, width and height


(1)    An eligible vehicle must not exceed a dimension limit mentioned in Table 1.

Table 1: Maximum dimension limits


Width (m)








Truck and trailer combination


Another eligible vehicle



5.       Conditions - Maximum rear overhang


(1)    An eligible vehicle must not exceed the rear overhang limits set out in Table 2.

Table 2: Maximum rear overhang - vehicle other than a truck and trailer combination

Length of vehicle and load (m)

Maximum rear overhang (m)


Up to and including




















6.       Areas or routes to which this Schedule applies


(1)    An eligible vehicle up to 2.5 metres wide, 23 metres long or 4.6 metres high with a total mass of up to 42.5 t may operate on route specified on the maps titled ‘23m 42.5t low loader 24 hr’ or ‘23m 42.5t low loader day only’.


(2)    An eligible vehicle up to 3.5 metres wide, 25 metres long or 4.9 metres high with a total mass of no greater than 49.5 t may operate on route specified on the map titled ‘25m 49.5t low loader’.


(3)    An eligible vehicle up to 3.5 metres wide, 25 metres long, or 4.9 metres high with a total mass of no greater than 59.5 t may operate on route specified on the map titled ‘25m 59.5t low loader’.


(4)    An eligible vehicle up to 4.0 metres wide, 30 metres long, or 5.0 metres high with a total mass of no greater than 93.5 t may operate on route specified on the map titled ‘4.0m wide up to 93.5t low loader’.


(5)    An eligible vehicle up to 4.5 metres wide, 30 metres long, or 5.0 metres high with a total mass of no greater than 93.5 t may operate on route specified on the map titled ‘4.5m wide up to 93.5t low loader’.


7.       Conditions - General


(1)    An eligible vehicle must comply with a condition applying to the route or area specified on a RAVnet map in section 6 of this Schedule.


(2)    An eligible vehicle that is not wider than 3.1 metres in width or longer than 22 metres can travel at night on road networks managed by Participating Road Managers.


(3)    Travel is not permitted in the Adelaide Metropolitan Area between the hours of 7:00am to 9:00am, and 4.00pm to 6.00pm, Monday to Friday inclusive.


Note: Adelaide Metropolitan Area is defined in the Operator’s Guide.


(4)    No part of any cross member used to support the load carried on an eligible vehicle shall protrude laterally more than 50mm from the point of support of the load.


(5)    If an eligible vehicle is higher than 4.3m, the operator must, before starting a journey consult with the relevant third parties as stated in the Operator’s Guide.


(6)    An operator or driver of an eligible vehicle that is wider than 4.0m must have SA Police in attendance to preserve safety and direct traffic whilst travelling over the restricted structures as stated in the Operator’s Guide.



8.       Conditions - Pilot and escort vehicles

(1)    An eligible vehicle operating under this notice must comply with the Pilot and Escort Conditions set out in the South Australia Escorting Guidelines for oversize and overmass vehicles and loads published by DPTI, as amended from time to time.

Note: The South Australia Escorting Guideline is published on the DPTI website.

Schedule 2 New Queensland Schedule


Schedule 3 Queensland

  1. Definitions in this Schedule


1)      In this Schedule:

Access Conditions Guide means the Queensland Access Conditions Guide published by TMR that contains further specific information referenced in this Schedule.


Critical Road has the same meaning as in the Access Conditions Guide.


Pilot and Escort Guideline means the Guideline for Pilot and Escort Operations in Queensland published by TMR that contains further specific information referenced in this Schedule.


House removal trailer means a specifically built trailer designed to elevate the deck of the trailer to remove and relocate houses and other dwellings.


 Load platform means a trailer specifically designed for the movement of large loads with the trailer having all of the following features:

a)      at least five rows of axles; and

b)      a minimum of 1.6 metres longitudinal spacing between axle rows; and

c)       at least 8 tyres per axle row; and

d)      all axle rows are steerable: and

e)      may be constructed of multiple platform modules.

Low loader means a semitrailer by with a loading deck no more than 1.2m above the ground.

Oversize vehicle or combination means a vehicle or combination, including any large indivisible item, that has dimensions that do not comply with the Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Regulation.


Rear-end steering unit means a steerable axle group at the rear of the vehicle.


TMR means the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads.


TMR Excess Mass and Conditions means the route and area conditions, and including the Conditions of Operation Database, maintained and published by TMR.

2.       Vehicles and vehicle categories


1)      This Schedule applies to a Class 1 load carrying heavy vehicle comprised of:


a)      a truck; or

b)      a truck and trailer combination; or

c)       a prime mover towing—

  1. a low loader; or
  2. a low loader dolly and a low loader; or
  3. a house removal trailer; or
  4. a load platform; or
  5. a low loader dolly and a platform; or
  6. a semitrailer; or
  7. a jinker trailer; or
  8. a low loader dolly and a jinker trailer.


2)      A vehicle mentioned in this section is an eligible vehicle in this Schedule.


3.       Conditions - Dimensions for vehicles that do not require a pilot or escort - day time travel


1)      No pilot or escort is required for an eligible vehicle up to the dimension limits in Table 1.

Table 1: Maximum dimensions for vehicles without a pilot or escort - daytime travel


Width (m)

Length (m)

Height (m)





Truck and heavy trailer combination




Prime mover and heavy trailer combination




1 A prime mover towing a low loader with or without a low loader dolly may travel on approved b-double or road train routes to a maximum length of 26.0m.

2)      For an eligible vehicle up to the limits in Table 1 above, a rear overhang limit of 5.5m or 25% of the length of the heavy vehicle, whichever is the lesser.


4.       Conditions - Dimension for vehicles that do not require pilots or escorts - night time travel


1)      An eligible vehicle that does not exceed 3.1m in width and/or 25m in length is permitted to travel at night-time without a pilot or escort; and


2)      Despite 1) prime mover towing a low loader with or without a low loader dolly that does not exceed 3.1m in width and/or 26m in length is permitted to travel at night-time on an approved b-double or road train route without a pilot or escort.




5.       Conditions - Dimension for vehicles requiring pilots or escorts - day time travel


1)      Pilots and/or escorts are required for an eligible vehicle up to the limits in Table 2 for day time travel.

Table 2: Maximum dimension limits with pilots or escorts - day time travel


Critical Roads Width (m)

Other Roads Width (m)

Length (m)

Height (m)






Truck and heavy trailer combination





Prime mover and heavy trailer combination






3)      For an eligible vehicle up to 25m in length, a rear overhang limit of 5.5m or 25% of the length of the heavy vehicle, whichever is lesser.


4)      For a vehicle over 25m in length, the rear overhang limit in Table 3 applies.

Table 3: Maximum rear overhang for vehicles over 25m in length

Length of Vehicle and Load (m)

Maximum rear overhang (m)


Up to and Including









































5)      If part of the load or equipment projects more than 5.5m behind the rear overhang line of a prime mover semitrailer combination, both sides of the projection must be highlighted with a warning pattern.




6.       Conditions - Routes and Areas


1)      An eligible vehicle operating under a mass exemption of this Notice may operate on all roads in Queensland, subject to compliance with:


a)      the TMR Excess Mass and Conditions; and

b)      the Access Conditions Guide; and

c)       the Pilot and Escort Guideline as it relates to Load Carrying Vehicles.


Note:- the conditions in this section are maintained and published by TMR and are available on its website.


7.       Conditions - Laden vehicles


1)      In instances where only one indivisible item is to be carried by a truck and trailer combination, it must be carried on the truck and not on the trailer.


2)      In instances where more than one indivisible item is to be carried, it is permissible to carry excess dimension indivisible items on the truck and on the trailer unless otherwise restricted in this Schedule.


3)      A loaded vehicle that is eligible to travel at a height over 4.8m must carry its load on a vehicle or trailer with a deck height no more than 1.2m above the ground.


4)      An oversize vehicle combination longer than 30m transporting an indivisible article must have a rear-end steering unit.

8.       Condition – Heavy vehicle standards exemptions


1)      A low loader or load platform complying with the dimension requirements of this section of this Notice is exempt from compliance with Schedule 2, section 34(1) of the Heavy Vehicle (Vehicle Standards) National Regulation.


Note: This section is intended to streamline the registration of low loaders and load platforms trailers.


2)      An unladen low loader, low loader dolly, house removal trailer, load platform or jinker is permitted to operate under the requirements of this Schedule provided they are not constructed wider than:


a)      2.5m where there are 4 tyres on each axle; or

b)      2.7m where there are 8 tyres on each axle; or

c)       3.5m where the ATM is 100t or greater; or

d)      3.5m for load platform modules when used to form a load platform.


3)      The distance from the rear overhang line to the rear of an unladen low loader, house removal trailer or load platform combination must not be greater than 3.7m.


4)      Despite 3) the distance from the rear overhang line to the rear of the unladen low loader, house removal trailer or load platform may exceed 3.7m provided:


a)      the low loader or house removal trailer has 4 or more axles or the load platform has 5 or more axles; and

b)      the distance from the centre of the last 2 axles, including steerable axles, to the rear of the low loader or load platform is not greater than 3.7m.


5)      The distance from the kingpin (articulation point) to the centre of the axle group (rear overhang line) for an unladen low loader, house removal trailer or load platform may exceed 9.5m.


6)      The distance from the kingpin (articulation point) to the rear of the unladen low loader, house removal trailer or load platform may exceed 12.3m.