
Government House

Canberra   ACT   2600



29 May 2019

His Excellency the Governor-General directs it to be notified, for general information, that:

a)      He has accepted the resignation of the Prime Minister, the Honourable Scott Morrison MP, with the intention that acceptance of his resignation will terminate all the appointments in the present Ministry.


b)      He has been pleased to appoint the Honourable Scott Morrison MP as Prime Minister and Minister for the Public Service.


c)      He has been pleased to swear in as Executive Councillors:


d)      He has been pleased to make the following appointments on the recommendation of the Prime Minister:


Cabinet Ministers:


Outer Ministry:


Parliamentary Secretaries (Assistant Ministers):


e)      He has also been pleased to appoint Senator the Honourable Mathias Cormann to be Vice President of the Executive Council on the recommendation of the Prime Minister.


By His Excellency’s Command

Paul Singer MVO

Official Secretary to the Governor-General