Heavy Vehicle National Law

Queensland Class 3 Heavy Vehicle Sugar Mill Mass Management Scheme Exemption Notice 2019 (No.1)


1                      Purpose

The purpose of this notice is to allow for an efficient transport of sugar cane to particular sugar mills operating under a Registered Queensland Sugar Mill Mass Concession Scheme. 

Note: This Notice replaces the Queensland Class 3 Heavy Vehicle Sugar Mill Mass Management Scheme Exemption Notice 2016.

2                      Title

This notice may be cited as the Queensland Class 3 Heavy Vehicle Sugar Mill Mass Management Scheme Exemption Notice 2019.

3                      Commencement

This Notice commences on 1 July 2019.

4                      Expiry

This Notice expires on 30 June 2024.


5                      Authorising provision

(1)   This Notice is made under the following section of the Heavy Vehicle National Law as applied in each participating jurisdiction—

a)      Section 117:  Regulator’s power to exempt category of class 3 heavy vehicles from compliance with mass or dimension requirement.

6                      Definitions

(1)   Unless otherwise stated, words and expressions used in this notice have the same meanings as those defined in the HVNL.

(2)   In this notice:

Eligible vehicle means a vehicle that is enrolled in a Registered Queensland Sugar Mill Mass Concession Scheme.

Registered Queensland Sugar Mill Mass Concession Scheme is a scheme registered with Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) and listed in Schedule 1 of this Notice.

7                      Application

This Notice applies to eligible vehicles in Queensland.

8                      Areas & Routes

This Notice applies to the areas and routes set out in a relevant Registered Sugar Mill Queensland Mass Concession Scheme.

9                      Exemption from Prescribed Mass Requirements

(1)   This Notice exempts an eligible vehicle from the following general mass limits specified in Schedule 1 of the Heavy Vehicle (Mass Dimension and Loading) National Regulation (the Regulation):

(a)    Section 2(1)(a)(iv); and

(b)    Section 2(1)(b); and

(c)     Section 4; and

(d)    Section 5(1), (2) and (3).

10                  Conditions-Maximum Permissible Mass

(1)   Vehicles operating under this notice must not exceed:

(a)    7.5% over prescribed mass limits; and

(b)    10% over regulation axle mass limits; and

(c)     Notwithstanding subsections a) and b) above, the manufacturer’s ratings. 

11                  General Conditions

(1)   A vehicle operating under this Notice must:

(a)    Be an eligible vehicle; and

(b)    Comply with the provisions of the Registered Queensland Sugar Mill Mass Concession Scheme in which it is enrolled and under which it is operating.

(2)   A copy of this Notice must be carried at all times when operating under the conditions of this Notice.


Date: 4 June 2019


Peter Caprioli

Executive Director (Freight and Supply Chain Productivity)

National Heavy Vehicle Regulator

Schedule 1 Registered Queensland Sugar Mill Mass Concession Schemes


Registered Queensland Sugar Mill Mass Concession Scheme

Rocky Point Sugar Mill Self Regulation (Mass Concession) Scheme

Bundaberg Sugar Mill Self Regulation (Mass Concession) Scheme

Maryborough Sugar Mill Self Regulation (Mass Concession) Scheme

Mossman Sugar Mill Self-Regulation (Mass Concession) Scheme

Tablelands Sugar Mill Self Regulation (Mass Concession) Scheme