Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
For further information see the referrals list at
and type the reference number in the Filter by Referral Number box
actions determined as NOT requiring approval (EPBC Act s.75)
Reference | Title | Date |
2019/8502 | Sunshine Coast Regional Council / Telecommunications / Offshore works - not applicable / Commonwealth Marine / JGA Submarine Cable, Sunshine Coast, Qld | 13/09/2019 |
Assessment Approach (EPBC Act s.87)
Reference | Title | Assessment Approach | Date |
2018/8330 | ROY HILL IRON ORE PTY LTD / Mining / M46 / 518, M46 / 519, L46 / 104, L46 / 110, L46 / 129, L46 / 141, L46 / 142, L47 / 346, L47 / 347, L47 / 642, L47 / 735 / Western Australia / Roy Hill Iron Ore Mine expansion, Pilbara Region, WA | Accredited Assessment Process under the WA Environmental Protection Act 1986 | 13/09/2019 |
Reference | Title | Approval Decision | Date |
2017/7902 | Australia Pacific LNG Pty Limited / Energy Generation and Supply (non-renewable) / Approx. 40km south of Miles, southern central Queensland / Queensland / Alfredson Block CSG Project, Qld | Approved with conditions | 2/09/2019 |
2017/7974 | MOOLARBEN COAL OPERATIONS PTY LTD / Mining / 4250 Ulan Road, Ulan, NSW, 2850 / New South Wales / Moolarben Coal Operations Open Cut Optimisation Modification | Approved with conditions | 6/09/2019 |
2018/8244 | Brian Blum / Residential Development / Lot 501 on Deposited Plan 23800 / Western Australia / Residential subdivision, Lot 501 Vasse Hwy, Yalyalup, WA | Approved with conditions | 16/09/2019 |
Some public notifications on the Internet and in the Gazette relating to the processing of referrals for approval under Chapter 4 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 may occasionally be missed in processing by the Department of the Environment and Energy or may not meet timeframes for notification. The Department of the Environment and Energy has implemented systems and ongoing quality assurance procedures to minimise any risk of missing a notification within the required timeframe. Where a missed notification is identified the practice will be to notify these even though the timeframe for notification has lapsed. This will ensure that the history of notifications for each referral is available to the public. The Department of the Environment and Energy regrets any inconvenience that may be caused by a missed notification. Please note that late notifications have not affected subsequent processing of referrals or assessments and they do not affect decisions made.