South Australian Heavy Vehicle Standards (Six Tonne Trailer Brakes) Exemption Notice 2019 (No.1)

  1. Purpose


The purpose of this notice is to exempt a heavy vehicle to which it applies from the requirements of Part 7 of Schedule 2 of the Heavy Vehicle (Vehicle Standards) National Regulation 2014 (the National Regulation).


2.       Authorising Provision


This Notice is made under section 61 of the Heavy Vehicle National Law (the National Law) as in force in South Australia.


3.       Title


This Notice may be cited as the South Australian Heavy Vehicle Standards (Six Tonne Trailer Brakes) Exemption Notice 2019 (No.1).


4.       Commencement


This Notice commences on the date of publication.


5.       Expiry


This Notice expires five years after commencment.


6.       Definitions


Unless otherwise stated, words and expressions used in this Notice have the same meanings as those defined in the National Law.


7.       Application


1)      This Notice applies in South Australia.


2)      This Notice applies to a heavy trailer where the mass transmitted to the ground by the axles of the trailer at the time of operation, does not exceed six tonnes.




8.       Exemption from Prescribed Vehicle Standards


1)      This notice exempts a heavy trailer mentioned in clause 7 from the following provisions of the National Regulation:


a)      Section 1 of Schedule 1 - only in so far as it relates to ADR 38 (Heavy Trailer Braking Systems); and

b)      Section 2 of Schedule 1 - only in so far as it relates to section 5 (General design requirements for trailers over 4.5 tonne ‘ATM’) of ADR 38 (Trailer Brake Systems); and

c)       Division 3 of Part 7 of schedule 2 – Braking systems, of the National Regulation when operating in accordance with this notice.


9.       Conditions


1)      The heavy vehicle combination must not travel at a speed greater than 25km/h.


2)      A heavy trailer operating under this notice must only be towed by a vehicle that is capable of braking the combination.


Anthony Martin

Director Safety Standards

National Heavy Vehicle Regulator