National Class 2 Heavy Vehicle Road Train Authorisation (Notice) 2015 Amendment Notice 2020 (No. 1)


  1. Purpose

(1)    This Notice amends the National Class 2 Heavy Vehicle Road Train Authorisation (Notice) 2015 (Road Train Notice) by updating the South Australia Schedule.


Note: This amendment updates the list of available networks in the South Australian Schedule to reflect current mapping. It also updates reference to maintenance management schemes that operate with the Notice, and makes further incidental amendments.


 This amendment includes all other changes to the South Australian Schedule.

2.       Authorising Provision

(1)    This notice is made under section 119, and section 23 of Schedule 1, of the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL).

3.       Commencement

This notice commences on 3 January 2020.

4.       Expiry

This notice expires when the National Class 2 Heavy Vehicle Road Train Authorisation (Notice) 2015 expires, is cancelled or otherwise amended.

5.       Amendment

(1)    This Notice amends the National Class 2 Heavy Vehicle Road Train Authorisation (Notice) 2015 by:

a)      Omitting “Schedule 3 South Australia”, and inserting Schedule 1 “Schedule 3 South Australia” of this Notice; and



Peter Caprioli

Executive Director (Freight and Supply Chain Productivity)

National Heavy Vehicle Regulator


Schedule 1 – Replacement South Australia Schedule





Stated areas or routes


  1. A Type 1 road train not longer than 30m may use the routes set out in Appendix 1(a)  to this Schedule.


2.       A Type 1 road train up to 36.5m long may use the routes set out in Appendix 1(b) to this Schedule.


3.       A Type 1 road train specified in clause 1 and 2 above, that is carrying a specific commodity may use the routes set out in Appendix 1(c) of this Schedule.


4.       A Modular B-triple may use the routes set out in Appendix 1(d) of this Schedule.


5.       A Type 2 road train may use the routes set out in Appendix 1(e) of this Schedule.




6.       A prime mover used in a road train combination must consist of a single steer axle and either a single drive axle or a dual-drive tandem axle group.


7.       The total mass of a road train operating at general mass limits must not exceed 42.5t unless the prime mover is fitted with a dual–drive tandem axle group.


8.       Couplings fitted to a BAB-quad or ABB-quad must have a minimum D-value rating of 162 kN

(a)    the automatic pin coupling on the rear of the lead trailer;

(b)    the towing eye of the road train converter dolly;

(c)     the fifth wheel of the road train converter dolly;

(d)    the kingpin of a B-double lead trailer; and

(e)    all couplings of a B-triple.


(1)    A heavy vehicle registered in South Australia must either:

a)      hold NHVAS maintenance management accreditation for the vehicle; or

b)      display the appropriate inspection label as issued by the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure which identifies the type of configuration and the inspection expiry date.



9.       A road train that is a vehicle carrier—

(a)    as constructed must not be higher than 4.3m; and

(b)    must not carry vehicles on an upper deck unless each deck below is fully loaded; and

(c)     when the load is made up solely of vehicles, may be up to 4.6m in height



Appendix 1

(a)    Routes as specified on the DPTI RAVnet Map System titled ’30m Road Train (GML)’ network

(b)    Routes as specified on the DPTI RAVnet Map System titled ’36.5m Road Train (GML)’ network

(c)     Routes set out in the road train network as specified on the DPTI RAVnet Map System titled ’Commodity Routes - Road Train (GML)’

(d)    Routes as specified on the DPTI RAVnet Map System titled 35.0m B-Triple’

(e)    Routes as specified on the DPTI RAVnet Map System titled ’53.5m Road Train (GML)’ network


Note:- Networks referenced in this Appendix are maintained by DPTI and published on its website.