In accordance with subsection 45(3) of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) (the EPBC Act), I, Sussan Ley, Minister for the Environment, give notice of my intention to develop, on behalf of the Commonwealth, a draft bilateral agreement with the Northern Territory.
The draft bilateral agreement is intended to revoke and replace the current bilateral agreement of 11 December 2014 between the Commonwealth of Australia and the Northern Territory.
The draft bilateral agreement may update the classes of actions that are currently declared in Schedule 1 of the current bilateral agreement and make other miscellaneous updates to the current bilateral agreement.
Note: Subsection 47(1) of the EPBC Act provides that a bilateral agreement may declare that actions in a class of actions need not be assessed under Part 8 of the EPBC Act.
Dated this 12th February 2020
Sussan Ley
Minister for the Environment