Notice varying conditions on Authorisation to carry on insurance business in Australia

Insurance Act 1973


To: Lawcover Insurance Pty Limited, ABN 15 095 082 509 (the company)

Level 13, 383 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000




  1. APRA issued to the company an Authorisation to carry on insurance business in Australia under subsection 12(1) of the Insurance Act 1973 (the Act), on 13 April 2004 (the Authorisation); and
  2. The Authorisation is subject to a conditions


I, Brandon Kong Leong Khoo, a delegate of APRA, under paragraph 13(1)(b) of the Act, vary the conditions imposed on the Authorisation in the manner specified in the attached Schedule.


Dated: 17 March 2020




Brandon Kong Leong Khoo 

Executive Director

Insurance Division





Act means the Insurance Act 1973.

APRA means the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority.

insurance business has the meaning given in subsection 3(1) of the Act


Schedule – the conditions on Authorisation


The existing condition which is to be varied:



The condition as varied is:






The above condition as varied is the only condition on the company’s Authorisation