National Capital Plan Draft Amendment 95

The National Capital Authority (NCA) has released National Capital Plan Draft Amendment 95North Curtin Diplomatic Estate and Urban Area (DA95) for public consultation. The draft amendment can be viewed on the NCA’s public consultation webpage.

The purpose of DA95 is to change the land use policy of Block 4 Section 106 and part of Block 5 Section 121 Curtin to facilitate the development of a new diplomatic estate on newly acquired Commonwealth land, and to create a new urban area adjacent to the estate on land retained by the ACT Government.

The NCA welcomes feedback on DA95 by close of business Tuesday 7 July 2020. Submissions can be made via email to, by mail to GPO Box 373, Canberra ACT 2600, or hand delivered to the Treasury Building, King Edward Terrace, Parkes ACT 2600.

Please note that consultation activities are being conducted in accordance with current Public Health Emergency Directions resulting from COVID-19. Please visit the NCA’s website at for further information about DA95, the consultation process and how to have your say.

Enquiries regarding DA95 can be directed to