Customs Act 1901


Notice under Paragraph 15(1)(a)


Port Notice of Revocation and Appointment (No. 20/21) – Port of Fremantle


I, Jasmina Ackar, delegate of the Comptroller-General of Customs, under subsection 33(3) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 and paragraph 15(1)(a) of the Customs Act 1901:



a)     REVOKE the notice 'Port Revocation and Appointment (No. 20/10) Port of Fremantle published in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on 15 March 2020 (C2020G00235) appointing as a port the Port of Fremantle in the State of Western Australia and fixing the limits of that port; and


b)     APPOINT the Port of Fremantle in the State of Western Australia as a port; and


c)     FIX as the limits of that port the area within the red boundary line as indicated, and specified in the legend, in Attachment A to this notice.



The port appointed in paragraph (b) is to be a port only for purposes in relation to ships that are not international passenger cruise ships. International passenger cruise ships has the same meaning as in section 169 of the Migration Act 1958.



Dated the 30th day of June 2020.






Jasmina Ackar

Acting Director Ports Policy

Traveller Policy and Industry Engagement

Customs Group

Australian Border Force

Port Notice of Revocation and Appointment (No. 20/21) – Port of Fremantle