National Heavy Vehicle Standards (Dual Control Waste Collection Vehicles) Exemption Notice 2020 (No.1)

1.       Purpose

2.       Authorising Provision

This notice is made under section 61 of the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) as in force in each participating jurisdiction.

3.       Commencement

This notice commences on 18 September 2020.

4.       Expiry

This notice expires on 17 September 2025.

5.       Definitions

waste collection vehicle means a heavy vehicle that is—

(a)    designed and used for:

(i)            the roadside collection of waste or recycling material; or

(ii)            street sweeping; and

(b)    is fitted with both left-hand and right-hand steering controls.

safe place means an area where the vehicle can be parked where it will not interfere or impede other road users and that is safe for the driver to change steering positions.

6.       Title

This notice may be cited as the National Heavy Vehicle Standards (Dual Control Waste Collection Vehicles) Exemption Notice 2020 (No.1).

7.       Application

This notice applies to waste collection vehicles operating in all participating jurisdictions.

8.       Exemption from Prescribed Vehicle Standards

9.       Conditions

(a)    from the nearest safe place to the first point of collection or sweeping

(b)    while actively collecting waste or recycling, or street sweeping on the left-hand side of a road, relative to the direction of travel

(c)     during short transits between one collection or sweeping point and the next

(d)    from the last point of collection or sweeping to the nearest safe place.

(a)    be clearly visible at a distance of 500 metres in all directions; or

(b)    be supplemented by 1 or more additional warning lights so that the light emanating from at least 1 of them is clearly visible at a distance of 500 metres in any direction.

(a)    not be a strobe light; and

(b)    emit a yellow coloured light of rotating and flashing effect; and

(c)    flash between 120 and 240 times a minute; and

(d)    must not be of an intensity that is likely to dazzle another road user.







Peter Austin 
A/- Director Safety Standards

National Heavy Vehicle Regulator