Customs Act 1901


Notice under paragraph 15(2)(b)


Boarding Station Appointment and Revocation (No. 21/19) – Port of Newcastle


I, Jasmina Ackar, delegate of the Comptroller-General of Customs, under paragraph 15(2)(b) of the Customs Act 1901:


a)      REVOKE the notice titled NOTICE UNDER SECTION 15 published in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. GN 21 on 27 May 1998, appointing a boarding station in the Port of Newcastle; and


b)      APPOINT the area within the red boundary line as indicated in Attachment A to this notice in the Port of Newcastle in the State of New South Wales as a boarding station.


Dated the 16th day of July 2021.





Jasmina Ackar

Director Ports Policy

Traveller Policy and Industry Engagement

Industry and Border Systems Group

Australian Border Force

Boarding Station Appointment and Revocation (No. 21/19) – Port of Newcastle