Family Law (Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption) Regulations 1998
Notice of designation of a State Central Authority for Tasmania
In accordance with subregulation 10(4) of the Family Law (Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption) Regulations 1998 (Cth), on behalf of the Commonwealth Central Authority I publish a notice that Tasmania has designated the following person as the State Central Authority for the State of Tasmania
The person from time to time holding the office of State-wide Manager, Out of Home Care, Adoptions & Permanency Services, Department of Communities Tasmania.
The address of the State Central Authority for Tasmania is:
Lower Woodhouse Building, St John’s Park New Town TAS 7008
GPO Box 538, Hobart, Tasmania, 70 01
The functions of the State Central Authority for Tasmania are:
All of the functions of the State Central Authority under the Family Law Act 1975, the Family Law (Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption) Regulations 1998, the Commonwealth-State Agreement for the Continued Operation of Australia’s Intercountry Adoption Program and the Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Co-operation in respect of Intercountry Adoption.
The State Central Authority for Tasmania previously designated under subregulation 10(4) of the Family Law (Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption) Regulations 1998 (see Gazette No. 21 808 of 27 June 2018) has ceased to be a State/Territory Central Authority under that regulation.
For and on behalf of the Secretary of the Department of Social Services
Commonwealth Central Authority