New South Wales Class 3 Baled Commodities Dimension Exemption Notice 2022 (No.1)
1 Purpose
This Notice provides an exemption from height and width dimension requirements for certain configurations of heavy vehicle while they are transporting baled commodities. Vehicles operating under this Notice may operate up to the height and width limits specified provided that they meet the specified conditions.
Note: This Notice replaces the New South Wales Class 3 Baled Commodities Dimension Exemption Notice 2017 (No.1).
This Notice operates in conjunction with the New South Wales Class 3 Baled Commodities Dimension Exemption Operators Guide that is maintained and published by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator. This Guide contains important information under this notice, such as a list of eligible baled commodities, contact details and network information
2 Authorising Provision
This Notice is made under section 117 of the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL).
3 Title
This Notice may be cited as the New South Wales Class 3 Baled Commodities Dimension Exemption Notice 2022 (No.1).
4 Commencement
This Notice commences on 1 May 2022.
5 Expiry
This Notice expires on 30 April 2027.
6 Definitions
In this Notice—
eligible vehicle means a heavy vehicle or heavy vehicle combination to which section 7 and section 8 apply.
New South Wales Class 3 Baled Commodities Dimension Exemption Operators Guide (the Guide) means the document of that name published by the NHVR to operate in conjunction with this Notice.
Specified Baled Commodity means a commodity specified in the Guide.
7 Application – Vehicles
(1) This Notice applies to a heavy vehicle or a heavy vehicle combination vehicle that is:
(a) a rigid vehicle; or
(b) a prime mover and semi-trailer combination; or
(c) a B-Double; or
(d) a road train; or
(e) a truck and dog trailer combination; or
(f) a truck and pig trailer combination.
(2) This notice does not apply to B-triple and AB triple combinations.
8 Application – Baled Commodities
(1) This Notice applies to an eligible vehicle that is being used to transport a Specified Baled Commodity provided in the Guide.
9 Exemption from prescribed dimension requirements
(1) An eligible vehicle is exempt from the following dimension requirements of Schedule 6 of the Regulation:
(a) Section 7(1): Width; and
(b) Section 8(d): Height.
10 Conditions: Dimension
(1) While exempted from the dimension requirements in section 9, as a condition of this Notice an eligible vehicle must not exceed either of the following dimensions:
(a) 2.7m in width; and/or
(b) 4.6m in height.
Note: Specific route and area requirements apply for eligible vehicles under section 11(2).
(2) In addition to the requirements in 10(1), the load on the vehicle must not project more than 100mm from the outmost part of either side of the vehicle.
(3) Despite section 10(1), a vehicle operating under this Notice that is a road train, or a truck and dog combination or a truck and pig combination together with its load may not exceed 2.6m in width.
11 Conditions: Approved Routes and Travel Conditions
(1) An eligible vehicle must comply with the specified route and area requirements set out in Appendix 3 NSW Baled Commodities Routes and Travel Restrictions, of the Guide.
(2) An eligible vehicle may travel on the following routes:
(a) Loads up to 4.6m in height: loads more than 4.3m and up to 4.6m in height may only operate on approved routes outlined in the relevant 4.6 metre high notice
(b) Road Trains: may only operate on approved routes outlined in the relevant road train notice.
(c) B-Doubles: may only operate on approved routes outlined in the relevant B-double notice.
(d) Truck and Dog Trailer or Truck and Pig Trailer combination: an eligible truck and dog trailer and truck and pig trailer combination may operate under this notice:
(i) outside the NSW Urban Zone as defined in Appendix 3 NSW Baled Commodities Routes and Travel Restrictions, of the Guide; and
(ii) when travelling directly between the location where the commodity is produced and where it is stored, and any other location that is incidental to the production of the commodity.
Note: Routes and areas applicable to vehicle operating under this Notice are maintained and published the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator. Links and descriptions of these routes may be found in the Guide.
12 Conditions: Warning Devices and Travel Restrictions
An eligible vehicle with a load exceeding 2.6m in width must comply with the requirements of Appendix 4 Additional Conditions for Vehicles over 2.6m Wide, of the Guide.
Peter Caprioli
Executive Director (Freight and Supply Chain Productivity)
National Heavy Vehicle Regulator