Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000

Sub regulation 12.23(3)

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (Prohibition from Entering or Remaining on Phillip Island) Notice 2022

I, JODY SWIREPIK, Director of National Parks, having taken into account public safety, HEREBY PROHIBIT pursuant to subregulation 12.23(3) of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000 (Regulations), all persons from entering or remaining on any part of Phillip Island within the Norfolk Island National Park, between the hours of 0700 (Norfolk Island Standard Time) Thursday 16 June 2022 and 1700 (Norfolk Island Standard Time) Friday 17 June 2022 (Relevant Time).  

Firearms will be used during the Relevant Time, to manage the number of Tarler Birds (Poryphrio melanotus) on Phillip Island, and entering and remaining on Phillip Island will be prohibited at these times. Tarler Bird control is required to protect roosting and nesting seabirds.

Note: Certain classes of person are exempt from this prohibition by operation of subregulation 12.06(1) of the Regulations.

Any queries about this prohibition can be referred to the Norfolk Island National Park, Park Manager, Mr Nigel Greenup.

Email: nigel.greenup@awe.gov.au

Phone: 00116723 22695

For more information on Norfolk Island National Park and Norfolk Island Botanic Garden, visit:



Jody Swirepik
Director of National Parks

June 2022


Note:     The name of this document was amended on registration as the document as lodged did not have a unique name (see subsection 10(2), Legislation Rule 2016).