National Class 2 Road Train Authorisation Notice 2022 (No.2)

1         Purpose

(1)    The purpose of this Notice is to authorise access for Class 2 road trains that meet the requirements of this Notice.

(2)    This Notice revokes and replaces all previous version of this Notice.

Note: This Notice provides access for specified Class 2 road trains under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL). Not all road trains under the HVNL are granted access under this Notice. For example, a road train that exceeds regulation mass and dimension limits (and is therefore Class 3) does not have access under this Notice.

The National Class 2 Road Train Authorisation Notice Operator’s Guide (Guide) provides general information and specified area and routes conditions for eligible road trains. It also includes information on other requirements for road trains, including vehicle standards. The Guide is maintained and published by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR).

This edition of the Notice corrects minor amendments to previous versions of the Notice.

2         Authorising Provision

This Notice is made under section 138 of the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL).

3         Title

This Notice may be cited as the National Class 2 Road Train Authorisation Notice 2022.

4         Commencement

This Notice commences on 1 July 2022.

5         Expiry

This Notice expires on 3 June 2025.

6         Definitions

(1)    Unless otherwise stated, words and expressions used in this Notice have the same meanings as those defined in the HVNL.

(2)    In this Notice:

Dog trailer means:

(a)    A dog trailer as defined in the Heavy Vehicle (Vehicle Standards) National Regulation; or

(b)    A trailer that consists of a semitrailer and a converter dolly.

A-double means a heavy combination not longer than 36.5m consisting of a prime mover towing two trailers in which:

(a)    the first semitrailer is connected to the prime mover by a roll coupled connection; and

(b)    the second trailer is a dog trailer.

A-triple means a heavy combination consisting of a prime mover towing three trailers in which:

(a)    the first semitrailer is connected to the prime mover by a roll coupled connection; and

(b)    the second and third trailers are dog trailers.

AB-triple means a heavy combination consisting of a prime mover towing three trailers in which:

(a)    the first semitrailer is connected to the prime mover by a roll coupled connection; and

(b)    the second trailer is a dog trailer; and

(c)     the third trailer is a semitrailer that is connected to the second trailer by the roll coupled connection on the second.

ABB-quad means a heavy combination consisting of a prime mover towing four trailers in which:

(a)    the first trailer is a semitrailer and connected to the prime mover with a roll coupled connection; and

(b)    the second trailer  is a dog trailer; and

(c)     the third trailer is a semitrailer connected to the second by a roll coupled connection; and

(d)    the fourth trailer is a semitrailer connected to the third by a roll coupled connection.

B-triple means a heavy combination not longer than 36.5m consisting of a prime mover towing three semitrailers in which each semitrailer is connected to its towing vehicle with a roll coupled connection.

B-triple (modular) means a heavy combination not longer than 35m consisting of a B-triple in which:

(a)    the combination can form a compliant B-double if any one semitrailer is removed; and

(b)    the distance from the articulation point of the first trailer to the rear of the combination is no longer than 29.6m; and

(c)     the prime mover is rated by the manufacturer for a startability of 10 per cent and a gradeability of 12 per cent; and

(d)    the prime mover is capable of maintaining a minimum speed of 70km/h on a one per cent grade at a Gross Combination Mass (GCM) rating of 84.5t; and

(e)    the prime mover must have an engine with a maximum power output of not less than 370 kW (500 horsepower (hp)).

BAB-quad means a heavy combination consisting of an prime mover towing four trailers in which:

(a)    the first trailer is a semitrailer connected to the prime mover with a roll coupled connection; and

(b)    the second trailer is a semitrailer connected to the first by a roll coupled connection; and

(c)     the third trailer is a dog trailer connected to the second with a converter dolly; and

(d)    the fourth trailer is a semitrailer  and connected to the third with a roll coupled connection.

Converter dolly means a converter dolly with a roll coupled connection to the vehicle it is towing.

Prime mover means a prime mover that:

(a)    has a tandem drive axle; and

(b)    has a roll coupled connection to the vehicle it is towing; and

(c)     is not a truck.

Rigid truck combination means a rigid truck towing two dog trailers.

Participating jurisdiction means the New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia or Victoria.

Roll coupled connection means a coupling assembly on a vehicle, including a trailer, designed to connect and provide for articulation between it and another vehicle that:

(a)    limits roll between the trailer and towing unit; and

(b)    where on a vehicle for connection to the towed unit - has a coupling point that  is above or forward of its rear axle group .


Note:   A roll coupled connection is a type of coupling between two vehicles intended to provide improved stability.

 This definition specifically allows permanent or semi-permanent couplings or connections between towing units and trailers.

Type-1 Road Train means one of the following combinations as defined under this Notice:

(a)    A-double; or

(b)    AB-triple up to 36.5m in length; or

(c)     B-triple; or

(d)    B-triple (modular); or

(e)    In New South Wales a rigid truck combination up to 36.5m in length.

Type-2 Road Train means one of the following combinations as defined under this Notice:

(a)    A-triple; or

(b)    AB-triple up to 44m in length; or

(c)     ABB-quad; or

(d)    BAB-quad; or

(e)    rigid truck combination up to 47.5m in length.

Guide means the National Class 2 Road Train Authorisation Notice Operator’s Guide, maintained by the NHVR and published on its website. The Guide contains general explanatory material, but also contains road and travel conditions that may apply to specific networks provided under this Notice.

7         Application

(1)    This Notice applies to a road train that is a Class 2 road train under s136 of the HVNL that is:

(a)    a combination defined in this Notice; and

(b)    complies with the conditions of this Notice; and

(c)     complies with the conditions of the Schedule of the participating jurisdiction in which it is operating.

(2)    This Notice does not apply to:

(a)    a road train that includes a prime mover with a tri-axle drive group; or

(b)    a rigid truck combination that includes a tri-drive group.

(3)    A vehicle to which this section applies is an eligible road train.

8         Authorisation - Stated areas or routes

(1)    Pursuant to s138 of the HVNL, an eligible road train is authorised to access stated maps set out in the Schedule of the participating jurisdiction.

(2)    An eligible vehicle accessing a stated map under a schedule of this Notice must comply with conditions specified for that map in:

(a)    the body of this Notice; and

(b)    the Schedule in which the stated area or route is prescribed; and

(c)     the network access section of the Guide; and

(d)    on the map or stated area or route itself.

9         Conditions - Stated hours of stated days

Eligible road trains may use stated areas or routes at any time unless specified otherwise as a travel condition on the stated map or stated list.

10     Conditions – Schedules

An eligible road train operating under this Notice must comply with any further conditions set out in the Schedules for a relevant participating jurisdiction.


Peter Caprioli

Executive Director (Freight and Supply Chain Productivity)

National Heavy Vehicle Regulator



Schedule 1 New South Wales

1         Application

(1)    This Schedule applies in New South Wales.

(2)    This Schedule applies in New South Wales even if part of the journey includes routes and areas in another state or territory.

2         Areas and Routes – Stated Maps

(1)    An eligible road train of the category described in Column 1 of Table 1 may use the network maps stated in Column 2 of Table 1 New South Wales Networks for Road Trains:

Table 1 New South Wales Networks for Road Trains

Column 1

Column 2

Combination Type

Network Map

36.5m long A doubles

GML Type 1 A-double Network

35m long B-triple (Modular)

GML Modular B-Triple Network

36.5m B-Triple

GML B-Triple Network


36.5m AB-Triple

GML AB-Triple Network

36.5m Rigid Truck Combination

GML Type 1 Rigid Truck and Two Dog Trailers Network

Type 2 Road Train

GML Type-2 Network


Note:  Links and descriptions of these routes may be found in the Operator’s Guide

(2)    An eligible road train that has access to a network in Table 1 must comply with any vehicle, road or travel conditions applied to it by the network map as amended from time to time.

(3)    An eligible road train operating on a stated map under this section must comply with all vehicle, travel and road conditions for that network, and any other conditions pursuant to section 8 of the Notice.

Note: The network map, or the Guide, may contain conditions that only apply to particular sections of the network, or only at particular times.

(4)    An eligible road train that is a Type 1 combination consisting of a rigid truck and two trailers must not exceed 79t on any network listed in (1).

(5)    An eligible road train that is a Type 1 A-Double transporting livestock must be fitted with a tri-axle converter dolly and the converter dolly must not exceed General Mass Limits when operating east of the Newell Highway.


3         Conditions – Anti-Lock Braking Systems

A prime mover in a B-Triple or AB-Triple must have an anti-lock braking system complying with third edition Australian Design Rule 64.

Schedule 2 Queensland

1         Application

(1)    This Schedule applies in Queensland.

(2)    This Schedule applies in Queensland even if part of the journey includes routes and areas in another state or territory.

2         Areas and Routes – Stated Maps

(1)    An eligible road train of the category described in Column 1 of Table 1 may use the network maps stated in Column 2 of Table 1 Queensland Networks for Road Trains:

Table 1 Queensland Networks for Road Trains

Column 1

Column 2

Combination Type

Network Map

Type 1 Road Train, up to 36.5m in length

PBS 3A (up to type 1 road trains) (RT1)

PBS 4A (up to type 2 road trains) (RT2)

Type 2 Road Train, up to 53.5m in length


PBS 4A (up to type 2 road trains) (RT2)


Note:  Links and descriptions of these routes may be found in the Operator’s Guide.

(2)    An eligible road train that has access to a network in Table 1 must comply with any vehicle, road or travel conditions applied to it by the network map as amended from time to time.

(3)    An eligible road train operating on a stated map under this section must comply with all vehicle, travel and road conditions for that network, and any other conditions pursuant to section 8 of the Notice.

Note: The network map, or the Guide, may contain conditions that only apply to particular sections of the network, or only at particular times.

3         Conditions – Quad axle group restriction

An eligible road train operating under this Schedule may not have a quad axle group on any its components when operating on a State controlled road.


Schedule 3 South Australia

1         Application

(1)    This Schedule applies in South Australia.

(2)    This Schedule applies in South Australia even if part of the journey includes routes and areas in another state or territory.

2         Areas and Routes – Stated Maps

(1)    An eligible road train of the category described in Column 1 of Table 1 may use the network maps stated in Column 2 of Table 1 South Australia Networks for Road Trains:

Table 1 South Australia Networks for Road Trains

Column 1

Column 2

Combination Type

Network Map

30.0m A-double (Type 1 Road Train)

30.0m Road Train

Commodity Routes – Road Train

36.5m A-double (Type 1 Road Train)

35.0m B-Triple (Modular) (Type 1 Road Train)

36.5m B-Triple (Type 1 Road Train)

Eligible rigid truck combination (Type 1 Road Train)

36.5m Road Train

Commodity Routes – Road Train

36.5m AB-Triple (Type 1 Road Train)

PBS Level 3A

42m AB-Triple (Type 2 Road Train)

PBS Level 3B

Other eligible type 2 road trains

53.5m Road Train

Note:  Links and descriptions of these routes may be found in the Operator’s Guide.

(2)    An eligible road train that has access to a network in Table 1 must comply with any vehicle, road or travel conditions applied to it by the network map as amended from time to time.

(3)    An eligible road train operating on a stated map under this section must comply with all vehicle, travel and road conditions for that network, and any other conditions pursuant to section 8 of the Notice.

Note: The network map, or the Guide, may contain conditions that only apply to particular sections of the network, or only at particular times.

Schedule 4 Victoria

1         Application

(1)    This Schedule applies in Victoria.

(2)    This Schedule applies in Victoria even if part of the journey includes routes and areas in another state or territory.

2         Areas and Routes – Stated Maps

(1)    An eligible road train of the category described in Column 1 of Table 1 may use the network maps stated in Column 2 of Table 1 Victoria Networks for Road Trains:

Table 1 Victoria Networks for Road Trains

Column 1

Column 2

Combination Type

Network Map

36.5m A-Double

Victoria Road Train Network

Note:  Links and descriptions of these routes may be found in the Operator’s Guide.

(2)    An eligible road train that has access to a network in Table 1 must comply with any vehicle, road or travel conditions applied to it by the network map as amended from time to time.

(3)    An eligible road train operating on a stated map under this section must comply with all vehicle, travel and road conditions for that network, and any other conditions pursuant to section 8 of the Notice.

Note: The network map, or the Guide, may contain conditions that only apply to particular sections of the network, or only at particular times.