National Heavy Vehicle Western Australia Supplementary Work and Rest Hours Exemption (No.1)
1) This notice provides an exemption from work and rest hour requirements for the drivers of fatigue regulated heavy vehicles who are operating under the National Class 3 Supplementary Access (Western Australia Assistance) Exemption Notice, as amended from time to time, and are also compliant with Western Australia Heavy Vehicle Accreditation.
Note: Nothing in this exemption relieves the driver of a fatigue regulated heavy vehicle from the duty to avoid driving while fatigued, pursuant to section 228 of the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL).
This Notice does not provide an exemption from work diary ore record keeping requirements under Part 6.4 of the HVNL, or from any safety duty that may apply under Chapter 1A of the HVNL.
2. Authorising Provisions
1) This notice is issued under the following provisions of the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL):
a) section 266 - Regulator’s power to exempt class of drivers from particular maximum work requirements and minimum rest requirements
3. Title
This notice may be cited as the National Heavy Vehicle Western Australia Supplementary Work and Rest Hours Exemption (No.1).
4. Commencement
This notice commences on 15 March 2023.
5. Expiry
This notice expires on 30 June 2023.
6. Definitions
Unless stated otherwise, words and expressions used in this notice have the same meaning as in the HVNL and its regulations.
7. Application – class of work
1) The exemption from work diary requirements under section 2(1)(a) of this notice applies to a driver who is operating a fatigue regulated heavy vehicle in compliance with the National Class 3 Supplementary Access (Western Australia Assistance) Exemption Notice 2023, as amended from time to time.
Note: The National Class 3 Supplementary Access (Western Australia Assistance) Exemption Notice 2023 is an exemption notice issued by the Regulator under section 117 of the HVNL.
2) Pursuant to s270 (1)(b) of the HVNL, the work specified under 1) is the class of work to which this notice applies.
3) A driver to whom this section applies and who complies with the conditions of this notice is an eligible driver.
8. Condition - work and rest hours
1) An eligible driver must comply with the following work and rest hours requirements set out in Schedule 1 of this notice:
a) Table 1 Work and Rest Hours – for a solo driver of a fatigue regulated heavy vehicle
b) Table 2 Work and Rest Hours – for a two-up driver of a fatigue regulated heavy vehicle
9. Conditions – compliance with Western Australia Heavy Vehicle Accreditation
Eligible drivers must be employed by an operator that holds Western Australia Heavy Vehicle Accreditation (WAHVA).
10. Condition – currency of medical examination
1) In addition to the requirement in section 10, eligible drivers operating under this notice must also have undergone a medical check compliant with WAHVA or National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme within the last:
a) 3 years for drivers aged 49 and under; or
b) 1 year for drivers aged 50 and over.
11. Condition – carriage of documents
1) An eligible driver must carry the following documents and produce them when required by an authorised officer or a police officer:
a) Documents establishing that they are employed by for an operator that holds and is compliant with Western Australia Heavy Vehicle Accreditation.
b) A copy of this notice.
David Hourigan
Chief Regulatory and Policy Standards Officer
National Heavy Vehicle Regulator
Schedule 1 Work and rest hours options
Pursuant to section 8 of this notice, an eligible driver must comply with the work and rest hours options provided in the following tables.
Table 1 Work and Rest Hours – solo driver of a fatigue regulated heavy vehicle
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
Total Period | Maximum Work Time | Minimum Rest Time |
In any period of … | A driver must not work for more than a maximum of … | … a driver must not rest for less than … |
6 ¼ hours | 6 hours work time | 15 minutes continuous rest time |
9 hours | 8 ½ hours work time | 30 minutes rest time, in blocks of at least 15 continuous minutes |
12 hours | 11 hours work time | 60 minutes rest time, in blocks of at least 15 continuous minutes |
24 hours | 14 hours | 7 continuous hours stationary rest time |
7 days (168 hours) | 36 hrs long/night work time | No limit set |
14 days (336 hours) | 144 hours work time | (a) 24 continuous hours stationary rest time taken after no more than 84 hours work time; and (b) 24 continuous hours stationary rest time; and (c) 2 night rest breaks; and (d) 2 night rest breaks taken on consecutive days |
Table 2 Work and Rest Hours – two-up driver of a fatigue regulated heavy vehicle
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
Total Period | Maximum Work Time | Minimum Rest Time |
In any period of … | A driver must not work for more than a maximum of … | … a driver must not rest for less than … |
24 hours | 14 hours | No limit set |
82 hours | No limit set | 10 hours of continuous stationary rest time |
7 days (168 hours) | 36 hrs long/night work time | (a) 24 continuous hours stationary rest time; and (b) 24 hours stationary rest time in blocks of at least 7 continuous hours |
14 days (336 hours) | 140 hours work time | 4 night rest breaks |