NOTICE OF APPLICATION for the placement of artificial reefs (reef stars) at Hastings Reef (SD48458.1) UNDER


Pursuant to Section 25 of the Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Act 1981, notice is hereby given that:

An application was made on 6 March 2023 by Mr Eric FISHER and REEF MAGIC CRUISES PTY. LTD. and CITIZENS OF THE GREAT BARRIER REEF and JAMES COOK UNIVERSITY Acting through the CENTRE for TROPICAL WATER and AQUATIC ECOSYSTEM RESEARCH and DAWUL WURU ABORIGINAL CORPORATION and MARS AUSTRALIA PTY LTD and Ms Kerry CAMERON, C/- Reef Magic Cruises/Reef Fleet Terminal, 1 Spence Street, CAIRNS, QLD 4870, for the placement of artificial reefs (reef stars) at Hastings Reef in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.

Details of the application may be obtained from Assistant Director, Science, Government and Ports, Environmental Assessment and Protection (07 4750 0700), Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, PO Box 1379, Townsville QLD 4810 or via Mr Eric FISHER (Reef Magic Cruises on (0437 138 780).





General Manager

Marine Park Operations

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority


29 March 2023