Pooled Development Funds Act 1992

Notice of non-revocation of Pooled Development Fund registration on 15 March 2023

The authorised delegate of Industry Innovation and Science Australia (IISA) refers to its decision of 23 April 2021 to affirm its earlier decision of 3 February 2021 under s 47 of the Pooled Development Funds Act 1992 (PDF Act) to revoke the Pooled Development Fund registration declaration of MEC Resources Limited (ACN 113 900 020) (see Gazette dated 12 February 2021).

The authorised delegate of IISA advises that on 15 March 2023 the Administrative Appeals Tribunal set aside IISA’s decision of 23 April 2021 and substituted it with a decision not to revoke MEC Resources Limited’s Pooled Development Fund registration declaration under s 47 of the PDF Act (see MEC Resources Ltd and Industry Innovation and Science Australia [2023] AATA 399).


Dated: 20 April 2023


Brett Yeomans

A/g General Manager

Commercialisation Division