Public Works Committee Act 1969
Notice under subsection 18(8A) - Defence Airfield Maintenance Works at RAAF Base Curtin and RAAF Base Learmonth in Western Australia
I, Katy Gallagher, Minister for Finance, acting under the authority of subsection 18(8A) of the Public Works Committee Act 1969 (the Act):
a) I am satisfied that the works described in the Schedule are, for the purposes of subsection 18(8) the Act, substantially similar to other works that have been carried out, are being carried out or are likely to be carried out from time to time by the Commonwealth, or by or for an authority of the Commonwealth to which the Act applies; and
b) I note that in accordance with paragraph 18(8A)(b), the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works agreed to the work being so declared on
30 November 2023.
I hereby declare those works to be repetitive work for the purposes of subsection 18(8A) of the Act.
Public Works Committee - Defence Airfield Maintenance Works at RAAF Base Curtin and RAAF Base Learmonth in Western Australia.
Dated this 7th day of February 2024
Katy Gallagher
Minister for Finance